The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1394, Chapter 1394, Chapter 1394

"It's a waste of time, let me go through the floor to rush down!" Berga hugged.

"No! I said, too strong impact may let the magic bought!" The king of the world is busy.

"Hey! Even if the migrenome is built, it is almost the level of Davra!" Bergi Tower is also a bit impatient.

"The level of Dapula?" The king of the king.

"The Davra is not worth afraid, in addition to the saliva attack, there is nothing to do!" Berga disdain.

"Is this really this?" The king of the king did not believe in the night long wind.

"Haha, Beggetta said too exaggerated. Dapla strength is still good, you should be able to fight with me." Night long-faced corner, "but Davra does not seem to feel gas, energy waste Too many, it is indeed worth mentioning. "

"My God ... is just the normal state, can you fight DPL? Is it unbelieited, is the super-seizure really strong?" The king of the king has set off a heil of the sky. "Is it possible to come to the current position, they are still Not serious? "

... Just at this time, the alloy gate in the room was once again opened, and a monster who had a hurry came out.

!!! The monster has a huge body shape, at least five meters high, the shape and night length wind do the world Jurassic's overlord dragon have a few points, and the face is not good, and the sound is also issued.

"Hey ... Who is it?" The monster swept a night, and the mouth was exported in the mouth.

"This monster is Bababi's bottom sign?" The night is cold and coldly looking at the giant monster in front of you.

"That ... that is Warcraft Asian Kun! Be careful, its combat power is very strong!" The king of the king rushed to remind him.

! At this time, Warcraft Asian Kun raised his arm. He suddenly stretched with his wrist [out] two sharp black stab, shining with cold light, look very sharp.

"Dry them, Yakun!" Bababi shouted in the big screen of the control room.

"Yeah!" At this time, Warcasy waved to rush to the front of the night.

"A boxing soul!" At this time, the night is very cold, the right foot is span, the bang, the ground is dramatic, and the king of the king did not pay attention to the ground.

! Then, the right arm of the wind rose big, and the right fist is waved before.

Bang ridiculous, Warcraft Yakun was swallowed by Jin Guang, the fist, the king of the king, was pushed to the alloy wall of the room.

"Good impact!" The king of the king is good (good money) Easy to slow down, slowly open his eyes.

The light is exhausted, the Warcraft Yakun is in the same place, and it doesn't move.

"What's it! Yakun! Kill him!" Babiyi looked at the big screen and wished wow.

call! The night-long wind is a laughing of giant Warcraft Asian Kun in front of him.

Hairying ... Just in this moment, Warcraft Ash is a blown ash. Generally, instantly dissipated in the air.

"Ni!" Bababi in the king of the king and the control room was shocked.

"It is actually a punch!" Dapula is also a sinking, and the eye is peeled.

"Fast! Dapla, take energy detector!" Babi Di turned his crazy to Dapula loudly.

bass! Soon, Dapula handed a strange device to Bababi, Babii picked up, the needle on the dial on the top is moved.

"How is this possible?" Babii stunned.

1371 chapter, Bat Pra

"There is only a 50-kg energy reaction!" Bababi is quite rich at this time.

"50 yards? Warcraft is the energy of 800 bases, how can energy be killed by people in 50 kg!" Dapla is also stunned.

Both people don't understand martial artists can freely control the gas, if they are willing to keep the energy reaction in the 0 basin, which is the extent of Bababi's energy detection table.

"It seems that this table is definitely broken!" Bababi's right hand throws, pulverizing the energy detection table in his hand.

The lens returned to the room of the alloy, and Adam was killed by a night, and he had a circular hole under the foot of the people.

"Open the door, let's go!" Night wind refers to a circular hole, jumping.

"Christie this guy, the control of the Yuanqi is stronger!" Bergi Tower hands shoulders, and he keeps the night, "I don't know what stage of him now!"

"The people who are still simple, Davra!" Babii resumed calm and turned to Dapula.

Daphp nodded, "Ok, I understand! Babi Di adults make me eliminate it!"

"This third level, I personally handle, I will let the magic buno immediately sue the pure energy of those guys!" Dapula-547-a detached cloak.

"Dapula, you are my last hope, if you are ... that is trouble!" Babii is a bit worried about Dapula can't confront the night.

"Oh ... Babi Di, you are worried about it. I am the king of the devil, no one will be stronger than me!" Dapula turned to the channel, with an evil smile.

Snapped! The night-long wind with the Bergiita and the king of the king again dropped from the circular channel and came to a room with just now.

"Night long wind, why can you improve the combat power in an instant? It's hard to confuse!" The king of the world couldn't help.

"Haha, the king of the king, this is very simple. Almost all martial artists on the earth can control the gas in their own body, only need a hard practice." Night wind slowly replied.

"Really like this?" This is a short dozens of minutes, the worldview of the king of the world is completely subverted.

... This time, there is no waiting for night long wind and Bergi Tower complaining, the alloy room door is open.

bass! A high-end man who is full of muscles appears in front of the three people, it is Dapula.

"Da ... Dapula!" The king of the king is big.

"Oh, you are very good, you can hit the third level, which is a miracle in the miracle for the Earth people. Even I can't help you to praise you!" Dapula glanced for three people, Immediately, "However, you can only come here!"

"Because this time, your opponent is me! The king of the devil, the invincible existence!" Dapula flashed.

"Hey! The first master will come out so soon? See what Bababi began to be afraid!" Beji Tower rose.

"Less nonsense! You will be together, I will kill you all!" Dapula laughed.

"Bergi Tower, you don't want to shoot, this guy is given to me!" The night long wind slowly went to Dapula.

"It's you, are you looking at me?" Dapula is not good, brow is crumpled.

"I am too lazy to talk nonsense!" The figure of the night's wind suddenly won the original place, and it was Movie Moving in Oedrat.

When you appear again, the night-long wind is already arrived at the side of Pula, and then directly kick it on the shoulder of Dapula.

! After a crisp, Dapula did not responded at all, Dapla, was kicked out.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Dapula reacts back, the body is twisted in the air, it is difficult to turn over.

"Be evil!" Dapula hit the left shoulder in the night, he was awkward, and Dapla was forcibly pulling the left shoulders of the wrong position.

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