The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1384, Chapter 1384, Chapter 1384 of the Prince of Tennis

"That is not necessarily." The night is laughing, and it is Alice in the brain.

Next, the competition of the young group is very fast. There are not many people in the competition. Terry and Alice are all the way to sing, and the 100,000 viewers will be frightened.

"The audience! The finals of the young group are about to begin, the two players Tex and Alice, who will be the last win?" The mirror male referee stood in the middle of the platform.

Tex and Alice gratiate aun quite aun, standing on both sides of the sunglasses male referee.

"The two small players are absolutely hitting the finals. I believe they will give the audience a feast!" The Moshu male referee shouted, he has seen Tenx And Alice is not poor than the Night Great Work and Bike and others when I have participated in the first martial arts of the world.

"Oh, these two such little little ghosts are struggling? It seems that there is no competition!" In the VIP room of Satan Wusuo Temple.

"This game is said to be very insight, Mr. Satan may wish to see it!" Satan's staff reminded.

31 call! Satan spit a smoke, the momentum drilled into the ashtray, immediately got up: "Al, I will go see, anyway, I have to take the small champion!"

On the platform of the venue, the night-hearted and other people watch the game.

"Finally arrived at the final final, I hope that the stink of Tenx does not hurt my little girl!" Kllin was a little worried about Alice on the ring.

"Who hurts who, it is not necessarily!" The night length of the night long is slightly leaving.

At this time, the ink mirror male referee announced the beginning of the team's finals.

The opposite Turks and Alice are all eye-catching.

! The two almost simultaneously put together, and the two people were equivalent to the same door, and the starters were almost the same. They looked like a mirror. They were turtle fairy.

"Alice, I advise you to accept it, if you hurt you, I am not responsible!" Tex said confidently to Alice.

"Hey!" Alice BA drums, made a ghost face against Tex, "Win me, say it, yourself!"

"Oh ... these two densities are still like that thing!" Satan came to the backstage of the Wudo Temple, "But ... The kids now have a flower shelf, the basic skills are not good!"

Satan's voice is justified, Trogs and Alice on the ring started at the same time, both of which were placed, and they rushed to each other.

boom! Two people in the blink of an eye span more than ten meters from the platform, and in the center of the ring, a photo is hard, and the boxing is relative. Bamboo

boom! boom! boom! Tex In ordinary state, ▉▉▉ is far from Alice, just starting to follow the rhythm of Alice, gradually Alice accounts, and Tex can only be defended.

The sound of the trip continued, and the two came from the platform to more than ten meters over the ring. In general, Alice was pressed against Tex.

"Wow! Kelin, when your daughter became so powerful, even Tex is not her opponent!" The player looked at Alice's greater Yamu tea.

"I don't know, how is my family's gimmicks so powerful, Lin Lin is also surprised.

"Haha! I have said, I have said it, the winning or negative is not necessarily, the two people are still trying, the next thing is the most exciting!" Night hard haha ​​laughed.

! At this time, Alice suddenly accelerated, bounced on Tex waving his right box, and then resets a after-kick directly finally broke the balance and kicked on the shoulder of Transylns.

call! call! call! Tex was played out by this feet of Juli, in the air continuous flip unloading, and it was hard to turn over the ring.

bass! At this time, Alice also fell from the air, and the two were again opposed.

"Good fighting skills, how to look like it!" Yamu tea lazy.

"Isn't this your style? Night long wind!" The Bike suddenly said.

"Haha, you found it, yes, Alice's fighting skills are me. Now she seems to be high!" Night long wind turned to look at a very embarrassing Kark Road, "gram Lin, you can't keep it in the name of the first person in the earth! "

"Changfeng, you are deliberate. Originally, my status at home is already low!" Kelin wanted to run to the corner to draw a circle.

The player area is a high-rise, and the audience on the scene is a quiet, the needle falls.

Even before Tex and Alice trocked the opponent. Even if the battle of the two now, the battle is amazing, and many viewers are not clear about the movements of the two.

Many audiences think that they are dreaming, how can two days of children have such a powerful strength.

"How ... how can this ... these two ... small ghosts!" The Satan of the Wudo Temple in the backstage of the Wudo Temple is very fast, and the forehead is full of hard sweat, the body is actually trembled [shake].

"It's a wonderful confrontation! At present, Alice players occupy the wind, and then what is the counterattack of Tex, we will wait and see!" The explanation of the mirror male referee is still an unevenness. Feel.

"Wow, great!"

"Good!" 610

"Too handsome!" The 100,000 viewers were completely broke out after a while, and cheered almost to overturn the whole look.

Many spectators who can enjoy this level of competitions have felt that the value has returned to the fare.

There is also more audiences and even think that this game is specially arranged, because the two have just played a few tricks in the air, staying for more than ten seconds.

"Unbelievable! How did they float in half an air?" Is there a steel wire? "Many spectators still can't believe they can see.

On the ring.

Tex's expression completely changed, before the start of the finals, he was confident that he would easily win, before he also told Alice.

Alice is very powerful, but it is generally not the opponent of Tex because she doesn't know how to use his strength.

Now Alice is like a person who has changed a person, and the waves and the feet are very sharp, fighting up simply, the offensive is even more endless, and there is no chance to breathe at Telks at all.

"Hey, Terx, do you want to accept it?" Alice looked at Telks.

"Fart, I don't want to lose it! I am serious now, you are derived!" Terry suddenly jumped to the air, stopping with the dancing of ten meters high.

1360 chapter, violent little Loli

Alice looked up and looked at the sky in the air. "What is he fly so high?"

"Wow ... The child really flew ... Air!" The audience at the scene was quiet.

At this time, Tex turned over with Alice, and then the synthesis of the calyx appeared in the waist.

"How does the turtle send qigong?" Alice brow wrinkled, she saw Kedlin practiced this trick, and also knowing that the turtle gas power wave is not small.

"Turtle is sent to Qigong!" Tex was a drink, and his hands were launched toward Alice.

Bang! At this time, Tex shot a blue light column directly to the Alice Path.

"Tex this stinky boy!" No. 18, who has been silent, I can't help but worry about Alice's comfort, I want to prevent Tetx.

The night-long wind is the right hand is in front of the 18th, and the 18th is blocked, the light: "Don't worry! Alice, not weaker than you!"

The night long-term style is just falling, Alice is flashing, directly escaping the blue light column that the lightning is flying, followed by directly jumping, the speed is even more fast than before, the audience is standing in the ring There is no way to capture Alice's actions.

Bang! The blue light column has brought a circular big pit on the ring, and the air waves are pushed open, and the audience of the ink men's referee has directly blown directly to the ground.

In the midst of gravel, Alice is in turn, but also rushed to Tex, almost moving in front of Tex, almost moving in the moment of Turkus. Terry's face hooked out a punch.

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