The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1375 of the Chapter 1375 of the Prince of Tennis

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bass! bass! bass! Just as the combat is over, the metal ancient trole is poured on the ground, and it turned out to have a large amount of silver long line at the same time, and these long lines constitute the skeleton of the metal Gula.

Finally, the individual body parts of the metal Gula actually re-agglomerated into a separate individual, then the nanomaterials are constantly repaired.

"Death!" Night, looked at metal Gulu, the attack is constantly fixed, the attack is not stopped, and the hands are unfolded, and the pure golden vine is gathered in the arms, and then it is continuously emits the golden energy light column.

boom! boom! boom! Even the metal Guli is completely self-repair, these energy light columns run through his body, then directly smash the silver body parts of the metal Guli.

The huge explosion sounded, and the mushroom cloud that covered the day rose in the top of everyone. The waves of the continuous explosion will directly obviously, even the Bike who supports the green protective cover is also unbearable.

The smoke shrouded the world of the new American knit, and the continuous impact wave of the night grewer will hit the wilderness of the whole pit, and the landform has been changed again!

"Win?" When the smoke is exhausted, Kelin hurriedly took the head to the direction of the explosion, where there was a bunch of sand, no one!

1348 chapter, metal Gula split

"Is it finally solved?" One side of the Bike right hand, withdrawing green energy masks, and a tempura.

"On the top!" And the first Drake of Tex found the head of the head, he pointed to the highmade milk.

"Ah!" Everyone looked up and was completely stupid.

The air is a row of dazzling silver light, which is all metal Guula, at least dozens, it seems like a legion.

"Nima, is it so much?" The night floating vomiting a turbidity, and he consumed a lot of continuous attack.

However, at this time, the night's wind is still in the superpower of the Super Saiyan, and the consumption is still acceptable. Moreover, the vitality of the night is now the massive level, even if it is intentionally consumed, it takes a lot of time. .

"Ha" seven two zero "haha, night long wind, I said, you can't beat me! Next, you will enjoy the highest technology of Boxdar!" Metal Gulai in the middle of the sky The night is long and the night is laughing.

"Hey! Since it is coming!" The night is cold and stepping.

!!! Tens of metal Gula in high air rushed to the night lengthy wind, metal Guulan did dozens of differentiation, but the combat power and defense were not weakened, this is the power of Boxedar Technology.

If it is a tricky, even if you differentiate, you have an effect on your body.

At this time, dozens of metal Gula, the speed rushing of the night, is exactly the same, a metal Guli may not be terrible, and it can be easily copied in the full power state.

However, dozens of metal ancient rules, this force is quite powerful, dozens of more than 100 billion combat powerful soldiers have been combined, and its combat power is equivalent to one hundred billions, ready to destroy the whole new Weixing .

"There is no way, only let you see the real power of the Super Saiyan!" The night long wind is cold.

"The real power of the super-seizure?" Metal ancient pulled eyebrows, he has already seen the power of the Super Saiyan, it is indeed very amazing, but Metal Guula believes that it is impossible in this kind of hero. lose.

Because the night grows, it is impossible to confront them at the same time and dozens of combat power.

But the reality is the metal Guola too small to watch the night!

A loud noise, the night is full of golden light, and a golden light is ejected from the night length.

! The golden light is acted to the atmosphere of the new Meixing star, and the whole green New Namek is used as a golden.

!! At this time, the black electro-optical light in the golden light column whose night long wind column began to continue, more and more, and finally rushed into the horizon, all over the sky.

boom! boom! boom! Dozens of metal rushed to night long winds, which are directly returned to high altitures directly from the night-length wind.

The golden light inserted in the night, and the green eyes are also more cold, and there is a black electro-optic light hidden.

"Finally, the fighting power is all open!" Bike and Clin greeted boxes, they knew that night long wind had entered the stage of Super Saiyan.

"Master, it's so powerful! If I can do this!" Turkis's face worships the night's soaring madness.

At this time, the night's wind doesn't know how to soar it, is it one billion or two billion?

These are not important, the important thing is that night long feelings feel unprecedented.

In the cultivation of the orange-red planet, the amount of yuan in the night long wind is greatly improved, and it is more relaxed to the second phase of the Super Sairanean, and it is more convenient to fight the combat power ratio and Shalu.

"How can there be such a big energy reaction? This is impossible!" Dozens of metal Guula was pushed back to the air, a large circle in the night-long wind surrounded, they were observed from all directions.

The combat effectiveness estiminal on the red screen of the electronic eye makes Metal Guula feel incredible, and the possibility of being defeated with the night is zero, which is simply ignored.

At this moment, Metal Guula has a thoughts of running, he never wants to provoke the night to kill this.

Every time the metal Guula feels steady to win, the night grows will give him a non-average surprise.

"I will be evil! I will don't believe it, so many people can't beat you!" Dozens of metal ancient pulled blood red eyes are angry, and then disappeared at the air at the same time ...

It is Oderati mobile!

Dozens of metal Guula uses Oedrat in an instant movement to the night long, and then launched his hands at the same time.

bass! Dozens of death balls will rise at the same time before the night length.

Bang! Night long winds and metal Gula's foot directly under the energy of the death ball collapsed for dozens of meters, night lengthy wind and dozens of metal Guula seem to return to the sky.

Just this time, the night long-term winds have dozens of large dead balls. If these energy gathers to explode together, it is very likely to destroy the galaxies of the new US Kars.

"I finally realized that I have to fight with my heart." The night is full of cold, sweeping a big death ball around.

Night long winds are of course not afraid of death, and they are not afraid that new US Kars will go to the universe to fight.

But now Klin et al., Including Tex, is still on the new Meik, and the night is not likely to explode the new USk star.

So he only has one choice, that is, instantly go to another space!

The night long wind is full of golden, and the pure gold super-seasia is madly madly use the skills of imaginating the prison!

"Useless! Night long wind, I have to pay with you! I have to be 3.2, you don't want to get!" Metal Guula couldn't make the universe, and he didn't want to make the night growth be the strongest, sure I am destroyed together, everyone is attributable.

In this regard, Gurabi's fear of death, the younger brother, Flissa, is strong, and the at least is a Xiong.

"The Lands of the Gods!" The night's wind did not pay attention to metal Guula at all, but the hands were launched in the air.

bass! At this time, a purple highlight of the night-long feet started to start speed, dozens of metal Guula included the death ball before their hands was covered.

"What's going on?" Metal Guula frowned, he found that the sky in his head suddenly suddenly, and the foot turned into a crystal-clearing ground, like another space.

Chapter 1349, Dragon Fantry is exploding!

At this time, the night long winds launched the space of the gods, and tens of metal Guula pulled all in the space.

Soon after this space, dozens of metal Gula hands continued to rise, the death ball actually started shrinking, purple fluorescent shrouded the dead ball, and is absorbing the energy of the dead ball.

After the space of the gods, the space of the pure land will start automatically expand after absorbing energy!

"Where is this? Why is my gas is lost!" Metal Guolazi frowned.

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