The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1376 of the Chapter 1376 of the Prince of Tennis

"Welcome to my space, you are the second guest here, in order to express welcome, I will send you all the prison!" A look of indifferent night, looking at some panic metal Gula. The corner of the mouth is slightly up.

"Put the ghost! The ultra-high technology force of the Boxdar star is invincible!" Dozens of metal Guirazi called the death ball to the night, "Go to death!"

"Hey! I have already said, this is my space, I am the absolute god here!" The night is free to wave your hands.

What happened to make metal ancient pulsators, dozens of death balls that flying towards the night-catching, the death ball, actually have no signs of hardening.

"The light of the gods!" In the night long-term, there was 31 31, and the purple ground in his feet suddenly switched out, and the space of the entire land is completely covered.

Dozens of death balls in the night long wind around the night are instantly covered, and then the dramatically becomes smaller, the energy is extremely lost.

bass! At this time, the space of the gods of the gods is constantly expanding. From the thousands of meters, it has been extended to 10,000 meters and become more and more.

After this gods expanded to Millennium, the night long wind hidden approaches about the edge of a tall black shadow, and did not completely reveal the body, and the night did not know what.

"Well, what is that?" The night is slightly surprised, "This thing is definitely not ordinary in the space of the Past earth!"

"This is impossible, how can you be so easy to resist my full attack!" Dozens of metal Guula is completely stupid, and feel the strength of your body is constantly lapse.

"You are dead!" The night's cold sweeping a dozens of metal Guula, issued a pronunciation of death.

"Ni!" Metal Gulai is extremely shrunk again.

Because he suddenly appeared in his eyes, he had a hundred night-long winds, and each of them was a state of the Super Saiyan.

This kind of thing is impossible to happen, and in the net soil, the night-length wind can use the energy of the pure land, and differentiate from hundreds of self, it is quite relaxed.

Of course, the great land is not invincible, and the night's long wind does not dare to pull the people who are strong than his combat power into the purple soil. If the enemy's combat power exceeds the night, it is very likely to destroy this space.

If the space of the pure land of the gods is destroyed, the night will be greatly reflexed, and it may even be strong than the diagnosis of the small world.

Because Xiao Tiandi said, it is only a treasure. It is not so tight with the lounge of the night, and the space of the pure land of the gods is completely spaced by night, and there is no wind in the night. Life imprint.

Simply, if the combat power is not as good as the night, the people of the sea tactics do not have any eggs on the night long, once the gods of the night, the gods are unable to escape.

In the pure land of the gods, the night growing is too lazy and metal ancient rules, and the space of the spatial night to support the nature of the gods needs to consume massive energy.

This is still a night-catching style is now a super-Saiyan two state to support it. Otherwise, the power of the night-catching wind now is unable to support the Pure earth.

That is to say, the night length has not played the true power of the pure land of the gods. This is not enough to progress and the revenue of the night, but this is also something that there is no way. After all, the Dragon Ball World is not a world energy system, no Too much to improve the flesh power.

In short, the night's wind does not support the pure land for a long time, so these metal Guula must be solved as soon as possible, it is best to have a trick, so the night is always different from one hundred yourself.

Then all energy gather on the right arm at the same time, including the super-seizian vitality and dragon icon all by night long winds to the right arm.

Hundreds of night long wind and right arms have also risen more than five times, and they have some deformities.

"Dragon Box is bursting!" Hundreds of nights and long winds, and the right to dozens of metal Guula were showled.

! The dragon screams throughout the space of the soup, and the hundred golden long dragons will fly out from hundreds of nights.

Each Jinlong is a huge incomparable, and the above text is very fine, and it is very vivid!

It is dragon!

After winning the skill of the Dragon, this is the first time in the Super Saiyan's state.

I didn't use dragon in the past, and the night's wind is mainly worried that he is too powerful to become a super-seizure, and Yu Box is likely to ruin the earth.

In the space of the top of the gods, no one hesitated, and one-time furnished hundreds of themselves have a hundred golden long dragons.

"This ..." Dozens of metal Guola's face looked at the Jinlong, the body did not move, they were pressed by the spatial pressure of the top of the gods [] original place, one step Can't move!

Bang! Crazy, Jinlong, finally roaring directly through a metal Gula's chest 283, followed by a continuous explosion!

Dragon Boxing!

The energy of hundreds of Jinlong also exploded directly filled the entire gods, the night-lived wind opened the Buddha's gold, the energy of the explosion, all parts and debris of Metal Guli, and finally burned it. Powder, no more resurrection.

After the golden light is exhausted, the golden light-catching night length wind shape is slowly reversed. The energy that has just been exploded is too large, and it is expected that the losses of the gods are currently able to afford the limit.

It is better to absorb the power of the gods, and the energy of the diffusion is quickly absorbed, which makes the space of the gods and the space of Milometers have expanded a lot.

The black shadow of the gods of the gods also exposed some of the shadows, and the night grew is found that the black shadow is still not completely revealed, but it is just a shape like a heel.

"What is something, if it is a personal, it's too big?" The night cost is under the heel, just like standing at the Himalayas.

"Well, forget it! No matter what it is, it will also know anyway!" After a study, the night grew in the night, returned to the Dragon Ball World from the space of the nature.

PS: Today, six, but also owe eight. I have been going to write more, but I will come slowly with my current body.

Chapter 1350, Bicksda

"Changfeng!" Night wind once again appeared in the high altitude of New Namek, fell from the air, and Klin saw that the night is immediately rushed, and the Bike and the Mekikans also surrounded.

"Those metal monsters?" Bike glanced over the past four weeks, in addition to the night's wind did not see half a shadow, the dozens of powerful evil stones were instantly disappeared.

The night long-term face is slightly tight, and it is a nervous man who is still nervous, and retreats from the Super Saiyan's state, then slowly moves: "You don't have to be nervous, those guys have been eliminated!"

"Really? Too good! Thank you very much, the night is long!" Said the grandeur of Tome Muli said.

"No! You also helped us, everyone helped each other!" The night was laughing, and then turned to look at the huge metal mountains of the distance, which is the Bax Darn and the new Meixing fusion. product.

The superhen system has not yet prompted to complete the task, that is, Metal Guula is likely to not completely destroy.

Night Guess Metal Guula has a replicate in the Boxda metallic planet, and must completely destroy the Bxdar to complete the task.

"Actually said such a relaxed ... Night wind, this guy, the last time, it is no longer eliminating Sharu. What did he do?" Buguang looked at night long wind.

The situation just now is quite crisis. If dozens of death balls explode, in addition to night long wind and metal Gula, it is impossible to survive.

The night long wind is in just a few minutes to make dozens of death balls directly disappear, and kill dozens of combat power super metal Guula, Bike wants to break your head, I want to don't have night. How to do it.

"Changfeng, what should you do next?" Kelin asked the head and asked, "The enemy is already destroyed, we have to go back to the earth, what about you?"

"Wait, it is not yet finished!" Night performance referred to a huge metal mountain range behind him. "To destroy the things, don't be the Metal Guula, you will be unlimited ~ ¨!"

"Yes, you must destroy the metal planet, otherwise, the energy of this USk star will be dried!" That Meixing's big man Muli is attached.

"Oh, do you know that Baxda Star?" The night's long wind turned his head and looked at Muli asked.

"Well, the legend is a very well-developed planet, with energy that swallowed other planets to provide energy, as long as the planets that can be swallowed into energy will become a death planet without any angry and energy!" Mu Listed to explain.

"Ah, this is so dangerous! Then we have passed it out!" Klin face is tense, "I don't know what is dangerous!"

"Go see if you don't know!" Night windfall directly flew away to rush to the metal mountain range, and the Bike et al. Also followed in the night length.

After coming to the feet of the metal mountain, the night long wind looked up at the high [shrug] metal mountain range into the cloud, in fact, a branch after the Bax Darn deformation, it seems quite a huge.

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