The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1391 of Tennis Prince Chain

High is a strong man who is full of red muscles. It is still short of shortcomings on the head. There is also a M logo on the head in the head in the forehead. The breath is also quite powerful.

The short long is like a mouse, draped an orange cloak, looks wretched, no sense of gas, it seems not very strong.

"It is Dapula, Babii's guy actually took the king of the devil!" After the king of Wang Shen saw two people, the look immediately became nervous, and the forehead also exudes fine sweat.

"Dapla? Are you saying that big head?" Night live wind also noticed Davra.

"Yes, he is the king of the dark devil. In this world, the strongest person may be you, and the strongest person in the magic range must be Dapula!" The king of the king looked back.

"Devil ... The king of the devil ... Is there really a devil? If he is not very difficult to deal with? I can't believe it!" Kelin is unbelievable.

"Hey!" Bergi Tower snorted and turned his gaze to Dapula.

"That wretched little old man is Bababi!" Night wind turned his gaze to the elf next to it.

"Just! Single from fighting power, Bababi is not worth mentioning, even the martial artists on the earth, but he can use horrible magic, so you can't be small, and now Lian Dadu is already listening to him. ! "The king of the king of the world.

"His magic is strong enough to make the king of the devil?" Bike is also surprised.

"No, he can use the evil and desire of others." The evil of Dapla is famous, and the people who have no evil in the heart can resist him! "The king of the king explained.

"Yes?" The night's mouth flashed a context, the statement of the Wang Shen, the night, did not

Night wind believes that Bababi can control Dapula, just because he is strong than Dalpara, this is the power of the magician.

Moreover, the night-catching style does in touch with the powerful spiritual power of Bababi, among the people who have encountered in the night, this is the first person who can make a tricky person in the spiritual power.

"I really didn't expect to arrive here, I lost, if Dapla and Bababi were joined forces ..." The king of the king of the world is getting more and more.

"Do you want to say that we can't overcome them?" Bergata was dissatisfied with a sentence.

"Hey! According to your statement, if the magistitute is built, the world is finished. It doesn't matter, that kind of guy, I will not lose, just kill them!" Bergita confident Say.

"Oh, Bergi Tower, you fight today [want] I am very strong!" The night's wind swept a photo of Bergiita, and he also wondered what the Bergi Tower progressed to what level, really broke through the super competition Asians one stage.

······· Flowers ······

At this time, on the air.

Bababi took the strange pot of the bald man, slightly reversed, started laughing, "Very good, the energy inside is very pure! You do your good, the magist brothers can quickly wake up! "


"Bababi adult, you see my arms when I finish the task, you can see if you can help me fix it!" Spo is invited by Bababi.

"Hey ... The task has been completed, then ... you have no use value!" Babi Di's immersed red light flashed.


"Ah!" Suddenly, Shuby started screaming, the body is constantly rising.

"Dinn!" Babii waved.

Spo is a big speed, which is very fast, and Shuby actually burst.

"Wow!" Blood splashing the bald man in the side, he refused to flew up, the mouth was still pleasing, "Babii, don't kill me! I beg you, don't kill me!"

"This sound is really beautiful!" Babii smiled and waved his right hand again.

The squat, Bababi's hand shot a red magic ball, directly on the bald man, the bald man was exploded to swallow the slag.

"Hehe, ... Useless waste is still cleaned up!"

"The guy actually gave the hand ..." Clin was shocked by a series of movements in Bababi.

"Heart is a hot, it is really not good to deal!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Bababi on the air.

"Oh, Davra, bait seems to be hooked, just as I expected, Shuby kills my father's king of kings," Bababi's strong strong strong has discovered night long wind and others Hidden behind the rock wall.

"Yes, there seems to have many people have come. There are three energy!" Apikra cold channel.

"Haha, it's right, the energy of the three guys should be enough. I really didn't expect to wake up the magic. I can wake up the magic. It is fortunate!" Babi Diye flicked.

Chapter 1368 will count

"Dapla, introducing the three energy reactions into the universe boat, absorb their energy." Babi-Di said.

"No problem, but the king of the king will probably will prevented it." The king of the king of the world. "

"Then, let the people outside the three guys, then return to the universe boat immediately, they will definitely catch up with the cosmic boat!" Babii smiled.

"Good way, it is a Bababi!" Daphp nodded.

Bababi's eyes are flashing, "Yes, don't move the king of the king, I want to slow down him!"

"Follow Babi Di, the king of the king will leave you slowly!" Dapula is also grinned.

"Give it to you!" Babii took energy absorbing pot and returned the arched room, which is the entrance to the cosmic ship.

"Good! The game started!" Dapla swept a rock wall that crowded in the "five two zero".

"Hey, the wretched mouse is in the room!" Kelin whispered.

"Oh ..." At this time, Dapu was shocked, and the rock wall that was directly hiding directly from the night wind and other people.

"We were discovered!" The consciousness of Begita.

Dapula was a flash of the grass in front of Clin.

boom! Red light in Dapula is surging, and the energy explosion is sprayed, so the distance, Clin is almost killed.

bass! At this time, the night length moves directly into the front of Clin.

High-compressed violent energy directly bombards the chest of the night, is awkward! The training suit from the night long winds is directly exploded, revealing the flow line type muscles.

"Well?" Dapla is shocked, the speed of the night is completely out of his imagination, he did not capture the trajectory of the night-catching action, and under his violent attack, the night long actually did not hurt And it is disdainful to look at yourself.

"Hey, use bad my clothes, how do you have to accompany?" The night long-term face looked coldly at Davra, and then a normal boxing.

boom! The Dapla chest is directly hit and fly directly.

"I am evil, there is such a big power!" Dapla reversed the body in the air, and the whisper sprayed out and rushed to the night.

"Oh, it is worthy of the king of the devil. It is very strong in fighting!" Night Changfeng has just used 50% forces. It is necessary to know that the power of night long-lasting night is very strive. Even if Flizza will also Directly bombarded by a punch, and Dapula was hit by front, but there was no serious injury.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! In the face of the night-wind and other people, Dapu suddenly launched an attack, and the mouth was sprayed in the mouth.

"Beware! Don't touch his saliva!" The king of the king went up and reminded.

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