The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1377 of the Chapter 1377 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The entire Boxdar star has a quarter of the new American knockstone, and the size of its branch can be imagined.

boom! The night-catching wind is directly on the metal mountain range, directly putting a big hole on the alloy wall of the metal mountain, and the people are penetrating.

"Big! This is like a maze, where are we going?" Klin frowned.

"Come with me!" The night's long wind turned his head to the people, "We go to the control room!"

Night wind has already stopped the Star Lower Battleship next to the New Namek to scan the entire Bxdar star, find the direction of the control room and the route, as long as the control room is found, the night grows can let the Star Wingers Artificial intelligence damage control procedure.

It can even be directly controlled in your own hands.

... ... ... Just through more than ten rooms, the night long and other people suddenly blocked the way by a soil robot.

The robot is not large, the structure is also very simple, it seems unlike the robot of the fighter robot but is a homework.

"There is no permission, prohibited from passing!" The robot's eyes kept flashing, and then the crowd in front of him.

"What is something, so ugly!" Tex is very curious to watch the robot to watch the robot before, and the Kllin is directly pulled.

At this time, the robot has been issued again, "I found invaders, from now on, I want to grind you into powder!"

"Ah, what is the happening of this robot!" Kling was shocked.

"The invaders will be grinded into life energy, and life energy will be transformed into the energy of Bickstar. I thank you for your contribution!" Said the robot's chatter, it is completely set, very mechanical.

"What jokes, I don't have to be grinded into powder!" Kelin suddenly rushed to the robot, then it was a punch in the head of the robot.

boom! After a dull sound, the robot actually did not respond, and it was no loss.

"This ..." Clin is completely stayed, he originally thought that the robot of this selling should be a punctuation by himself.

The night-long wind behind the Clin is also slightly somewhat surprised. Kling's current combat power is already hundreds of thousands, dealing with such a robot should be gently, and the reality is the robot to resist the attacks of Clin.

"Get started from you!" The robot suddenly stretched out [out] The mechanical claw directly grabbed the Right arm of the Clin, and then dragging the Clin into the back.

"Uncle Klin, I will help you!" Terry rushed to Klin, and then made the strength of the milk, pulled the left arm of Clin.

But there is still no effect, but it is two people being dragged and retreat.

"Changfeng, save me (good)!" Kelin screamed.

"It's really awkward, the enemy's strength is not clear!" The night is laughing, and two people dragged by a small robot is indeed quite fun.

bass! Suddenly, the night length disappeared in the original place, and then immediately came to the machine in the machine, it was the instant movement of Yaderat!

! The golden light in the eyes of the night, the hand is a palm, from top to bottom, take directly to the robot's head.

... ... ... The robot suddenly stopped, and then constantly emit sharp sound.

! Then, suddenly, directly broken, damaged parts scattered, Clin and Telks finally broke their ribs.

"Save it!" Kelin wiped the sweat of wipedhead, just no matter how much he used to break free, and the night's cold, the palm of the night is directly crushed this soil robot.

Chapter 1351, the ambition of Guula

In fact, the night's wind is also a bit surprised. He originally wanted to take a burst of robot, using a small strength, and the result is just a scattered robot.

"It seems that this robot is also a special metal material on Metal Guula!" I thought in the night.

"Be careful, you have followed me!" The night's long face glanced at all.

"Well!" Kelin and others have nodded, followed by the night length of the body, continue to travel in the direction of the Bxda Star Control Room.

Because there is a Star Lowns to scan the relationship between the shortest route after the Bixda star, the night-long windband has quickly come to the gate of the Boxdar Control Room.

The whole door of the entire alloy is actually thousands of meters high, and everyone looked up at the bottom of the door.

"How to go in?" Bike tried to use the energy air bullet bombardment alloy door to play back, the defensive power of the alloy door seems quite amazing.

"You will go back, I can go in a person!" Night long wind is slow to the alloy gate.

boom! The night-long hands and claws suddenly grabbed the alloy gate, and the Mars splash, the alloy gate was actually no injury.

"It's trouble! It's a special metal material!" The night was frowned, the arms rose, the muscles were murdered.

bass! One-563-time, the night-lived hands is a golden, the night long is in the hands of the dragon elephant to the hands, and then the whole force will be grabbed to the alloy gate!

This time, the night long fingers such as the blade cut tofu, plugged directly into the [Intra-in] The whole body is in the gate.

"Start!" The night-length wind is bumps, and the force of the dragon icon is fully open. At the moment, he raised thousands of meters high alloy walls, and everyone will be able to fall.

"Bike, pay attention to the surrounding robot, there is something to call me with the communication device, I will go in!" Night wind turns to the bind.

"Good!" Bike heard the nodworthy.

bass! Night windmares flash directly into the control room of the Bickstar.

A loud loud loud, thousands of meters high control room alloy returned to the alloy ground.

When I entered the Bicksda-Star Control Room, the night lengthy eyes were a darkness, without any light, only the red dots of the faint approximately spread throughout the space.

The entire control room is quite large, and the rough estimates of the night grows in the dark are so big.

! Just when the night length is ready to take a lighting device from the small world, in the dark, dozens of silver thin lines are drilled out of the night length, instantly wrapped [bypass] Night long body.

"Who?" Night's mouth, there is a hint of disdain.

"Hehe, ... Welcome to the Bicksda Star!" The darkness of the familiar sound came.

"Guula? You haven't died yet!" The night's wind has heard the voice of Guula.

"Of course, you are still dead, how can I die!" Suddenly, the blue light appeared in the top of the front head of the night. "

At night, I look at it, it is the head of Guula!

At this time, the head of the Guli is all metal materials, two eyes, one is red, and the bottom and head are linked to a thick wire.

"Is this your body?" The night is cold and coldly looked at the ancient puller in front of him.

"Yes! Has been a long time, in the abandoned spaceship and artificial intelligence gathering universe garbage dump, there is a special computer chip suddenly has a self-conscious consciousness. It takes hundreds of millions of years in a long time with his own strength. The electronic waste that can grow in all the universe! "Guula came from all directions.

"By absorbing those energy, you will continue to rise, then independently transform, and finally evolve into a huge metal machine, which is enough to swallow the entire planet, which is Baxda Star!"

"How did you get this planet?" Asked at night, "Do I not put you in the stars?"

"Oh ... I have been very lucky. I have encountered a star storm to be burned out in my head (DBEI) fans me out of the star, and then I am bracing almost a big brain very lucky to float. This Bickstar is on the star! "Gurathas said more excited.

"The smart program of the Boxda Star actively and me, I have become the core controller of the entire computer, controlling the entire Bicksda star, and my disappearing flesh, also reborn in the form of Metal Guula! Since then, I am no longer limited by the flesh! "Guula explained very well.

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