The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1392 of the Chapter 1392 of the Prince of Tennis

"I kao! Really nm disgusting!" Night live wind has never seen someone with saliva attack.

Dapla's saliva attack is very fast, but there is no threat in the night, it seems to be shot directly.

When the night is growing, the Clin behind him did not respond, and the slap, wiped the shoulders by the mouth.

"Ah, it's really disgusting!" Klin's face hatefully wiped out the spit on the arm [liquid] self-esteem:. Bamboo

"No ... is not good!" The king of the world was shocked.

"What happened? Is this water for this water?" The biochetic is not falling.

"Ah ... ah, ah ..." Klin yelled, and then the body turned out to start petrochemical, just like the beauty of Medusa, the blink of an eye became the statue of the earth.

"Ke"! "Night long wind flashed to Kelin," I am going ... this disgusting attack is also Tema, it is. "

"Don't touch him!" The king of the king shouted in the night.

"Ah, hahaha ..." Dapula saw a successful plan, and smirked.

"They were turned into stones, if they touched, they couldn't restore it!" The king of the world rushed to everyone.

"I can't restore it, saying that there is a recovery method?" Night wind seized the key issue.

"This ..." The king of the king of the world, heeps out of the head, "If the Dapu is dead, his attack will naturally be released ..."

"It turns out that this method is very simple!" Night wind and double boxing slowly.

! At this time, Dapula fled to the entrance of the cosmic ship.

"You have these waste, no one can be pair with Bababi!" Dapula is deliberately said in order to attract the night.

"MD, run, do you want to lead us into the universe boat? I will meet you!" Night long wind turned to the gram son sound, "Bike, you hold Klin, I will go in Pull resolve! "

"Good!" I nodded by the Bik ...

"Wait, the universe boat must be the enemy's trap, Dapula will run a conspiracy!" The king of the king wants to stop the night of the night.

"Yes?" Night's mouth, the figure, the figure disappeared in the original place, directly moved to the cabin of the cosmic ship.

"It's evil! The night is too impulsive!" The king of the king is nervous.

"Christie This guy wants to be a hero?" Behagiita, which is shoulders, also flying, speeding to the universe ship.

"Hey!" The king of the king couldn't call, "How do Saayans so impulsive! No way!"

The sweat on the king of the king is dripping on the ground, and he has to fly directly, flying toward the ship.

boom! After a boxing of a box, a box is printed, the eye is printed is a downward circular passage.

"Bergi Tower, are you coming?" Night lived in Berga laughing.

"Hey! Christie, you know what I am not interested in what the king of Wang God, I just have to follow you, prevent you from being afraid of running out of me!" Bergata cold channel.

"Oh, how do you say it! I will go!" Night live wind directly from the circular channel, and Bergiita naturally followed.

"Dry, Davra! This group of idiots are really hooked!" Bababi is watching the trend of night long winds in the control room 0.1.

! After the night's wind fell, after dozens of meters, came to a cylindrical room, all of which were alloy walls, and the room was empty.

"Where is it here? How is it?" Bergata brow wrinkled.

! At this time, the night length of the wind bowed one person is the king of the king.

"The king of the world, you still keep up!" The night is laughing.

"Not you are too Hui!" The king of the king wiped the sweat of the year, and then explained that, "Once entered this spaceship, unless you defeat Babii, it is hard to go out."

"Hey! If you can't do it, you can't ruin this spaceship!" Bergata cold channel.

"No! If you are too strong, you may wake up the Mon of the Mon in advance in advance."

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"Once the migrar is awake, even if his energy is not completely killing us, and destroying the earth!" The king of the king is quite a tribute to the monsters.

"Hey, the king of the king is also coming!

"Yes! Please rest assured, I must complete the task!" The man who was called the horses went to the room where the night is waiting.

... At this time, the room alloy hatch in the night long and other people suddenly opened, and the night-long waiters were attracted back.

A long-term equivalent wonderful universe wearing a universe combat service appeared in front of a nightly wind.

"Sorry, let you wait!" Said the mouth said to everyone.

"Who are you?" Bergi Tower looked coldly.

"I am called. Babi Di, the big people you want to find, but a pity, you can't see it, because you have to defeat, I can go. And this matter is impossible What happened! "He is full of confidence.

"That's also, here is the place where your funeral is." Han Guang flashed.

On the other hand, Bababi took the energy absorbing pot to a secret room, there is a giant 31 meat egg in the room, it seems like an open peach, quite nausea, and still fluctuating, from time to time Red light.

A squat, Bababi packed the energy absorbing pot to a small mouth of the meat.

puff! puff! puff! The meat is immediately beats, and the red light that is distributed is also brighter.

Snapped! Didn't have a few seconds, Bababi took the energy absorbing pot, and the energy has been absorbed.

"Ah, a pot of energy actually completed the one-third of the progress, the energy of the Saiyan is too pure!" Babii was surprised to look at a round divert.

"What!" Dapla is also a big shock, "Is there so much?"

"Hey! I know that the energy of the Saiyan is so easy to use, I will tie him directly!" Bababi coldly replied.

"Nothing! Now there are two Sai people come in. It should be enough to absorb their energy. If you are going well, maybe we can let the magiston wake up!" Dapu is cold.

"It is also! Go, let's take a look at the battle, you have already defeated one of them!" Bababi and Dopula flew up and returned to the control room.

Look at the big screen of the control room, Bababi suddenly stunned, "How did you start fighting?"

Among the rooms, night long winds and Bergiita actually on the stone scissors, the king of the king of the side is a doppicistic expression. "What is the two guys do ..."



"Okay, I won, I will come first!" Berga raised the right punch, and his mouth was slightly.

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