The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1382, Chapter 1382, Chapter 1382

Moreover, this washing Dan, which is redemption, is not ordinary wastes, but is designed to be used for the cultivation of the basics.

The Alice is not angry, and the night grows also think that Alice should inherit her mother's 18th physique. It is difficult to induce the vitality between the heavens, and the force of Alice is so big. It is clear that the practice is more suitable for Ali Li. wire.

In fact, the night's strength is also inclined to practice, and it is only a power system in the Dragon Ball World.

The flesh of the night, there is some can't keep up with the growth of his vitality, so the night is currently mainly based on the stage of breaking through the Super Saiyan.

"What is it called to wash the marrow?" Alice asked in a confused.

"Anyway, you can make your body stronger, you can eat it!" The night is long.

1357 chapter, super cup opening

"Well!" Alice nodded, like Klin, she unconditionally trusts the night-wind, directly swallowing the washed Dan into the mouth, and then swallowed into the belly like eating candy.

bass! At this time, Alice's whole body began to release dazzling golden light. The drug of washed the marrow Dan played, and it has begun to make Alice's body.

"It's so comfortable, the body is warm!" Alice was very enjoying.

The medicine to wash the marrow Dan is so relieved, and Alice will have any feeling of discomfort.

After more than ten minutes, the bright light of Alice was finally gradually disappeared. Alice opened the blue eyes, and the golden light was surged.

"How, Alice is not the same?" Asked the night and asked.

Ali Silk gripped the small hand, she felt that her strength did not improve, but the body feels different, it seems farther, it is more clear, and even the brain is more than before.

"Long uncle, I ... I seem to be different!" Alice did not speak very certain.

"Washing Dan does not enhance your strength, but you can make your body, you will know slowly. Now I am teaching you some of the fighting and hard work!" Night wind slowly.

The time after the time, the night costs have paid some combat techniques and practices to Alice.

The last night's long wind also handed the Buddha's golden body to Alice, so that she could not understand her own creation.

After all, the Buddha is almost equal to the people in the Dragon Ball world, and the culture is not a simple matter.

However, the washed Dan improved the spiritual talent of Alice, which greatly enhanced the possibility of she learned the Buddha.

The next week, it is necessary to participate in the first martial arts of the world, especially the two people of Tex and Alice are children, but practicing more than Klin et al.

The night grows is always a break, it is a half-year hardship, and the night-long wind played Burma and Kiki played a circle around the world, completely resting his body and spirit.

Finally, the first martial arts in the world will open a super cup, and the night-long wind and others will come to the world's first martial arts meeting.

Still familiar with the venue, but only has expanded a lot, the audience also has a lot, and it can accommodate 100,000 people.

The first martial arts in the world will have an influence in the two years, which has become a game with fans around the world.

... ... ... Wait until the night growers, the hanging motorboat, all-sided eight-party, the whole is all human heads, all of which are all kinds of noise.

"Oh, how so many people!" Clin is surprised, everyone feels two words, more people!

"Just, there are so many people, I am really annoyed!" Burt is also complaining.

"Mr. Satan!"

"Really Mr. Satan!" The crowd suddenly in front of everyone was crazy, like what super superstar saw, the voice is full.

"Satan? Who is famous?" The night is asked casually.

"Oh, it is the champion of the first martial arts meeting in the two consecutive World, and the popularity is very high. He claims to be the strongest of the world!" Ya Tu tea explained.

"Hey, the guy who has a virtual name!" Klin also knows Satan, and Kerlin also knows that Satan is just a fight.

"Wow, haha ​​... The world's Satan fans, you have been waiting!" A middle-aged beard in the gold belt with a vulgar to die in a training dress entered the venue under the guard guard. Double fists began to greet his fans.

"Satan! Satan! Satan!" The audience of the entire venue boiled. In their hearts, Satan is an absolute king superstar.

"Mr. Satan, this world's first martialo will be in the superb of the previous eight players, in the face of the previous drills, do you have a few points to win?" The television reporter squeezed out the crowd and rushed forward Stretch [out] asked the microphone.

"To be hobby?" Satan hands shoulders, confident, "I think I have twelve signs! As long as I participate, it is the champion! Hahaha!"

"Hey, the guy will be bragging!" Kelin is dissatisfied with the head, and his first person is very dissatisfied.

"Don't worry about him, small people, don't use it!" The night is swaying, sweeping a four weeks, "Bik hasn't come yet?"

! The night long style is just falling, and a figure is straight from the air, it is Bike.

"Master, Uncle Bike is coming!" Tex pointed to the excitement of Bike.

······ Flowers ······

"Oh, there seem to come to people still don't stop the bark!" The night is suddenly looking up and looking at the blue sky.

bass! At this time, the sky had a bright light, and a person who didn't think of people appeared.

"Bergi Tower!" Bike and Clin are great.

"Who he is?" Xiaoulderx still didn't know that Bergiita is his father and pointed to Begita asked.

"Night long wind! You are finally come back!" Bergi Tower completely ignored others, just staring at night.

"Bergi Tower, don't you say no longer fight? How can I ran to participate in the first martial arts in the world?" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

Bergiita hands shoulders, in the eyes, "Hey! I am not interested in any champion, I am here to defeat you!"


"Bergi Tower, you are chair!" Kelin rushed loudly in Baggiita, and he didn't feel anything about Bergi Tower.

"Klin!" The night-long wind gave a hand, and then turned his head and looked at the Bergiita.

"Bergi Tower, this time you don't let me down!"

"Reassured! I will make you a shock!" Bergi Tower recovered the feeling of arrogant Saiyan proud.

"Hey, the night is still going to sign up! Wait until it is dead!" Bike reminded.

"Good!" Night-lasting style nodded, and everyone of light cars came to the registration point.

"If you have to participate, only go to the teenage group!" The registered staff said to the registered Turks and Alice.

"What? Why!" "Tex is very dissatisfied.

"The General Assembly stipulates that children under the age of fifteen are unfair, because it is too unfair." The staff is old and old.

"Is there this specified now?" Night wind is slightly surprised. "It seems that the first martial arts in the world has changed much!"

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