The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1380 of the Chapter 1380 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"You use the stone ball here to throw me, as fast as possible, use the whole power!" The night grew is standing in front of Telx, and the gathering is less than half of the meter.

"Oh, ok!" Tex picked up a stone ball on the ground, "Master, this is so close, can you be hit?"

"Oh, Terx, your boy is quite confident! Can you play, even if you win!" The night grew hands and shoulders, and smiled.

"Okay, then I throw!" Terrus actually bent into a long bow, then open, throwing a stone ball to the night, "Hey!"

red! Stone ball speed is like electricity, and the air Mo is all become popular, and the speed is shot to the chest of the night, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Yes!" Night-lasting style nodded, Tex can have such power to make him a little surprised, this is only half a year, Terrus has grown a lot.

boom! Stone ball burning a flame directly penetrates the remaining shadow of the night, hitting the rock wall behind the night length.

Bang! The entire rock wall was directly exploded after the stone ball hit, and a columnar channel penetrated throughout the mountain.

bass! Night winds slowly slowly appeared in front of Tex, he just used to hide the attack of the stone.

"Wow! It's so powerful, so you can escape, it's really Master!" Tex was surprised.

"A little faster, Tex, you haven't made your efforts!" The night is suddenly a sudden.

"Well, then I am really serious!" Terry began to throw the stone ball from the long-term long-term wind, and it is open.

boom! boom! boom! There is a stone ball like the shells, and the night is brushing, the explosion is connected, and the whole air is covered by the smoke. It is just a stone ball, Terrus demonstrates amazing destructive power.

But these stone balls have not attacked the night long, and there is nothing in the night of the night.

The strength is too much, and if the night grows, even if it does not open the super-Saiyan model, standing in the ground, Terx also can't break his flesh defense.

Night winds can feel that the current combat power of Telks is close to about 5 million.

I have to know that Tex is only a few years old, and this combat power is already very striking.

However, the night grows can see that Terrus should be stronger, and the Saiyan talent on his body is inheriting Bergi Tower, and it should not be here.

"Call ... call ... can be evil ... I can't get it!" Tex throws a stone ball, or can't hit the night, and his forehead has taken thin sweat, obviously consumes a lot. Physical strength.

"You are still not enough to control the gas, waste of too many yuan!" Night wind slowly, "Well, this can only be slowly improved, now in an increase of vitality. Kus, can you become a super-race? "

"I will try it!" Tex 090 pair of punches, the feet opened, the momentum of the whisper began to improve the crazy.

"Very good! Your state should be not far from transformation, super-race ..." The night long style is not falling.

boom! Turkas purple hair suddenly erected, and the eyes became green, and the body was more pure golden and the gas was crazy!

Tex actually successfully opened the super-Saiyian model, and it looks very easy.

"I am going to ... Talent, I am so surprised, he thinks that he thinks that he has become a super-Saiyan or rely on the bloody fruit to increase the blood of the Saaya and the stimulation of Flissa. It is only completed.

Thatkens turned into a super-seizian in such a small age, this has to be said that the gap between people and people is so big!

"Tex, when do you learn to change?" Asked the night.

"This is ... I don't remember!" Tex touched his back, the indifference after the night, the long-term super-victim turned into the body, Tenx did not seem to be transformed into super-Saiya The impact of people, the character and normal state.

"Kao! This kid actually broke through the super Saaya stage inadvertently, really TM is unfair!" The nozzles of the mouth couldn't help but Two.

1355 chapter, teach tricks

"Very good, Terx, now you come directly to attack me, use your full force!" The night grew founcing and laughed, night long did not open Super Saiyan model, dealing with Terx A child, the night is still not turning into a super-semi-Saiyan.

"Okay, Master, I am coming!" Trucks Surgee, rushing to the night.

Bang! The ground under his feet exploded, and the gravel splashes.

Tex came to the night before the night, and then kicked directly to the night.

After turning into a super-seizure, Tex's combat power flipped directly fifty times, it has been more than 100 million, and the combat power is still quite amazing. He is not small, and the wind that brought it directly. A large forest next to the air.

Snapped! In the face of Telks's strikes, the night is randomly randomly, and instantly removed the power of Telks.

boom! Tex's conscious in the air fluttered in the air, rotating a three hundred and sixty degrees, and the left arm elbow stunned to the chest of the night.

Snapped! Night wind is a simple hand to remove the power of Telks, and Borrow Trogas's power to push Telks.

Borrowing power, this is the principle of Tai Chi pushing, and the night grows is only random use.

This trick looks amazing, in fact, it is only the golden vitality of Terry.

boom! boom! boom! Terks saw that the attack did not work, some were anxious, and constantly waved his fist to the night, and there were still kicked.

The two played from the ground to the high altitude, and the night long-lived light was light, and all of the attacks of Tex were light, and almost gas is hard to use the flesh power in unloading and borrowing power.

"Call ... call ..." After continuous attacks, Tex was obviously consumed, especially in Super Saiyan.

Night-catching winds can feel that Tex is still in the initial stage of the Super Saiyan, and the control and utilization of pure golden vitality in the body is very poor, and a lot of vitality is wasted.

Obviously, Tex can't maintain the status of the Super Saiyan for a long time.

bass! At this time, Tex exited from the Super Saiyan state, turned back to ordinary state, and it was sweating in the whole body, and there was a rush to the ground.

"What's wrong, Terks, are you?` ▉? "Night wind transiently moved to Telks, smiled and looked at Telx.

"Head boy, you talent against the sky, but there is still a long way to go, the gas-theme is not a good one day two days!" The nightly hurt spirit finally got comfort.

Talented high is not terrible, terrible is that tall people are still trying to play, then they can't play happy.

"Can be evil ... Master, I am not strong!" Terry's PI shares sat on the ground and appeared.

"Haha, Trogx is not depressed! You are qualified, I will teach you some tricks!" Night is laughing and said to Telx.

Tex has been able to become a super-seeda, and the night is always a way to teach him some ways to use a lot of vitality and fighting skills.

"Really? That's great!" Two eyes of Tex excited, "Master, you teach me, I also want to move moments!"

"Oh, this trick is not easy to learn, the gas control is very high! You first let me see, this half of the year, you have learned what tricks in Wu Tian teacher!" Night long-winded.

"Good!" Terrus took a break, and the vitality of the vitality was a lot, and the young man was recovered quickly.

"Master is careful!" Turkus after returning, then shot the dust on the body, then the right foot was retransmitted, his hands were synthesized from the chest, and then placed on the waist.

If you see this movement, you will laugh, "Sure enough, it's a trick!"

"Turtle ... Qigong!" Tex's hands pushed forward to a few meters before.

boom! A blue energy light is emitted from Tex in hand and the speed is extremely fast.

The night's long wind is always moving, the hands shoulders slowly launched, bang! The blue light column directly bombards the chest of the night-opening, Blu light, and the night long belly.

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