The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1369 of the Chapter 1369 of the Prince of Tennis

This ultra-remote communication device is very similar to the video call, the biggest feature is to communicate with billion-lighted years.

As long as the night is not going to a special place or a special location, he can contact the ultra-remote communication device and the Bike et al.

Of course, Burma has less research, she is always very curious, why, the night is like an universal robot, I can have a variety of far-reducing technologies.

Every time Booma wants to ask the night-lived, the night is just a reason to find an unreliable reason.

! Returning to the Star War Battles, night-long winds let the artificial intelligence start the space insect hole to find a planet that is more suitable for cultivation, and the fast star battle ship drilled into the colorful worm hole, disappeared outside the blue planet. Space.

A few months later, when the night's long wind rides the Star Lownshards ship, after a distant X87 galaxy, it is finally looking for a planet that is very suitable for cultivation of orange.

The entire surface of this planet is a magma sea, and it is not ordinary magma, which has some magical substance to make the flesh of the night stronger.

The specific principle night is not clear. In short, he came to this planet, he directly drilled into the magma sea.

In addition, the vitality of this planet is also very horrible. It is actually ten times more than half a year of the bloody planet. The overall atmosphere of the whole planet is almost all orange.

The environment can be described as very perfect, and the night length is so far away from the state of cultivation.

In the end of the year, it is a few months, and the night long wind is still sitting in the rock sea, and the whole planet has changed, and the vitality in the atmosphere of the planet is getting less and less. Also in the madness of the mortar sea, it is absorbed by the night.

I originally there is a sea that is light, and there is less and less bright, almost all gathered to the night long-lasting wind, and the flesh of the night is slowly inhaled, disappearing.

On the other side, on a green huge planet, Namek is building their new home.

This blue-green planet is that the new place of residence found by the Mekn people, and its environment and the original Weixing star are extremely similar.

Tome Kars has established a lot of strongholds on this planet, and the number is also slow, they are expanding their homes.

At this time, a Mekith actually found the bright sun in the top of the head was being gradually covered.

"Hey? What is that?" A long elder of the American Star people also noticed this abnormal phenomenon. He called all the beautiful couples who were gathering. "Everyone came out!"

Soon the sun returned to the sight of the Mekikan, in fact, a huge object of a round spheres was blocked between this green star ball and the sun.

This huge object is very large, probably a quarter of the planet laugh, the above surface looks a metal.

This metal ball flew to the side of the green planet, stopped, and then started to extend a lot of metal arm and thoroughly shroud the green star ball.

Bang! After the deformation, the metal ball directly passed through the atmosphere, landed on the green star, and the green planet began to shake dramatically.

The sea surface on the planet is turbulence, and many grounds are also cracking, and the landform is instantaneous.

The new gathering of Namek in the construction has also been greatly affected, and many buildings collapsed directly.

The final metal ball is to stretch the eight-claws of the eight-claw generally directly kneel on the New Nimith of the Meki people.

"Fast! Quickly inform Dandi, inform him to let the Bike come to help!" Namek new big old Muli knows that things are not bad, directly let the communicator in the hand use the meaning (Li's) rule being treated on the earth Dandy of God.

Earth heaven.

Dandi is observing things between the earth, and his brain sounds familiar sounds.

"Dandi, you quickly notify Bike and Changfeng Jun them to help, we have been invaded, the opponents are very powerful, there is a huge spaceship!"

"Ah!" Dandi heard this news, widened his eyes, and he told Bike.

Bike frowned, "Someone sneaks new Mei Xing? Who is it, what is the purpose?"

"No matter, let's notify the night long wind guy, the opponent is too strong, I may not be able to deal with it!" Bike worried that he could not deal with the invader, directly took out the ultra-remote communication device gave him to him. Calling the night wind.

At this time, the night length of the orange planet magma has received a tips, which jumped directly from the sea of ​​magma!

1341 chapter, branch task follow-up

"What happened, what happened to the earth?" Opened the remote communication device, and the night's face saw the Bike's face and asked directly.

"No! It is a new Mekith, Dadi said that the new Meixing made a distress signal. They were aggressive, and invaders seem to be very powerful, there is a very huge metal spacecraft!" Bike Shen Sheng.

"It turns out!" The night's wind is slightly thoughtful, the suggestion of the superhen system of the brain sounds directly.

Ding! Trigger branch task Subsequent: Block New Nikx Star Intrusion

Task Level: Legendary Mission

Task reward: number of lottery plus three

Failure punishment: Super-system depth sleep

Systematic evaluation: New Namek star suffers from mysterious attacks, please quickly go to block!

"Well? Actually triggered the follow-up of the branch mission, is this intrusion event and the last Gulu, or the other people of the Flizza family?" The night is very frowning, at this time, the task level is actually legend task.

These months of cultivation, the fighting power of the night, has no small increase, especially the flesh power, the magical substance in the sea of ​​the magma, and the mysterious material in the sea of ​​magma, the flesh power is a sharp progress.

With the fighting power of the night, the super-god system still judges the task is a legendary task, which means that the intruder's combat power is -320- and the night length is right or on the night.

Moreover, the punishment of the task is the depth of the superhen system, although it is not as serious as a permanent sleep, it is obviously not a good thing, and the night is absolutely not to defeat.

"What kind of opponent is this time, I hope I don't let me be disappointed!" Jin Guang was free.

! At night, the long wind is gripped, pinching is a sound, and the waters under his body exploded the pillars of the big magma, which look very spectacular, Bike was shocked.

"Night long wind, what happened over there?" Biks quickly asked, "What is it?"

"A unmanned planet, it's okay, tell me the location of New Nik, we will meet there!" The night long-term wind slowly opened his double boxing.

! The pillars of the magma are all under, and there is a lot of magma.

"Good!" Bike didn't ask more, he did not have a lot of people, and directly passed the address of the new US King to the night length through the remote communication device, the Bike and the night portrait ended the communication.

Book is informing the Clin and others, and the new cosmic boat traveled directly from Boojam flies towards the invasive new Meik.

Night live wind is also directly returning to the Star War, open the super jumping, flying speeds to the very far-won.

Burma developed a new cosmic ship.

This time, it is not just Klin and Bick, even Xiandetx and Turtle cactus also have to go to New Namek.

Terks, of course, the child's heart wants to see the world outside, and Different Timark, Turkks at night's time line is affected by Night. .

The character is very lively, stronger, Burma is also awkward, only let him follow the Klin and others to go to Tome.

Anyway, there is a powerful night-long wind! Nothing did not see the invasive invaders of the new Meixing star.

"Uncle Klin, what is the US King of Karlin?" "" Trogus is looking forward to asking the Klin.

"Haha, I only have to go to the original Weixing, what we have to go like, I don't know! But I guess is a green planet!" Ke Lin touched the brain spoon and laughed.

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