The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1385 of the Chapter 1385 of Wangzhao System

call! Alice's little fist is a wind that is a violent, the air is rubbed by Mo, it looks powerful, and the speed is fast to react at all.

"Hey!" In the danger, Telks opened the super-Saiyian mode directly in advance, and the purple hair turned into a golden, and the pure golden emblem was ejected.

! The combat power of Teks suddenly rose, and it was familiar with Alice.

Bang! After the box of Alice, the air actually issued a continuous sound explosion.

"Ah !" The audience is now surprisingly screaming, and the whole site is a chaotic.

Such a battle has never happened in the first martial arts meeting in the first few days, and this is just a game of juvenile groups.

"I am evil! Alice, I am really angry!" Turkishbi green eyes flash, his pure golden vitality in the body of his careful control.

bass! At this time, the Turks hands in the half-air [out] two golden swords.

"My God! What is this trick, is the Terrus player going to reverse the game?" The Mirror male referee climbed up, and immediately started to explain.

"Changfeng, you even handed it to Teks!" Clin was surprised to watch the sharp sword of Telks, "I used you to teach me, you are not willing ..."

"Kelin, your little son, I am not teaching you, don't you learn?" Night long shot took the shoulders of Clin, "You have not aware of kids, I can't do it!"

"Will it be dangerous!" After watching Truss turned into the transformation, the brow is a crumpled.

"Reassured! If there is a problem, I will instantly stop the game!" The night long style is just falling.

bass! Tex waved the sword of the left and right hands and flew directly to Alice, the golden sword illuminates the face of Alice.

Alice is constantly dodging in the air, the power of the sword is very powerful, and the high of the Super Saiyan in Telx is simply like a tiger.

However, Tex has no way to attack Alice, because Tex is turned into a super Saaya, and the speed is still not in the wind. He will not be a sword, it is a unconventional dance, there is no rule.

"The guy of Tex is too happily!" The night grew shook his head.

Of course, the first martial arts in the world will also limit the state of Telks, Trooms Super Saiyans, but there is no way to control as fine as night wind.

If a crazy air bomb or a large range of attacks such as gas cannon, unnecessary casualties will definitely appear.

Alice is no influence by the scene, she is the main battle, there is no trick of remote attacks.

However, now Alice has no way to close. Two swords in Trogs dance, but they completely cover his body and let Alice have no way to attack.

Two people have fallen in a deadlocity for a while, in which Terx is still very disadvantageous because he can't maintain a super-sujay state.

When Teks fell back to ordinary state, Alice's opportunity came.

However, things that have never been thought of, Alice has chosen very uncomfortable active attack at this time.

And while she rushed to Terx, Alice did the whole body brightly, and her face became solemn.

This kind of light night is more familiar, it is a Buddha!

In other words, Alice is actually successful opening of the Buddha statue. Although Alice's Buddha statue is still the primary stage, but after the washed marrow, Alice's flesh power is very powerful. Unexpectedly.

Always, Alice turned into a golden person, and the golden light whose body was released made the audience in the scene couldn't help but close their eyes.

The ink mirror male referee is because the relationship of sunglasses can look up and stare at Alice's actions.

"Ni!" Terry didn't think that Alice was so bold, and the two shiny swords were held directly with both hands.

! Mars splashed out, smashing, Alice's huge force broke out, turned directly to the two hot swords in Tex.

bass! The hot sword bursts into golden fragments. The moment of the colors, Turks is completely stunned, he (Li Di) really wants why Alice can directly hold such dangerous swords.

boom! In the moment of Telks, Alice kicked on the back of Turkus.

"Ah!" Tex was called, and was kicked to the audience outside the ring.

! The last Turkus turned over in the air, so it's hard to stop in the steps of the auditorium.

"It's over!" Tex was shocked to rise.

The male referee men's referee came over and looked at the foot of Tex's feet on the audience. So directly loudly, "out of bound!"

"I won!" Alice was built into the air, and jumped again in the air, and waved towards the night's strength.

At this time, I didn't expect the last end. At this time, the three black lines appeared on his head.

"Alice ... It's a violent little Loli!" The night did not hit it.

Chapter 1361, suddenly appeared mysterious

"Alice players wins!" The mirror male referee delisted the name of Alice very long, "Let's cheer for the wonderful performance of the juvenile group!"

"Good! Wonderful!" The audience of the audience cheered Qi Qi, applause shocked, no matter what this branch of the group is true, at least very cool, the general people will not be able to do it.

"Win, my family is amazing, it is my good daughter!" Klin grinned.

"There is nothing to do with your kid!" Night shot took the picture of Klin, "Do you just say that Terrus will lose?"

" ..." Clin did not refute, smirked.

"Hey!" Begda, who has been in the silent, suddenly snorted, and then turned and left.

"Berga, this guy!" Night long-term winds, Bergiita, still care Trogs, but he didn't want to express it.

On the ring, the mirror male referee returned to the center of the ring.

"It's a long-lost good game!" The Mirror male referee was from the inner high-hearted high-hearted, recently, there were no nightly games, and the finals of this juvenile group, the mirror male referee saw and the year As a wonderful match.

This makes the ink mirror male referee are bloody, and the strength of -570- is also getting higher and higher.

"I am evil ... I actually lost to the gimmick!" Terrus flying back to the player.

The night's face is positive and patted. The shoulders of Tetranx, Shen Sheng: "Terry, remember that you should never look at any opponent! This is just a battle, if you really live and die, a big idea You may never have a chance to turn over! "

"Well! Master, I know! Next time I will win!" Tex child's heart, soon throwing the finals of the finals.

"This little child ..." The night's laughed laughed, "Why are you saying this to him so early!"

"Dear! After the intense competition, the next is a special program prepared by a conference!" Sao Mirror men's referee looks to the background of the Wudao Temple. "Now there is a championship, Mr. Satan, come and teenage group champion Alice Players in a show! "

"Wow!" Satan heard the shouts of the sunglasses male referee, all people were all in the forehead, "What to do ... This little ghost is so powerful, I will be killed!"

"Satan! Satan! Satan!" At this time, he sounded a strong response sound, Satan's popularity is quite high, and many people are coming from a very far from a very far game. It is to watch Satan's game.

"If you run away ..." Satan's face is red, "No, I am the world champion, how can I be afraid of a small ghost!"

Satan is strong, and the hands are high, make a self-confidence that looks out from the channel and came to the center of the ring.

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