The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1370 of the Chapter 1370 of the Prince of Tennis

"Green ..." Tex's eyes bright, "Well, it must be very fun!"

"Let's eat, eat full of fullness before fighting!" The Turtle Cactus opened the rice cooker in front of him, and took out a lot of hot spirits, and handed over Two.

"Well!" Tex smiled and found a rice group, one, and it was a good thing.

"Hey, Wu Tian teacher, how do you want to be with us this time. You are not ..." Klin Just said that he was afraid of death, see (dbfh), the turtle fairy, a bad expression is hard. The swallowed into the belly.

"Klin, your kid is now better than Master, I dare to tease me?" The turtle fairy pushed the sunglasses on the nose. "I haven't been active for a long time, I also miss the long wind, go see, anyway, There is a kid, we must have won! "

"Cut ... I don't want to think about long, but I miss the film's film ..." Klin's mouth.

"Hey, do you not come to eat?" Terros is very confused, looking at the Bike standing in the control room.

"Tex, you can eat it, don't take the guy!" Clin also picked up two meals to the armband of Telks.

"Well!" Tex child's heart quickly became big and drinked again. He has the blood of the Saiyan, and the appetite is also very large.

At this time, the Bike looked at the vast galaxy outside the spacecraft window, he was very cold, "I haven't arrived yet?"

In fact, the new US King is not too far from the distance of the earth. Soon the spacecraft of everyone will come to the space that is not far away from the new Meik.

! Kelin looked at the new US knock outside the window, and it was a green planet, and the Clin was stunned, and the rice group in his hand fell on the ground.

"I ... what is that?" Kelin saw the metal hemispherical spacecraft squatted on the new Meixing star, and the mouth BA was very boss.

At the same time, Bick and others have grown up their eyes and have a surprise.

"Is that a planet and another planet integration?" The turtle fairy also stunned.

"Ah, it seems to be a planet to eat another planet!" Tex pointed to the new Meik's star.

"No, how can there be this kind of thing!" Cool sweat drops on the forehead.

"Okay, don't guess! Let's go on and the night growth!" Bikeng, starting with the airline of the new Meixing star, landing to the new Meixing star.

At this time, on the new American star, many of the gathering of Namek, many special robots, these robots are very combat power.

There is almost no battle type of the American star in the new Meik, which leads to many people who are directly captured and are being brought to others.

"Be evil!" Finally, Drake was prisoned by prisoners, a relatively young strong man rushed out, rushing to a big robot, wanting a punching robot.

"Don't impulsive!" Namek's long man Mul Li dissuaded.

The robot has inductive people behind him, turned directly, grabbed the US King people with mechanical claws.

1342 chapter, resurrection metal Guula

! The big robot directly clung the Meik of the robots in the ground, and then launched the Round Round Bottorch on the right hand on the United States.

boom! A blue energy group shot from the robot's gun, directly to the Megres who falls on the ground.

"Worse!" Namek stars, Lao Muli closed his eyes.

At this time, a figure jumped from the air, and the blue energy group was born directly.

It is a hide from the flight from the spacecraft!

"It's you!" The beautiful star of the United States who opened his eyes saw a joy of the Bike.

"Well? Changfeng, haven't you come yet?" Klin Dongzhu went to see the ghosts of the night.

"Who is it!" Bick is cold and looked at the huge silver robot in front of him, and the Backer, which has Niru's incorporated Bik saw that Meki people have been treated so, and the anger of the chest is constantly .

!!! At this time, more silver robots after the silver machine flew, one by one, and formed a silver robot leader.

"Bik, you can come too good!" Tome Grammith, Mul Li, shouted with Bike.

"Well!" Bik nodded against Muli, then looked at the robot leader in front of the robot, and the cold eyes became cold. "No matter who you are, give me a glow, my patience is limited!"

!!! More silver robots fly, there are thousands of more than thousands, surrounding Namek and the Bike Troupe.

"Ah, it seems that it is too good, the number of enemies is too much!" The turtle fairy heated out of the forehead, "I didn't come early!"

!!! At this time, a glimmer of silver is shining, and the whole body silver-luminous circle metal people slowly walked to everyone, and the momentum was full.

boom! Silver metal people are moving behind the silver tail, and silver is swaying.

"Bastard! Who is this guy, how can I be so familiar!"

"He is ..." Klin has grown up his eyes, and it is full of sweat forehead.

"Is Guula!" The sound of the night is slow in front of everyone, and appeared in front of the metal.

"Changfeng, you are coming!" After the cactus saw the night's wind, he was long, and there was a long-lasting style. The turtle fairy was relieved.

"It's impossible!" Klin and Bick were shocked, "Changfeng, did you have last time, have you said it?"

"Ah, maybe I have not completely killed him!" The night is cold and looking at the silver Gula, the instinct is a dangerous breath.

The ancient Rula and the previous Guula are completely different, the shape is quite, but the silver metal appearance looks very cool, and the sale is forced to improve several grades.

"Oh ..." Silver ancient taiji horn, smirked.

"Night long wind, are you very surprised!" Metal Guula sounds like a machine like a machine, "I haven't died yet!"

"And Tobesda star super high technology, my strength has reached the realm of my horror!"

"Bixda Star?" The night's eyebrows were picked up. "Is it a weird planet that biting the metal of the new Meixing?"

"Hey!" Metal Guola's red light flashed, and did not answer the problem of night long wind.

"It seems that I guess it, there should be some secrets than Kasta Star!" Thinking in the night.

"Changfeng, here is handed over, I will go back first!" The turtle fairy waved his hands.

"I am going ... Wu Tianshi, how come you come!" The night's wind smiled a while, and then rushed to the after the body. "You first go to some, Bike, you help protect Rankns! "

"Ah! Give you!" Bike nodded, seeing the expression of the night, Bike knew that the enemy in front of him is not as good as it looks so good, especially metal Guula.

"On!" Metal Guola's right hand, one finger, thousands of silver robots in all directions, come to the night-winding and other people.

"How many people with my little child?" The night grew smiled, and his black undead fire was jumped.

"Go out, my warrior!" The night's hands started.

bass! bass! bass! At this time, the top of the crowd came thousands of black spots, and then these black spots were instantly launched into a black hole.

"What is this?" Metal Guula obviously did not see the night's long wind, a surprise, a surprise, and ambiguity that flashed in the eyes.

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