The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1396, Chapter 1396, Chapter 1396 of the Prince of Tennis

"Escape!" At this time, the king of the king in the alloy room.

"Betting! These weak waste!" Begitta became more impatient.

On the other hand, Bababi took out the crystal ball, under the Dapu prompt, fixed to Berga.

"Hahaha, you are right, this guy is different. I can feel the evil breath on him! It seems that he is not for the so-called justice!" Bababi released the crystal ball.

Crystal balls lit up automatically to the top of Bababi, Bababidi lifted his hands, and the complex spell of constant recurrence of crystal balls.

"Ah!" At this time, if it was shocked by electric shock in Berga, it was shocked.

"Bergi Tower, what are you going crazy?" The night long wind turned his head and looked at Berga.

"Not good! He has evil to be controlled by Bababi!" The king of the king of the king.

"Hey!" Bergita screamed, whispered in the heart of the villain and turned into a pure golden color, and the black hair on the head was also instantaneous.

Bergi Tita has opened a super-sujay state, and the momentum is still growing crazy.

"Beggetta! Bababi is using your evil idea to control you, now you don't think anything!" The king of the world rushed to remind Berga loudly.

"Less waste! Don't order me!" Bergiita exummed fine sweat and painful expression.

1373 chapter, deliberately controlled

"Haha, it's great, I have already gone! Next, he will inspire his potential, let him go beyond the limit!" Babiyi looked at the Baggi Tower in crystal ball, which mounted faster mental strength. Stimulating Berga.

"Ah, ah!" At this time, Begitta double boxing, looking up, the pure golden vitality of the whisper was boiling.

The night's wind feels the spiritual power of Bababi, but does not stop, Bababi's mental strength is unknown, and the words will be in turn, but may rise.

"Not good! Bergi Tower is fully controlled by Bababi!" The king of the king stared at some mad Berga.

"Hey ..." After the Bergi Tower broke out, the bow of the bow was trembled, and the whole body was trembled [shake].

"Is it easy to be controlled? Begita!" The night long face is sinking, and it is also the attention of "Mayior" in Berga.

"Ha ah ..." At this time, Bergi Tower raised his head, full of green bumps, sweat continuous drops, the most conspicuous or the logo of the Miji Tita, that is Sign of Bababi-controlled.

"This is down!" The king of the king is a bit.

"Success, the combat power has skyrocketed, it is a perfect man! Haha, let me help you choose a good place to duel!" Bababi hands flipped, while the crystal ball waved, the mouth started again Spell.

bass! At this moment, the three people in the alloy room were suddenly transmitted to a broad venue, and the surrounded is a noisy vocal.

It is actually the central government of the world's first martial arts!

"Here is the venue of the martial art!" The king of the king is big.

"Is this transient?" The night's wind sweeps a viewer around, wrinkled, "Babi Di guy wants me to avoid the audience here can't shoot?"

"Ah? The guys are not the contestants just left? How did you suddenly appear?"

"Yeah? They raised from there?" 100,000 audiences were in a blind.

"You are back again?" The male referee looked at the night's face, "But you have been eliminated!"

"The king of the king, you returned some!" Night wind did not pay attention to the mirror male referee, but turned his head to the king of king.

"Hey, what is going on now? Um ... Beji Tower, to capture the energy of those eases, there are many people here, there should be many energy, killing them, it doesn't matter!" Babiyi pair Use spirit to order Baggi Tower.

"Less nonsense! My goal is only Christie, the other people are not interested!" Bergiita actually refused Bababi's order.

"Oh?" The night's wind swept a glazing, and his eyes were only fighting flames.

"It's evil ... This guy is not fully controlled by me. This is the first time ... forget it, this is nothing, as long as it can be collected one of two of them!" Babi Di I frowned slightly.

"Soon! It is the long wind and the Bergiita!" Burta was surprised by Burta, "they came back!"

"How can this be? Why is the Baggiita murderous?" The turtle fairy looked at the two people on the ring.

At this time, Behagi Tower suddenly moved. He launched his right hand on the night's wind, his mouth.

! The pure golden dollar pure golden dollar in Bergi Tita is in the arm and instantly sprayed.

boom! A high-compressed golden energy light column is directly free to fly without signs.

boom! The night is not awkward, the face is cold, the right hand holds boxing forward, the huge energy light column is actually directly swayed by the night.

boom! boom! boom! However, Begdi seems to be intentionally dispersed, and after a box of energy, the energy of the energy is quadruple, and it is directly dominated by the auditorium.

Rumble ... The explosion continues to ring in the audience, many people are in an instant, and they are also a crushed stone on the stage, and those who are killed by the falling stone are not a few.

"Ah!" The Booema tale was on the stage called.

"How can this be? The guy of Begita!" The Turtle Cactus also surprised the mouth.

"Wow, run!"

"Yeah ... monsters come!" All audiences have begun to riots, and the mirror male referee can't stop. In order to escape, the excited audience is all crazy to the export of the military meeting, even a stepping event ...

"Bergi Tower, do you deliberately?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Baggi Tower, and the cold light is surging.

"Too good! Down to death!" Babii looked at the crystal ball, excitedly called the sound, just like his father, it is fun for manufacturing fear.

As long as you see other creatures, they will excel.

"How can this be, Bergiita actually deliberately attacks the audience!" Burma and others did not escape, but stayed on the table to continue watching.

"Christie! Faster to fight with me, if you don't want to accumulate it in the mountain!" Bergata cooled to night long wind.

"Begitta, are you threatening me?" Night wind has already felt that Bergiita is simply controlled by Bababi, forced himself and his duel.

Bang! At this time, Bergi Tower suddenly waved his right hand, and a golden light wave suddenly shot to the standstight of Booema et al.

boom! At this time, the night long wind suddenly became the edge of the ring, and his hands were exhibited, and the golden light waves were hugged directly, and then he was exploded by him in his arms. Jin Guangfu directly swallowed the night.

After a breath, a person is slowly moving out, which is the night.

At this time, the night-long hair has been turned into a golden, full of cold, and the green eyes have a murderous murder, and he opened the full-power state of the Super Saiyan.

"Bergi Tower! You don't want too much, don't think I can't kill 2.5 you!" The night long looks indifferent to the Berga Road.

"Night long wind! You don't impulsive, just in Bababi's policy!" Wang Wang couldn't help loudly reminded the night, "If you fight here, your energy will definitely be absorbed, the magist brother is very fast I will wake up, then the words are finished! "

"You give me a chapter!" Bergi Tower glanced at the king of the world, the king of the king was actually oppressed by the momentum of Behagi, and the body couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

"Bergi Tower, you just deliberately let Bababi's spiritual force invade your brain to control you?" The night long wind came to Behaga, and the king of Wang suddenly loosened, the invincible momentum Blocking the body of the night.

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