The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1388 Chapter 1388 of the Prince of Tennis

"No, you guess the wrong." Xiaoen's voice did not fall. He drilled out behind him, and another 3.8 mysterious people who were together with Shawn.

"He is the king of the king!" The mysterious man said directly to the bike.

"True ... The king of the world!" Bike surprised up his mouth, his eyes were all round.

"Please temporarily keep your confidentiality, I still don't want to expose the identity!" The king of the king and the Bike.

"The king of the world ... among all the kings, the big king is the highest, although I have heard that there is still the existence of the king of the king on the king, but this is the first time ..." Bick still no Sprinkle God, take your hot sweat.

"The king of the king!" The night grew well of the distance heard the dialogue of the two, "said there is a familiar feeling of feelings. It turns out that the king of the king is the king of the king, he What to do in the earth? "

"Is this related to subsequent tasks?" Night long wind faintly felt that this sudden dance king will trigger the subsequent task of superhen systems.

1364 chapter, controlled people

On the ring, Biki and Shuby's battle have begun.

Bikai's combat power is in the eyes of the earth, it is good in the earth, that is, the level of five or sixty, the speed and strength can be, at least than her father, the father, Satan.

At the beginning of the game, Bikai was also played in Spo, Shuby was played very miserable, almost no effort.

"Oh, this sister moves is quite good!" Night lived, looked at Bikai smiled.

"Yeah, completely pressing the big man, recruits the winning!" Kling voice just fell.

A slamming, Bikai kicked at Shuby's abdomen, Shuby was kicked out directly, and the heavy fell in the edge of the ring.

"I knocked down the opponent again! It's hard, it is a genius girl, and the strong Spoab is not the opportunity to come back at all!" The mirror male referee is very excited.

"It's great, Bikai!"

"Dry good, Bikai! I love you!" The audience at the scene was completely crazy, and the shouts screamed throughout the entire martial arts.

"Call ... call!" After this, after the junior attack, it seems to be a bit tired and began to breathe.

! On the other hand, Shuby, who was already played, did not turn over, and there was no injury 31, and it didn't look at it.

"Wow! Shuby played again, he seems to have no injured, and it is strong!" The mirror male referee was surprised to say.

"Well?" Night lives looked at Shuby, in this moment, night long wind felt the spiritual fluctuation.

With the night-long windy wind of the undead witch, it can feel that Shuby seems to be controlled by a strong spiritual force.

"It seems that the goal of the king of the king is that he is controlled behind him?" Guess the road in the night.

"The tenacious guy!" Bikai looked at Shuby again, directly started, but also a slamming, Shuby was played out.

"Wow, amazing ..." At the same time at the scene of the audience, Shuby is like being hired, but also turned over.

" ..." Spo is smirk.

"How is this possible?" Kelin was a bit surprised, and the Shuby was not strong, but it was not so hitting a little, it was really unexpected.

"The beauty is not afraid, it is dangerous." The night grew well. "Looking at Bikai slowly.

"Long wind, what is going on here?" Julin asked.

"That bald muscle man is not so simple, you look at it, Kelin!" The night grew back.

boom! At this time, the situation on the ring is mutated.

Shuby's power suddenly skyrocket, and directly took Bai Kai.

"It's over!" When the audience at the scene closed his eyes, Ji Kai actually stopped in half of the air and did not land.

"Is this a dance sky? She will dance!" Clin was shocked.

"Well, maybe this is a little bit related to Hiha Xian." Night long style guess the road.

! Biya stubbornly flying back to the platform, her character seems quite stubborn and does not want to easily accept.

"Hah!" After flying back to the platform, fly directly to the side of the Shu, then kick, and a heart kicking in Shuby's neck.

Hey, a crisp sound, Shuby has been played throughout the head.

"Ah! The neck of Shuby play seems to be kicked, it is a terrible power!" The mirror male referee is called.

"Ah ... Kill it!" The audience was in a hurry.

"Well, play well!" Many buds' loyal fans are still desperate.

! At this time, Spo was actually raised his hands, and his head turned back and retired.

!! The event has a neck, constantly turning, and Spo is not injured at all.

"How is this possible!" Clin is surprised to rise.

"Unbelievable, Shuby played his neck, he didn't die! It is not finished!" The male referee is getting bigger and bigger, and the audience at the scene is also shocked by Shuby.

"Sure enough, it is not his strength!" The night shot is slightly wrinkled.

"Dead, death!" Spo is smiled and suddenly a punch.

Bikai is still laughing, she is also shocked by Shuby's movement.

boom! Bikai was slammed out of the platform again by Shuby, and this time Spo is not given to Bikai, and it is also flying out of the platform.

"The guy will also fly!" Kling pointed to Shuby.

"I can't believe that the two players flew to the air!" The mirror male referee was called.

Bikai is unbelievable to fly to the high-altitude to avoid the attack, "how can this be!"

"Hah!" Spo was suddenly launched a right hand in the air of Jibai.

boom! Suddenly there was an invisible force hit the junkai, and the japanese screamed, and the air was dropped directly, like a kite that broke the line.

"That ... that muscles will also use the gas ... Ok, it's very small!" Kllin was tightly cleared.

"That is not his strength!" Night wind just finished directly disappearing.

"Changfeng, you ..." Klin gang.

"Christie's guy is really a long-distance, and Bergi Tower is dissatisfied with a dissatisfaction.

boom! When Spo is a punch, a shadow appeared in Spo, and directly pinched the fist of Shuby 873 with his hand.

It is a night growing!

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