The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1368 of the Chapter 1368 of the Host System of Tennis Prince

Unprecedented death balls, night-long, even think that the death ball of Guula is better than fighting more than ten times more than the combat power!

"It turns out that the light column just just is just a matter of obedience, in order to get the time of condensation of the ball. This Gula is indeed more than Flissa, and he has been hurt, actually to condense such a powerful death ! "The night is cold and cold looking at Guula.

"It is a genius of the universe!" Night lived on a huge death ball, and there was a smile in his mouth, "Come on, let me see how much you are!"

1339 chapter, the death of Guula

"Haha, you are very big, the Saiyan!" He is a hurtful Guula looked at the night long, and at the same time, the death ball of the head was constantly rising. "You follow this planet to destroy it!" "

Bang! Huge orange killed balls fly to night long-term wind, almost cover the entire field of vision in front of the night.

"Wanli Buddha is like a gold!" The night's hard work, the whole body essence, the huge Buddha, the huge Buddha, the huge Buddha, and the same, at the same time, the Tan Dao Buddhist hand started before the night length, gathered into one Zhang Jin's big net.

! The death ball of covering the sky is directly hit to the Wan Dao Buddha's hand to launch the golden big online, which is the continuous tumbling of the waves.

... Countless golden electric light surges in front of the night length, without opening a super-Saiyian model, night long style decides to hard this oversized death ball!

"Stupid! Do you think you can take my death ball empty? I told you, I can be different from my fool brother!" The ancient Lei is crazy, and the hands slowly launched. Night wind on death.

"Yes?" Night's mouth, the two 31 arms started to rise, the speed of death ball fell instantly, and Guula gathered all the body of all cell potential, the indecent, it was amazed, enough to destroy The gray planet outside this solar system.

Booming ... The final huge death ball is another step in the surface of the night long, the dust is in the sky, the smoke is the sky, and Guula has already felt that his Jedi was successful.

"Wow haha ​​... arrogant Saiyan, you will become ashes with this planet! You will also completely disappear in the universe!" Gurat mad smiled, it seems to be wins in grip.

! At this time, the surface of the gray planet was accidentally exploded, and the gravel raised into the dead ball, and it was instantly burned into a caver.

The night-long wind is the arms of the bulge raised huge death balls. His full body overflowing Jin Lang even covered the light of death.

"Nani!" The ancient laughing was instantly solidified on his face.

"Destroy? Disappearance? Joke, your attack ability is not as good as Shalu!" The night's cold eyes are full.

"Dragon Elephant is Qi!" The night's wind fill the whole body on the army, and the dragon icon of the clouds that emerged behind him also made the ancient pulled eyes, not dare. I believe everything in front of you.

... After night long, I won the Manyteen Dragon, I like the vain, the whole gray planet is constantly vibrating, it seems to be afraid of the power of the night.

"Also give you!" At this time, the arms of the night grow up have risen double. After the dragon is in the middle of the wind, the night long is directly pushing the death ball back to Guula.

The night long-term winds shot two huge golden palms, constantly pushing the death ball to the ancient rules, and the speed is ten times faster than before the ancient pulleys.

"This is impossible!" The arms of the ancient kiwa conscious are in front of Xion ▉.

The huge death ball directly slammed on his crossed arms, pulling the ancient planets of the Gray Planet.

"Hey ..." The ancient flaming screamed, his power could not be compared to two golden giants that were driven after the death ball.

To know that the two golden giants gathered all the power of all the dragon icons that the night can make it, it can be said that there is a loyal power of [] peak, how to fight more than one billion Guli can get .

Bang! The Elderts were bullied in the madness of death in the death ball, and his body continued to fly out, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

White armor, white armor, has been killed by death. It is soaked that the green Gula will quickly feel the red heat behind it, and it is getting hotter.

"What!" Guola turned back, but it was actually a huge bears burning planet.

It turned out to be the star of the Garlan in the galaxy. This star is very huge. It is a few times in the sun in the sun. It is more than a hundred times more than a gray planet. It doesn't want to think that the energy is very horrible.

"Be evil!" The ancient scorpion, he wants to break freely from a huge gravitation accelerated to fly to the huge star, but it is a huge power to carry two golden palms on the back of the death ball.

"Ah, ah ..." Along with the arrogance of Guula, the death ball is directly in the stars with Guula.

The outer layer of the whole star is gaseous hydrogen, and the temperature is also thousands of degrees, and the ancient Ru's consistent person starts to burn.

"Be evil ..." It flashed in the ancient Tila brain was a picture from Flissa and Cruid's death news. At that time, he didn't put the Saayans at the eyes.

Now I have thought that the super-universe the most universe the most universe is not known that it has been hanging.

"It turns out ... Tian Tian is not only Fhalis, I am also the same!" Death balls rushed into the stars kernel.

The two golden palms of the ancient lacons, including death, and night-to-wind, which were all burned into caverns. The temperature of the star kernel was too high, and even the energy of the energy could not survive.

Even now, now the night's live wind does not say that he can survive at the kernel of the star, and it does not dare to quench the body with the temperature of the stars.

Night wind knows that even the ability is full, it is not necessarily to support how long it is, let alone ancient lacked.

At this 350th, the wind is gray planet, looking up at this galaxy star, after a bright, the entire galaxy recovers the dead water.

Ding! Congratulations to the user to complete the branch task, prevent Guula from destroying the earth, you have obtained 500,000 to replace.

The suggests of super god system sounded in the night growth, and the nozzles of the mouth were slightly lifted. "Sure enough, it is too simple, it is not fun!"

"Well, the redemption point is good!" The night's wind sweeps his redemption point. After a period of accumulation has reached 1050,000, it is a considerable number of numbers.

Although the redemption point of the super god system is not so big in the power of the force world, it is also conceived that there is no artifact, but the critical moment is exchanged for some urgent things or very convenient.

And the night-catching wind does not necessarily stay in the military world, occasionally go to the world, the use of the exchange points is very big.

In recent time, the night growing in the Dragon Ball world can be described as a smooth water. The opponent's strength is not very strong, which makes the night growing a little bit of the game in the world of blood!

However, it is impossible to make the championship that the super-god system is impossible to publish this branch mission, and there must be a plot of the branch line, and this striking story is far from the imagination of the night.

1340 chapter, intruder

On the high altitude that fell to the gray planet, the night cost directly launched his hands and summoned a huge star war.

After returning to the Star War Battate, the night cost is directly taken by the Star Warcad to return to the earth.

"Changfeng, you are nothing? That ... Flissa?" Seeing the night-catching back to the earth, Clin is a breath.

"I am fine! You don't have to worry, the guy is Guola, is a brother of Flissa!" The night grows slowly.

"What! It is actually a brother of Flizza, it is no wonder that it is as simple as it!" Clin surprised the mouth.

"Ah, fighting power is also like Flissa, has been killed! You continue to have a wild!" The night's wind sweeps a very high, and the mood is not very high.

It has been too long time without the blood of the blood, and the night long style feels that his hands must be rusted.

"Good yeah! It's a long wind, you protect the earth!" Klin excitedly waved his fist, and then found that the night's wind seems to be somewhat in peace. It is very doubt. Ah? What happened? "

"Nothing!" The night was swaying, he knew that everyone else would hit the urgency of seeking a true opponent.

Master is silence [lonely], silence [lonely] master.

It's too boring on the earth, and the night long is decided to find a planet that is suitable for practicing in the universe, and the progress of cultivation on the earth is too slow, and the night-long wind thinks in the universe to find a planet. Cultivate.

After chances with Burma and Clin and others, the night-length wind is in mind to take care of everyone, as long as there is a huge crisis, use ultra-remote communication devices and his communication.

The so-called ultra remote communication device, the Dragon Ball World is not, this is a high-tech product that spent 50,000 redemption points in the supernatural system store.

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