The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1378, Chapter 1378, Chapter 1378 of the Prince of Tennis

"That is, it turns into a computer CPU. I thought there was a lot of bulls!" The night's mouth flashed a lot of disdain, and then faintly, "What do you want now, do you think you can win me? "

"Hey! Although I don't know how you eliminate the forty one metal Guula, you actually take the initiative to send energy, your super-Saiyan's strong extensive energy is great, it is simply The most perfect energy between the universe! "Guula suddenly laughed.

"Haha, as long as you suck your energy, I can manufacture tens of thousands of metal super-seesians. In this way, I can sweep the whole universe and become the king of the true universe!"

"It turns out that the idea is good!" Listening to the ancient Rula, the night-catching is interested in comparing the technology of Ksdar Star.

First of all, the special metal defensive power produced in Ksdar is very strong, even if there is no energy, the combat power of the metal robot manufactured is very considerable.

Secondly, the metal body can be produced in batches. As long as the energy is sufficient, it is not difficult to make a multi-metal super-Saiyan in Gula.

Although the night-catching wind can summon the undead creatures with the super-competition force, it is necessary to summon too much in spiritual and energy.

If you have this Bicksda star, as long as there is enough energy, the night long is nothing difficult to rule the universe of the entire dragon ball world.

"Okay, the time is almost! You will be with this Boxda, becoming my attachment! Wow hahaha ..." The ancient kicks laughed.

At the same time, the thin line of the night long-term wind is starting to illuminate red, actually in the constant absorption of the vitality of the night long, and even the night long wind can feel this special thin line in absorbing his vitality. .

"You also think of it too much, Guula!" The night is cold and cold, and then the pure golden vitality explosive is boiling. "Your Boxda star, I accept it!"

The body of the night is actually doubled in an instant, and the pure golden vital gas that is involved in the body is absorbed by the thin line. It will be large, and the thin line is actually unable to withstand the energy of the super Saaya. Suddenly burst, chemical into a debris!

1352 chapter, task big harvest

"What!" There is only one head of the ancient rules. It was originally thought that the super-alloy thin line to bear the capacity of the universe, and the night's wind could not break free.

However, after the night is very storm, the super-alloy line is exploded directly with the super-seizure, and the ancientus obviously underestimates the energy of the Super Saiyan. It is lower to break the life potential of the night, which is more than super The Saiyan pure golden vitality is also terrible.

"Death!" Night wind disappeared in the same place again, his right hand, showed it directly on the forehead of Guula.

Bang! The night-long's hand is emitted in the palm of the road. These light columns are extremely thin. Only those who have a superior control power is possible to compress the vitality to this thick, not to mention the night long wind compression is the super-seizian person Gas.

The head of the head of the ancient Tula penetrates, and the ultra-high defensive special metal is also unable to block.

! The whole head of the ancient Rula instantly splits to dozens of pieces, then slipping down, directly exploding before landing, and even the screams did not come.

Speaking of the bottom or the current energy of the Bicksda, if the Bxda Star has enough energy, it is really possible to produce a metal warrior who produces a metal warrior with the night-long super-semi-model combat power, night long wind. It is very difficult.

After the final head of the Eucula, the Bx Darn lost the control, and its original smart program wanted to re-control the control.

... ... ... The entire Bicksda star control room red dot started to flash, which represents the Bicksda star recalculate and control the entire metal planet.

Night long winds can of course abandon such a good opportunity to control the chamber of the Baxda.

"The Star Lowers!" Controls the Bicksda Star! "The night grew right hand, took out the remote calling device, and met the artificial intelligence of the Star Lingling Battles outside the new Meixing star.

"Yes, the captain!" The artificial intelligence of the Star Lingling Calm responded to the night's wind, and opened the bottom of the door directly.

... Among the time, countless ultra-small robots flew out from the Star Ling Battles, these ultra-small robots are even smaller than the nano-level robots, and they are pampi-based units, which is nano. One, very small.

This is the scientific and technological, the smaller the robot, the less difficulty manufacturing, especially the level of the pampmy, is more against the sky, and there is almost no technology forces in the universe of the Dragon Ball. Level.

These pamp-scale robots flew directly into the electric wires of the Bixdar Star, eventually drilling into the first chip of the Bickstar, completely destroying the autonomous consciousness of the chip.

After a short more than ten minutes, the Star Warcraft has achieved control of the Bixdar, as the Captain of the Star War, and the night-long wind became the new owner of Bickstar.

Let the Pilm robot to copy the artificial intelligence of the Star Lowns to the core chip of the Bickstar, Bikest's star has become the division of the Star Winner, with the artificial intelligence of the Star Warcad.

It is necessary to know that the artificial smart program of the Star War Battate is to be more intelligent than the chip, so the Baxdar Star will continue to be re-made after the artificial intelligence of the Star Wizzle. The same level of scientific and technological products.

"Stop absorption of new US Kexing energy, return to prototype!" After obtaining the control of Bixda, the night cost is directly ordered.

"Yes, the owner!" After the artificial intelligence program of the Bax Dar, it responded.

Booming ... The entire Bax Dar starts to vibrate, plug ] The device depressed in the depths of the new Weixing is slowly recovered.

"Ah ... what happened?" Clin is surprised to look at the alloy ground that constantly shake.

! At this time, the alloy gate of the control room was directly opened, and the night long wind flashed to the foreigner: "Don't be nervous, I have obtained the control of Baxda, let the Bickstar leave immediately New Nik Star! "

"Ah, is it true? I thank you very much, the night is long!" The old man Mul Lili laughed with a green [chrysanthemum] flower.

"How is the night's guy did, so high-tech metal planet was so controlled?" Bike looked more than the doubts in the loud eyes, but he did not ask the night long wind, Bike Has been accustomed to there are too many secrets on the night.

Bike knows that even if he asked, the night grows will only be confused. This kind of thing has happened, and the Bick is too lazy.

··· ▉ ▉ · ·····

As long as the new US gratt is good, the Meki people have no death and injury. This is enough.

"Okay, let's go first!" Night is not wanting to stay in the Boxda star.

bass! The night-long wind right, the roof of the room alloy wall in the outdoor, and everyone flew out the Boxda to return to the new Meixing.

Ding! At this time, the supernatural system prompts in the night-long-lived brain sound.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the branch task, you have obtained three lottery times!"

"Oh, yes!" The night didn't help but laugh, and exchanged Oedrat instantly consumed twice a lottery, but this task night has harvested three lottery times, so that night long wind At present, there is a six-time number of lottery.

...... [........

The number of lottery points is not a lot of lottery, and there is no more anti-sky, but it is also the highest in history for the night.

In addition, night long winds have surged new technology products in this mission - Baxda Star, and is also a very good gain.

When everyone returned to New Namek, the Boxdar, who was squatting on the new Meixing star, reverted to the sphere, rising, and finally flying out of the atmosphere of the new Meixing star.

"It's great!" Looking at the Boxdar, the Boxeda star, Kling couldn't help but stunned. "Burta saw this will be very happy!"

bass! At this time, the Baxda star suddenly disappeared outside the outer space next to the new US King, and the night-long moving moves directly to the Boxda star into the small world.

"Changfeng, do you want to go back to the earth with us? Burt and Kiki have to make you big unloaded eight pieces every day!" Head asked the night long asked with Yade.

"That ... then I still don't go back!" The night grew, thinking too, so I plan to go back to the orange red star.

"Changfeng, are you forgotten?" The turtle cactus that I can't see the figure in the middle of the day, and the sunglasses brought on the head.

1353 chapter, it is half a year

The night-lived wind looked at the smile of the turtle fairy, and some helplessly shook his head, and the right hand turned, and there was a thick disc.

"Wu Tianshi, this is a total of you for ten years, you can do it, don't be too powerful!" The night long wind handed the Cream to the Turtle Cactus.

"Good! It is a filial piety!" The turtle fairy smiled and didn't close.

"Sure enough ..." Kllin looked at his Master, it seems that he has forgotten what he is not shameful to the Turtle Cactus.

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