The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1371 of the Chapter 1371 of the Prince of Tennis

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boom! boom! boom! What makes Metal Guula surprised that these black holes in these dense Malaysia sky have fly out of huge bones.

These bone birds and robots are almost, and the bones of the unfolded bones are full of few meters long, and the eye cave is deep red undead fire.

"This quantity is too exaggerated!" Hiding the turtle cactus behind a rock wall must jump.

After the noise of the night length, the number of bone birds rushed to the silver metal robot, and the mouth is opened, and the fireball is all accurately hit the silver robot.

boom! boom! boom! The continuous explosion resounded throughout the new Meixing, and the US King people were scared, and this large-scale battle is a memory that is never forgotten for them.

[... [...

Because it is too spectacular, after a photo, the money silver robot has lost half, all by fireballs, a mechanical parts, which are scattered.

The rest of the silver robot is also soon be siegeed, directly disassembled into pieces, and of course the bone bird has certain losses, but in general, it is a victory.

The quantity of boneless robots with hundreds of bone bone biochemical bone slags full of metal Gula's Silver Robot Legion.

"Awesome! How old, the night, the guy calls so many strange creatures, and can be controlled!" Bike eyes are shocked.

Klin is a habitually started to start to Brave Tex. "Hey, Terry is not seen, your Master is the strongest person in the universe. What Guola can't be your mission!"

"Well!" Tervex saw that it was full of eyes and worshiping, watching the night of the night.

bass! Grand hands, the rest of the remaining bone bird income in the small world, the bones of the bones, the combat power of the bones is limited, and the silver robot is more than enough, dealing with metal Gula is completely useless.

If the level is too large, the quantity is a number, and the gap between the sea tactics is a joke in front of the gap.

So the night is lazy to attack metal Gulu with bone bird, but directly in the small world, and cultivate the nutrients of Xiaomaitian Tree.

1343 chapter, horrible defense

"Hey, are you demonstrating me?" Metal Guola is cold and looked at the night growth. "It seems that your combat power is a lot!"

"You don't know, you will never know what I really do will never know!" The night is deliberately provoked.

"Radust!" Metal ancient Pilatebrer is not good, and his hatred flame spreads up.

Night long winds and metallic Guola are opposite, and the Mekikan and Clin and others have returned hundreds of meters away.

Boom ... At this time, the surface of the new Meik star began to vibrate, the ground gravel between the metal Guula and the night-catching wind turned into the air.

! Suddenly, the air on the air broke into the powder.

Night long wind and metal Guula are simultaneously moving, each rushing to each other, and the ground under their feet is the crack of "143".

boom! boom! boom! boom! The two are a continuous pair of punches, such as thunder!

Every pair of punches, the air is compressed, the fire is on the sky, and the whole land is trembling!

Let the night growers are a little surprised that metal Guula's growth, at this time, although there is no super-Saiyian model, its flesh power has passed through the cultivation on orange planet, has greatly improved.

Even so, Metal Guula can live with him so hard to fell in the wind, and it is a residual icy expression.

"This guy is not only the body to become a metal is so simple!" When you think of the night, the hands are accelerating the speed of punch.

!!! The two have been hitting the atmosphere of the new Meixing star from the high altitude, and the speed is getting faster, and there is hundreds of boxes in a moment. No one can see the movements of the two.

"This metal Guula is actually so strong, can play this situation with the long wind!" Surprised in the eyes of Clin.

The same side is also very surprised to the combat power of Metal Guula. If you change it is his Bike, the Bike feels that you can't even have a few tricks.

boom! At this time, the night-long wind and right arm suddenly rose, and a strong sterilized heavy boxer finally crossed the metal Guli line to hit the chest of metal Gula.

After a dull voice, the night long style felt that he was on an indestructible cosmic spite, and his right hand was a numb, this feeling of night is long.

It can make the night's fist feel the body, the body of metal Gula is terrible.

"This is definitely not ordinary metal!" The night long wind is cold, and the right fantasid is the moment, the metal Gula has lost balance in the air.

Strength and speed, metal Guli may be higher than the night length, but in the near-body fight, metal Guola can't make a night.

Snapped! Night wind attacks, left-handed lightning [], directly grabbed the tail of the silver light of the metal Guula, and then a circle in the air, throwing huge things to the new Mekock star. The lake.

! It's a big ring, the calm of the lake is completely broken, after the metal Gulu hits the lake, the energy and heat of the air Mo erase evaporates the lake.

boom! At this time, a silver figure lifted against the white water and rushed directly to the night.

Is metal Guula!

"Very good! Long time didn't be so happy!" Night's mouth is over, it is difficult to cover a surprise.

"The guy of Changfeng began to excite!" Kelin, who understood the night, smiled, this scene he had seen countless times.

"King of the king!" In the face of metal Guula, the night long wind is full of blood, and he opened five times, the strength and speed increased by five times.

Since the night's wind turns into a super Saaya, the night is very small, because the Super Saiyan model is 50 times the increase, and the king is most than twenty times.

Of course, the flesh of the night long wind can open a hundred times, but they consume the body. If you don't live in a moment, the night grows will not take risks.

boom! At this time, the metal ancient Rourang rushed to the night long rushed out of the silver metastasis, sprayed in his tail, and the metal Gula was a silver light, and the speed doubled.

Bang! Night live wind is also a red light at this time. Two rays are relatively in the air, the huge explosion sounds, and the air around the surroundment is directly compressed, the air explosion is connected again ...

! Even the surface of New Namek was also affected, and the gravel cracked.

"Ah, run fast!" Many American stars were scared everywhere.

After the light is exhausted, the night-catching wind that is burned with blood, and the fist is printed on the body of the metal Guula.

Metal Guula is a cold face, and there is no harm on the body, just like a night's boxing is not worth mentioning.

In fact, the night long wind five times Wang Xialu's punch is enough to take the whole new US King, but it can't penetrate the metal appearance of the metal Guli, enough to meet how the defensive power at this time at this time is amazing. .

"This metal skin has hidden what secret! With this guy's original yuan, it is impossible to have such defensive power!" The murder of the night's eyes flashed.

"Ten Double King"! "The night's long-term trend is a tapered, and it is a tapered in his body.

boom! boom! boom! After a few times of collision, the metal Guula has been roared in a few steps, but it is still no injury.

"This guy is too hard, the long wind can't hurt him, it is too strong!" Kelin widened his eyes. He has never seen any fist who can block the night.

"Night wind is this is your strength?" Metal Guula Zhou is shining, he has a hands with his hands, and directly holds a double boxing of the night.

"If you have this level of energy, you can't hurt me at all!" The silver tail behind the metal is pulling, directly on the shoulders of the night.

! Just like the steel roller hits the iron wall, the huge collision sounds through the clouds, and the night is very strong.

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