The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1383 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Don't, we are much more powerful than adults, we have to go to adult!" Terry shouted the staff.

"No! This is the regulations of the conference, no one can violate!" The staff directly refused.

"Hey! What are you!" Tex is called two sentences, or only in the young group of sign up, Alice also participated in the juvenile group.

Chapter 1358, the first game

"The pre-selection race started, please sign up for a little to the queue of the qualifier!" After the crowd signed up, the staff of a conference came out and led everyone to the presenter venue.

Although the night-long wind and Klin have participated in the world's first martial arts, it is an invitation, but it is a treatment with newcomers to participate in the qualifier.

Because the number of participants is too much, the quota of the race is limited, in addition to the last champion, Satan, must participate in the qualifier.

"Oh, it's really you!" Just as the night's long wind and others changed clothes, when you stepped into the pre-selection, a suit man suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and it was a surprise.

"Ah, it is you, the referee!" Kelin smiled and looked at the people in front of the world's first martial arts.

"Are you still here?" Night wind saw that the ink mirror has a kind "three two three".

"Yes! I really didn't expect you to come true, night long player, I have been looking for you!" The sunglasses men held the death of the night long wind.

"Haha, don't be so exaggerated, is the influence of the first martial arts in the world? You should be very happy!" The night grew is slow.

"No! No! No!" Sao Men hurriedly shook his head.

"Hey, I know that the Shalu crisis of the earth is you solved!" The mirror male referee whispered.

"Well, it's almost!" The night is laughing.

"Okay, I have to hosted the opening meeting, I believe that you will be able to advance, the race is good!" The Mirror Male turned his hand to waved the night's wind, and then he left at the staff. .

The venue to the qualifier, the surprise of Clin, "Big!"

When you participate in the world's first martial arts meeting before the night, the pre-selection venues are more than ten times before, at least one hundred places.

At this time, on the stage, the qualifiers are being pre-qualified, and the competition system taken is a battle. As long as they are confident, they are not able to challenge without people.

Then in the knockout of the lords of each platform, it will finally participate in the quota of the race.

"Okay, we have a platform for a ring!" Night wind pointed to the ring, and said to everyone.

"Well!" Everyone scattered, found a ringing and started to guard.

The pre-selection game is very fast, the strength of the night is too strong, and it is a trick to send challengers.

Especially the night length and Bergiita and the platform where the Bike is located, no one dares to challenge, soon it is directly outline, even the elimination match does not have to participate, directly advance from the final game.

At the same time, the young group will directly carry out the race due to the numerous number of participants.

At this time, the mirror male referee has walked over the four four squares, and surrounded by trapezoidal sitting. At least 100,000 people are watching.

"The audience of the scene, the audience in front of the TV set, you have been waiting, now I announce the first martial arts in the world, the super cup is officially official ... Start!" The mirror male referee roared.

Wow! About 100,000 spectators were directly ignited, cheers were deafening!

"The first is the competition of the young group, the champion's bonus is tens of millions! More exciting is that the champion of the young group can get an additional reward, that is, the strongest martial artist with the world. That person is ...... "The mirror male referee.

"World Champion - Mr. Satan!"

"Wow haha! I am coming!" Live treasure sattan directly jumped on the ring and stop, and waved the audience to the four sides.

"Satan! Satan! Satan!" The entire competition is a shout of the sound, and the popularity of Satan is indeed very high.

In the backstage of the ring, the players of the teenage group are preparing for activities.

"Mr. Satan is also coming, it's great, I must let him sign me!" Many excited, they are also unusual, they are also the loyal fans of Satan.

"Oh, I didn't expect the championship of the young group, it was too good!" "" "Tex's double eye is the symbol of the money.

"Finance!" The Alice in the side wearing a battle suit, looking away is a fake kid.

"Alice, how come you follow me, it is really annoying!" Tex is very dissatisfied with Alice.

"Hey! Who is behind you, I am coming to the championship, you are waiting!" Alice breathed the mouth BA.

"Haha, you will also want to defeat me too?" Texhaha laughed, "My Master taught me a lot of tricks, the champion must be me!"

"The uncle of Changfeng also taught me, and it must be powerful than you!" Alice waved his smart fist in Tex ...

"Haha, I still want to take a championship, it is really ridiculous!" A high teenager who is warm-up is deliberately provocatively challenged to Tex and Alice.

"Bored!" Terry and Alice will ignore this tall boy at all, directly ignore.

"You ... these little elf!" The high boy was so light, "" Waiting for it, you have a good look! "

On the ring, the mirror male referee has interviewed Satan. Satan is naturally a junction, the bull ratio has to blow it. The night long-term hearing is also a helpless shot.

I have seen shameless guys, I have never seen it like Satan, which is so thick.

"Hey, a waste of time guys!" The Box of the next choice shoulders, some impatient.

"Okay, now the game is officially started, the first game is the Battle of the Tex player Yidai players!" The Mirror Men's referee declared the beginning of the battle, "Now please ask the two players!"

Tex and the high boy called the Ida before.

"The game begins!" The ink mirror male referee will be given.

Tex is standing in the same place, and the Ida is immediately putting a pace of attacks immediately. "Little son, dares to ignore me, you are dead!"

"It's a hateful guy, it is much more nonsense! Let you shut up!" Terrus kicked a foot.

After the sound, the Ida was directly played out, and the body hit into the wall of 1.7 under the stage, was killed by a trick.

"Hey ... The young group of teenagers is bored!" Tex ranked the trouser belt, a uncomfortable expression.

"Dizzy! Tex players won, when used ... a second!" The Mirror male referee was pronounced, while the forehead was heated.

"Sure enough, and the night long player, they are very powerful, even a child is so strong!" The mirror male referee is the hustle.

The entire venue is also a burst of surplus. The audience is to regard the game of the young group as a pre-match show. I didn't expect this game to make the audience stunned.

One looks like a few years old, it is actually so big, and I kicked a young boy in one foot.

"Victory, play well, Terry!" Terrier on the stage cheered.

Chapter 1359, Teenage Group Finals

"Ah, yeah ... It seems that Tex is easy to win!" Kling is also an end of the qualifier and directly enters the race.

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