The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1379, Chapter 1379, Chapter 1379 of the Prince of Tennis

"Okay, I will go first! Klin, Bick ... You will take care!" The night-long wind puts his right hand before the eyebrows.

"Master, you haven't teach me how to become a super-semi!" Tex is bigger than a big noise, holding the night of the night [leg] does not let go. "

"" To the Super Saiyan, your talent is better than me! "

"But ..." Tex looked up at the night's wind and I would like to say something.

bass! The night-long wind is directly disappearing in the original place, and the gas is completely disappeared in the range that everyone can respond.

When the night length moves with Yadrat, moved directly to the orange planet.

At the foot is the sea of ​​the magma, the night long-lasting mouth is slightly up, "So far distance is actually successful!"

Night live wind is just just trying that Yade of Oedram moves instantly moves the limit distance, try moving from the new Meikock directly to the distant orange unmanned planet.

I thought that at least many times may be successful, so that the night grows is also a little surprised. It will be successful once. This will be much later, as long as it is not too far away, the night costume can use Yaderat instant Move it instantly back to the earth.

Even if the superhen system releases the task, the night length is not afraid that there is no time to complete, so that night long winds start to practice all kinds of unanual planets in the embarrassment of the universe.

Time is like water, soon it is half a year, on the earth.

Klin and Yamu tea and others are gathering in Turtles, and the news is being broadcast in the TV.

"Ah ... ah ... I am bored!" Kelin hit the mouth, "The long life is not in the earth, it is really boring, and there is no big thing!"

"Kllin, your boy complained, so that the peace is not very good!" Yamu tea touched the chin, and his face was close.

Kelin still insisted on cultivation every day, and Yamu tea after Shaul incident, thoroughly gave up the practice of martial arts, completely entered the state of pension, and the combat power and reaction line decreased.

"Now inserting a message!" At this time, there was a picture of a platform in the TV, and started to play the scene of fighting.

"Hey, isn't this the first martial arts meeting in the world?" Yamu tea looked at the picture in the TV.

"Really, it's really nostalgia, the first martialo road in the world will now get more and more influence, the audience will forget us!" Klin watched the picture in the TV, the eyes shine, It seems to have returned to the bloody battle age.

At that time, Kelin is also a master, not now full-time dad.

"Oh, yeah, say that when you come back, the Sanliangered record is now no one to break. I have seen the live broadcast of the recent world's first martial arts meeting, all of them are a flower stand, the champion can be played. "Yamu tea took the mouth.

"The audience is good, I have come to the world's first martial art. This time the first martial art will hold a special one ..." The TV has a familiar jug ​​mulled male referee in Jelin and Yamu tea.

"Wow, it is the referee of wearing glasses! He is still hosted the first martial arts in the world!" Kling pointed to the ink mirror.

"Special one?" Yamu tea was interested in the words of the mirror man.

"The General Assembly decided, this world's first meeting will be a super-Japanese cup, we will invite the first martial arts of the previous world to play eight, and of course, there is also a new friend who is confident!" Ink Men Toned A number is played on the TV screen.

"Please see this super cup's champion winner will receive a total of all the bonuses accumulated in the bonus pool. This is the highest bonus record so far. It is also the highest in all the competitions in all competitions worldwide!" It seems very excited ...

"Wow! Ten billions!" Yammu tea suddenly stood up, "I have to participate!"

"Yamu tea, you have to step, so much, I haven't played you, haha!" Kelin laughed.

"I have to participate!" Suddenly, the 18th appeared in Klin, I was shocked by Kling.

"Ah, wife, you have to go?" Kelima became a bitter face.

"Where to go? I have to go ..." I don't know where Telks who drilled out is also excited. In this half year, Tetx has been practiced with the turtle fairy and Klin, he progress The speed almost didn't let the turtle fairy scared.

"The top eight players will be invited to invite the previous competitions. It should also invite the long wind. I don't know if the long wind is now there, will not participate in the game!" Kelin touched the bald, "If the long wind is in the game I definitely not play! "

"Klin, the night-long style guy is coming back?" At this time, the Bike's voice sounded in the crowd.

"Bike, where are you?" Kelin was shocked.

"I am still in the sky, I am talking to you with the emotions, I have received the invitation of the first martial arts in the world, I want to ask if the night growers come back?" Bike asked.

"Changfeng, he has not yet ..." Kelin said that night long has not returned to the earth.

bass! A 5.6 people suddenly appeared in front of the Mao Tuen house, it was two fingers in the eyes of the eyebrow.

At this point, the night long-routing angle is slightly up, and the mouth is muttered in the mouth. "Yaderat is instantaneous movement, and it can be accurately positioned, as long as I have left my gas, I can move!"

"Changfeng! You ... You have come back for a long time, how can I not feel your gas!" Kelin pointed to the night-length image is the same.

"Haha, I haven't seen it for a long time, Klin!" Night hard haha ​​laughed, sweeping a crowd in the Taojian house, "I just came back, just to participate in the super cup of the world's first martial arts!"

"Ah, long wind, how do you have to participate? Is it because of billion bonuses?" Yamu tea asked.

"Calcal!" When the night was touched, he smiled helpless.

1354 chapter, Tex's progress

In fact, how can the night long wind in their eyes, especially from the cultivation state, returning to the earth, and not to say that the earth's currency is more than one billion purchase power, and the night long wants to make money in the Dragon Ball World Earth. Don't be too simple.

Just take out some of the technology on the Star Warcad to sell, the night grows immediately to become the world's richest.

When the night grows back to participate in the super cup of the world's first martial art, mainly because the superhen system has released the main line task of the super cup.

There is no task punishment, the task reward is also tens of thousands of redemption points, and it is more like a guidance task.

Night-length wind can choose to ignore this task, but the night's life is finally returned to the earth to participate in the super cup of the world's first martial art, and the night-long style always feels that there should be a follow-up and bigger task being triggered.

"Night long wind, you really come back!" Bike is a bit surprised.

"Haha, Bike, do you have to participate in the super cup of the world's first martial arts?" Night-lasting voice, "this time you only have the second!"

"Hey! It's not more than how 31 know!" Bike's mouth, "Okay, I have to participate!"

"Master, I also participated!" Xiaitrax also hugged the night long's [big] leg.

"Tex, have you been lazy in the last half of the year?" The night was touched with Tetrax's head and smiled and bowed.

"No!" Terry Head shakes with the rollover, a confident and full expression, "I am now very strong!"

"Yes?" The night is laughing, "that let me see your strength, if you perform, I will teach you some new tricks!"

"Really?" Tex heard the new trick, his eyes suddenly looked up, no matter what others, pulling the night is coming to the empty space in the island where the turtle house is located.

"Just here!" The night's wind is on the ground.

! A boulder drilled out from the ground, waving, and the boulder directly cracked into another sphere, scattered on the ground.

"Wow, it's so powerful! Master, how did you do it?" Tex was surprised to rise.

"The control of gas, if you practice the good words, you can easily do it!" Night wind pointed the stone ball on the ground, "Okay, Terx, let me see your strength and speed!"

"What do you do?" Tex was a bit confused.

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