The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1393 of the Chapter 1393 of the Prince of Tennis

"What are they doing ..." Babii's face is full of face.

"Do you want someone?" The king of the king was surprised to see Baggiita asked.

Bergi Tita disdainted his mouth, "Of course! If this guy is one, if it is one, it is too shameful!"

"Haha, it is really a joke. Babiedi adult said that you have a very powerful force, call me careful, you are all fools!" He smiled.

"Bababi is a fool. He will regret that he has not investigated clearly. He will actually act, and he actually does not know on the earth." Beji Tower walked to the face, pinched the fist .

"The strongest person? Haha, are you talking about jokes?" The smile is even bigger.

"Don't care, Bababi's hand should be very strong!" The king of the king is still unassured.

"You have more concern, the king of the king! These have no sense of waste can be induced, and it will be handed over to Bergata!" The night long shot took the shoulder of the king of the world.

"The earth is really big, you can't go out, and once you have the words, the energy will poured out from the wound, and it is absorbed by this house and eventually transferred to the seal magician cloth Europe's egg!" A pair of expressive expressions and said the secret of the cosmic ship.

"So, as long as you don't hurt, you will not be absorbed, right?" Bergijat smiled coldly.

"It is! But very regrettable, it is impossible!" He is full of confidence.

"Bergi Tower, don't talk nonsense with this little role!" Night wind is already a bit impatient, after all, Kling is still in the stone state, night long does not want to delay for too long.

"Christie, you don't ordered me!" Bergi Tita's handshake.

"Oh!" At this time, I was first launching an attack, flying, kicking a foot to the head of Begitta, and the speed looks quite fast.

But in the eyes of the night, the eyes of Bergi Tower is like snails, most is the level of two million combat power.

Snapped! Bergiita randomly erected the right hand, directly grabbed the kicked out the right foot.

boom! Then, it is a foot kick in the abdomen, and the body is hit, and the Baggi Tower kicked on the alloy wall.

"Ah! Haohao!" Heavyged down from the wall, the body curled, and the mouth was blotted.

bass! Bergiita is an attack and keeps it, and it is lifted forward.

boom! is a ball that is usually kicked on the roof of the room by Bergiita, and then rebounded back.

!!! Not 593, etc., Bergi Tita jumped directly, and then the chest of the is a continuous swing, and the box is falling.

"How can this possible ..." Babiyi looked at the big screen in the control room, and he was his proud, but it was completely hanging by Bergiita.

The king of the king is also eye-catching, and the Saayan's power exceeds his imagination.

"Not a good, what environment can you play all the strength?" Bababi turned his head asked Davra.

"High Grade Planetz!" Dapula replied.

"Zen? Good!" Babii suddenly opened his hands, then read the spell in the mouth.

At this moment, the environment where the night-catching, the environment is suddenly changed, and it is not an alloy room, but an unparalleled planet.

This star is in the dark, there are many satellites similar to the earth with the earth, and the bright planet is bright.

"Well, this is a spatial transfer or environmental simulation?" Night Changshi just felt a strong spiritual fluctuation, "is the ghost of the magician Babii!"

"Here is it?" Beguata will kick it.

"It is Bababi's magic. He has changed the environment with magic. This environment should be a favorable environment!" The king of the world reminded.

1370 chapter, a punch

"Call ... call!" The whole body is blood, the teeth are knotted, and it is grinned. "You are dead, the gravity here is ten times the earth, I am growing here!" "

"What is it? Only ten times, I don't feel it!" Berga disdain.

"You are lying!" He pointed to Berga yelled, his brain was played by Begita.

"Why is the anti-party be stupid?" The night's wind shook his head, ten times gravity couldn't feel at all, and the current Bergiita couldn't.

The current night-long wind and Bergiita are only hundreds of gravity, and the body will feel, and the training has the effect of gravity.

"Bergi Tower, don't play, no time!" The night is suddenly open.

"Christie, I don't have to remind it!" Bergata's right foot, instantly started, and the speed was more than ten times more than just now.

It's unbelievable with your eyes and full of eyes.

Bang! The Bergi Tita has been right-handed on the head, and the energy light column is directly sprayed.

! In the eyes of the king of king and Bababi, the head was slag by Behagiji, and the body fell to the ground and lost his life.

"Hey, Babii actually sent this waste, I didn't finish it even the warm body!" Berga disdainfully slammed his mouth, lifted the right foot, and kicked the rest of the body.

... At this time, a circular channel suddenly appeared under the people.

"Open the door, it seems that Babii is just a polyhua environment. It is still so powerful!" The night long winds go directly to the channel, jumping.

"The king of the king, you are going!" The night greeting and greeted some of the kings of the world.

"It's too strong ... The Begita is also so strong?" The king of the king shocked the expression.

"I am evil! This waste!" At this time, Bababi's anger is frowned, and the face is so wretched. This is even more disgusting.

! After the night, the wind and Begitta are leap, and it is coming to the same room just now.

"What is it, or just like it, the Bababi is too boring. ¨!" Night wind is already a bit impatient.

"How can there be such a powerful person on the earth?" Bababi turned around.

"Three hundred years ago, when we investigate the earth, there was no such powerful people!" Dapla is also a little confused, but the face is still an expression, "Babi-Di, you don't have to worry, there is three levels If you count, there is also what I am! "

"Who is the second party? Bababi Di?"

"Yakun!" Bababi cold channel.

"Yakun! The second pass will send Asian Kun?" Dapula was a bit surprised.

"Maybe we should not look too small to see those earth people, just have never encountered the opponent, it is dead, this time it can't be big!" Bababi cold channel.

"It turns out! This way, the game will soon be ended!" Daplato was under the Baoda.

Babiei brow is picking up. "The most important thing in the eyes is to get their energy to let the magic buno wake up, what game is not important!"

"Yes! Bababi, very sorry ..."

Among the rooms, the night-catching and other people waited for a few minutes.

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