The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1389 of the Chapter 1389 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ah, night long wind players, you can't go to the stage, the game has not ended!" The mirror male referee is surprised.

"Wow!" The audience at the scene is also a bit, and the night length image is a ghost.

"She has no combat power, and there is no consciousness to accept, the referee is still announced the results of the game!" Night long wind turned to the sunglasses male referee.

"It makes sense, this game ..." The mirror male referee just wants to announce the game Spoab.

Shuby is already full of red, and he has a strong force to break the fist from the bondage of the night.

"I advise you not to move!" The night grew in the right hand of the Shuby fist.

!!! The crisp sound is not stopped, and the night cost is directly packed, his hand bone has been completely broken, and there is constant blood to ooze it on the ring.

"Night wind has already seen it!" The king of the king of the king looked at the night long wind in the background.

And in the darkness of the background, another muscle bald man hooks against Spo, "Spo, what are you doing, hurry to kill him, we still have a tight thing!"

"Bleak! Let me go!" Spo is called, the left arm rose big, with the remaining left fairy side face!

1365 chapter, the request of the king of the world

bass! At this time, the night-long wind and right hand, the palm is instantly condensed out a blue disc, and it is a gas circle.

! Just in the left fiary of Shuby, the blue light flashed.

! Shuby's entire rising left arm is directly cut off on the ring, and there is no one to see it.

puff! Spo is the left shoulder of the broken arm, starting crazy spray [blood], a blood column will be reddish in the middle of the ring.

"Ah ..." Shuby began to call, and looked back to his companion, "Come and save me!"

Shuby's bald companion hand holding a shape similar to the alarm, the instrument's dial is turning crazy.

"This energy reaction is terrible, it is him!" The picture of the picture widened his eyes, staring at the night, then stretched into the bag behind the bow, and there seems to be in the bag.

"Say! Who is the person behind you!" The night is cold and cold, asked Spo, "I advise you to play tricks with me, this time is just your arm, you want to lie , Next time it is not necessarily! "

"Quasi-amazing power, the strength of the night, the strength of the night has exceeded my imagination ..." The king of the king is also eye-catching looking at the night's wind on the ring.

"Hey, Christie This guy is doing what is needed to talk nonsense with him?" Berga hands shoulders.

"What is going on, do he want the hero to save the United States?"

"It's so powerful, the bald man is not his opponent at all!" The scene of the audience is chaotic, and the audience discusses the night-length refers to the point.

bass! At this time, a movie is suddenly flashing after the night length of the body is Shuby's association.

"They act!" The king of the king is unexpected.

"Well?" The night long-lasting style turned back, the bald male hand took a pot like an Aladin lamp.

"Ha ~"! "At this time, the king of the king of the king launched his hands and called.

Suddenly, the night-long wind felt an invisible force wanted to bind himself. In an instant, the night's wind was judged that the power originated from the king of the world.

"The king of the king is with these guys?" The night is frowned, "It is impossible, it is completely different, and the king of the king is not malicious!"

Finally, the night's long winds open Shuby, although the king of Wang God is very strong, but it is impossible to bond the night, but the night is still fitted.

Snapped! Shuby's trusted hugged the night's hands, Spo, Shu, who took rid of the accomplices, was put on the waist of the night long wind.

"The two bastards want to do for the long wind!" Clin was shocked.

"Don't go in the past!" The king of the king saten the next Kings and others.

! At this time, the strange pot in Shuby released a suction, which was forced to absorb the vitality of the nightway.

Although the night length is not very angry, the strange pot can still absorb the voyage from the night long body, which makes the night growers.

"Okay! The energy is full, the speed is fast!" Shuby looked at the strange pot road that started glowing.

"Let's go! This guy is no longer used!" Shuby's accomplices let go of the night grows, flipping directly to the air, the whole body is sprayed.

Spo is also a dead hug, full of energy, and the bleeding of the broken arm is also stopped instantly, and it is beginning to turn over to the air.

! Two, the two directly flew to the blue sky, and then quickly disappeared in everyone's sight.

"Changfeng, you are fine!" Kelin rushed to the loud nozzle of the night, and the eyes were surprised. He didn't think that the night is so weak two people who are so weak.

"Wait a minute, now it is still time, believe me! He is fine!" The king of the king once again stopped Julin and Bike who wanted to flee two people.

bass! At this time, the moving figure suddenly disappeared on the ring, and it moved in an instant.

When the night length shore moved in front of the rest area, then looked at the king of the king, "Now what can you say? What is your style ... The king of the king!"

"You already know that I am the king of the king!" The king of the king was shocked.

"Changfeng, you are fine!" Ke Lin took a breath.

"Of course, it's okay, I am just a trick, let the two muscles can suck me a little in accordance with the requirements of the king of the king of the king." Night wind slowly.

"Well, let's talk about the specific road. If you are willing to help me, you will come with me. But you can't let the two people who have just fled us." After the king of the king, fly directly, The speed flew to the direction of the two muscle men who had just disappeared.

"Changfeng, what should we do now?" Kelin is a slave.

"Of course, I have followed it, I also want to know who the two guys behind the scenes!" The night length turned twisted neck.

! At this time, the two fugitive muscles were extremely fast, and they had already fly out of the island where the world's first martialo will be.

"I really didn't expect that person's energy. With these energy magic people soon wake up, Babii people will be very happy!" Spo is ignored to break the arm, and the mood looks good.

boom! The two raised in the air and quickly made two small black spots in the air.

"What is the situation just now ..."

"Those people are not the contestants, how to fly away?" The audience at the scene was stunned, and the mirror male referee tried to control the situation of out-of control, and the medical staff took the injured coma Biyer to the background treatment. .

"Changfeng, you, etc. (Wang Hao) I will go with my wife to say hello, I have to go!" Kelin hurriedly said to night.

"I will go ... Klin, you really become a wife and tattoo!" Night is helpless, "Then you are gone!"

"What jokes, Christty, we still have to dive!" At this time, the Bagge Tower, which should shoulder, did not do it, the only reason why he came here is to fight with night.

"Bergi Tower, I am not never have you, you can do it at any time, you don't have to rush to a moment!" The night long turned head is a non-polite.

"I am evil, Christie, you want to perfunct me! I can't do anything, no matter what he has, I just want to fight with you!" Bergita double boxing.

"Lazy you!" Night is lazy to persuade Belgita, this dead brain, directly flew to the air, followed by Bick, flying with night, and the two quickly disappeared over the martial arts temple.

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