The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1395 of the Chapter 1395 of Tennis Prince

"This guy's strength and speed are really amazing!" Dapla face is gloomy, and the whisper is crazy. (dbbg)

"Let's die!" Dapla took a breath, the entire abdomen was extremely compressed, and then vomited toward the night long.

Bang! Dapla's mouth spit out a long flame and flooded directly to the night.

The flame has a very high temperature, just sprayed out, alloy walls around the alloy walls have melted trends, and the Bergiita and the king of the world must not run gas to resist high temperatures.

"Is this your attack?" The night's mouth is full of disdain, and it will not flash at all, and the hot flame will swallow himself.

"Ah, it's not good!" The king of the king was shocked. "This is the fire of the devil. As long as it is stained, it will die!"

The king's myths are just falling, and a golden shiny person rushes out from the flame burning flames, and is the night of the night.

At this time, the night's body is full of golden light, he opened the Buddha's gold.

The fire of the devil sprayed out of the Dapula, in fact, the temperature is quite amazing, and the average person will not be burned by the slag.

After the night grows, after the Buddha is like the golden body, the fire of the devil is nothing to do at night, with a nightly wind, now the Buddha's golden body, he can even hold half an hour in the heitant kernel.

"What is this moving?" Dapula looked at the light of the golden light, and he had never seen someone in front of his devil's fire.

boom! At this time, the night length was started again. He immediately came to Dapla, his hands.

bass! The two blue discs are unfolded in the night length of the wind and is qi.

!! The night cost is instantly crossed in front of the Dapla, and the two airfilters directly penetrate the body of Dapula.

Dapla's body was cut into four paragraphs in the ground.

"I am here, the bastard!" Dapula suddenly appeared behind the night.

"Framed?" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and he didn't expect to make this trick. "The king of the devil ... It is better than I imagined!"

Bang! At this time, Dapula took the right hand in the back of the night, and a fireball shot from him.

This fireball surrounded by red lightning, the fireball flew in front of the night, and the place passed away from the deep pit.

The fireball arrived in the back of the night long, and the night length did not turn around or flashed it with a transient. It was more shining with a lot of gold.

bass! A golden shiny armor slowly appeared in the night long-term wind, it is the army of the god.

A loud noise, the fireball is on the back of the golden armor, and it is actually a moment to be bombed back, and the release of it is Dapula.

1372 chapter, Bergi Tower's evil mind

Bang! The fireball is hit by Davra, then it is direct explosion, and a red lightning is interlaced. Dapula is striking, and it is divided.

call! call! Dapla's body appeared on the night length of the wind and the constant gasping, it seems that it is not small.

"Armor? My fireworks are actually played back?" Dapla face is gloomy, full of angry, watching the night, the fist must be pinched.

"Oh, you are good, but I don't guess the wrong, will I consume a lot of energy?" Night lived on Dapula cold.

Dapla's combat power has appeared in the current view, and the last body of the long-lasting battle, it is not as good as evolutionary, which is completely causing any threat to the night, and even the Super Saiyan state. The cloth is open, and it is enough to fight for the flesh power.

"Christie, what are you grinding! Do you need to help?" Berga hands and shoulders.

"No! I said, you don't do it!" The night's long wind turned his head and looked at Bergiita.

"This ..." Bergiita, just in an instant, the pressure released by the night, made his head and pastel, actually unable to move.

"Does Christty guys broke through? Not! This is impossible, only half a year!" A white scene suddenly thought of in the brain of Bergiita, which is a time home.

boom! Taking advantage of night long wind and Bergi Tower, Dapula started again, while rushing to night long wind, spit out of the night long, just like Gutin's bullets.

"Kao! It's this trick!" Night wind integration hates this disgusting move, his body is full of energy to your arms, and then completely opens.

bass! A blue volatile wall opened in front of the night, and blocked the saliva attack of Da Pula.

"Ha!" At this time, Dapla did a big drink, blew a body, ahead of the front furnishment, and instantly raised the right hand, and a cold shot suddenly appeared.

Immediately, the long knife is fixed, cut into the back of the night.

! At this time, the night length turned momently, and the blue sparkling light sword was lifted by a blue sword.

The sword in the loud life, a blue light and long knife in the hands of Dapula.

Hey, the long knife in Dapula is cut off directly, Dapla is wrong, the speed of the night, the speed of the wind and the fighting experience are far beyond his imagination.

! No matter how Davula is thinking, it is straightforward in the hands of Davra.

"Ah!" Dapla is called, and the hands under the hands of the [Into] The sword of my own belly.

puff! The night-catching wind suddenly pulled the sword, and the blood of the Dapula was mad.

call! The blue yuan mask is automatically erected before the night length of the body, and the fresh blood of Dapra is on the mask, and the fire is directly evaporated.

"How is the taste, the king of the devil?" The night's long-lasting looked at Davra, which died, grabbed his belly.

"You!" Dapla is full of green, and the anger in the eyes is boiling to the limit.

"Can be evil! Dapula is doing, why not have energy pass!" Babii believed that Dapula would be able to overcome the night's waiters, so he came to seal the magic people The room, but waited for a long time, but there was no energy reaction.

"Don't say ..." Babiedi has an inexpensive premonition, "it is evil! As long as the magistitute is built, the planet is not countless!"

Back to the alloy room, that is, the so-called third level.

"Christie is enough, hurry to kill him! I have been enough for these waste, I want to be with you!" Bergiita couldn't help but yelled the night, " In order to fight with you, I will go to the boring conference! "

"Berga guy!" Night live wind is also a way to take Bergiita, the Bergi Tower is simple, always put the battle in the first place, he just wants to fight with the night, and find a prince of the Saiyan. Dignity.

At this time, Dapula seems to have some points, he grabs the abdomen and started to be bought to Bababi, "Babi Di, I have a good discovery, please send me to you! I can Soon Magic Buru, wake up! "

"Hey? Is you really true?" Beginning in Babi Diki.

bass! Dapula suddenly disappeared in front of the night, and was sent to Bababi's side.

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"Space Transfer?" The night long wind brow wrinkled, Babiei will be able to escape, so it is very troublesome.

"What is going on? Dapla, even you also play those planets?" Babiy looked at the Dapla wound.

"Bababi adults, don't worry! I have found that there are two earth people, there is an evil heart, we can use his evil heart to control him, let him become our warrior! Then let them pass each other Kill! "Dapula explained.

"Really?" Babi Di is happy, he has already seen the power of the two people and the Bergiita, no matter who is very strong, "If you are telling the true, then soon we can The power of the power of the power! "

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