The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1381 of the Chapter 1381 of the Prince of Tennis

boom! At this time, the blue light column actually rushed to the high altitude, and the muscles of the night before the wind were treated high, soon disappeared in the blue sky.

"It's so powerful!" Tex looked at it. He used to use this trick to Turtle Cactus and Kulily. Clin did not dare to hard, generally chose to avoid it.

The night's long wind does not avoid, nor to defense, directly use the muscles of the force to bring the turtle gas power wave, this kind of flesh power, in addition to the night-length wind and less people can do.

"Yes! This trick is the trick of the Turtle Fairy, you will use the horse to tiger tiger!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "Is there anything else?"

"Well!" Tex nodded, and the right hand started, a blue disc gathered on his head, is a gas circle.

"This kid is even in the air, it seems to be a gramlin to teach him!" The night's eyes looked at the blue disc of Tenx's non-rotating blue disc.

Tex is definitely less than Klin, but the vitality in his body is more than Klin, and it is actually a lot of gas.

bass! This time, the night is not selected, but the two-handed exhibition, the two blue light swords are instantly extended from the night, and they are the sword!

!!! In the face of the blue energy disc that flying to the front, the night length of the wind sword with a sword.

! The blue disc suddenly stopped in front of the night, followed by suddenly broken into blue energy slices, and finally dutied up a point of blue light disappeared.

"Hearing handsome!" Terx looked at the two blue (Nuo Zhao)'s light sword, two eyes, "Master, what is this trick, teach me!"

The sword will be gorgeous, and the night grows and deliberately play handsome, it seems to be a cool.

Of course, the roof of the sword has been relatively practical, which is also a trust of the night-length wind intends to teach Trumbs.

It is not a wide range of attacks, which makes Tex not to hurt ordinary people, and the power is very efficient, dealing with enemies very efficient.

The most important thing is that the cultivation of the sword can practice Tex's gas, this is the most important basis, often easily ignored.

"This is called the sword, you will come over, I will tell you the way!" Night live wind began to explain the way of use of the rustic sword, and also do some simple demonstrations from time to time. Understanding.

Like Tenks in another timeline, this little Tellan's understanding has not made night long wind.

1356 chapter, Alice

It is more than two or three hours, and Xiaoms can condense the sword with both hands. Although the condensed hot sword is not very stable, the amount of compressed yuan is not enough, but it is already very amazing.

It is necessary to maintain a hot sword that requires very strong energy control, while Terrus progresses in this regard.

After this, the night-catching wind turned to Trusters and the flash guns to Tex, Trogs absorbed.

The flash gun is the trick of Tex. Terry is very fast, and the night cost is also reminded that he is very powerful, don't use it easily.

As for the world's horror, it is because of the high requirements of gas control and transformation, Terrus has not fully understood in a time, progress is relatively slow.

But the night's long wind believes in the understanding of Tex, how much time you can't use it, you can fully master the people's horror.

Finally, Yade is moving instantly. Night wind does not pass this recruitment to Tex, and Yade is moving in the high-level vitality. Now it will be handed over to Teks. What is the benefit?

This is not to learn in a short time. Even if you understand the goodness of the sky, you don't have to learn in a short time. He is directly exchanged in the store of superhen system, so you can instant -207-degree, And directly grasp the understanding of the ambiguity.

Next, the night-long wind makes Tex's own tricks, and he returns to the Turtle Fairy, ready to understand the big events that have occurred in the last half of the earth.

At this time, a small figure rushed over to night, and slammed, and immediately jumped up and hugged the night.

"Uncle!" Is a blond little Loli, which is very cute, and it is blue.

"Haha, it is Alice!" Night wind looked at the daughter of Clin, Alice, Rayhaha laughed, and then asked, "Alice, how do you wear a fake kid."

The night-hearted wind puts the Alice, sweeping a look of Alice, and his mother is on the first, it is a reduced version. If you don't know Alice, it is also a very possible thing to take her as a boy.

"It's a mother who gave me!" Alice blinked in the night, "Long Feng uncle, my father said that you are the most powerful person, you teach me the martial arts, I want to defeat special Ranks this stinky guy! "

"Oh, do you have a fence?" Night long-lasting horns couldn't help but show a smile.

"Hey ... He didn't play me ... but also said that I was in the way!" Alice was very dissatisfied. "I want to defeat him, let him know that my power!"

"Haha! Yes, I am ambiguous!" The night's wind pinched the little nose of Alice, because the relationship between Klin, the night's wind really like Alice, from small, it is necessary.

"I teach you a few tricks, to ensure that the stinky boy!" Night wind shot the chest guarantee.

"Really? It's great!" Alice jumped to the back of the night, and the excitement was spent.

Turtles on a space on the island.

Night-hard wind tested the speed and strength of Alice, the result is amazing.

Originally, you will know that Alice is born, and now Alice's power has a crazy growth. I don't know if it is the relationship between her mother 18.

There is no gas in Alice in the body, but her weakness and power have been very close to the horizontal level.

Moreover, Alice's combat power can constantly improve more than the combat power, alice is that soon, Alice is likely to go directly to her mother 18.

"Well, the warm body is complete. Alice, you don't have to attack me!" When the night's wind was warm and heated, he said to Alice.

"Ah ..." Alice is a glimpse, "it is impossible, uncle's uncle is too powerful, I definitely can't get you!"

"Don't worry, do your best! If you play me, I will give you a good thing." Night long laughs.

"Really?" I heard a good thing, Alice was excited.

"Come on!" The night's hands were unfolded, the portal opened.

"Okay, I am coming!" Alice came into the status, unlike a small loboli, the expression is serious, and the speed is very fast.

!!! After Alice came to the night's wind, Alice jumped directly, and the head of the night's wind is a continuous swing, and the head of the night-long's head is constantly biased to avoid Alice attack.

"Yeah, ah!" Allowing, the speed of punch is getting faster and faster, the boxing shadow is like the wind, almost the range of the whole head of the night, avoids it.

! Finally, Alice's small right fist played on the right face of the night, a dull collision.

"Ah!" Alice screamed and quickly recovered his own red fists.

The night grows is laughing, "Alice, why are you so hard!"

Alice is too hard, playing on the night long face, the night long style is too high, the power rebounded to make Alice hurt the mouth.

"Hey, I am hitting you, long-awkward uncle!" Alice fist is hard enough, and the average person is at least half a day, Alice is almost blinking and recovering.

"Gifts, gifts!" Alice quarreled with a good thing to have a promise.

When the night is growing, the right hand is turned, and there is a golden medicinal medicine in his hand, and shines.

"That is this!" Night is smile and handed Jin Dan to Alice.

After Alice took Jin Dan, the curious constant left look, "It's so beautiful, what is this, long-awkward uncle!"

"This is the washing Dan!" This medicinal medicine is that the night long has just spent 100,000 points from the store of the supernatural system.

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