The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1397 of the Chapter 1397 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"What! Is it actually deliberate?" The king of the king heard the two people stayed again.

1374 chapter, super two

"If you don't, you can't make your hand with me, I can't stand it again, I want to fight with you, Christty! I am the strongest Saiyan!" Baggi Tower Holding the night.

"It's just for the duel. I do this stupid thing?" The king of the king is completely unable to understand the mood of Bejita.

"Stupid? You actually say this is a stupid thing, this is the most important thing for me, what is the magistar, I don't care!" Beggetta is getting more excited, he refers to the night. .

"This guy defeated me many times, the same is the Saiyan, but he is better than me! I am the prince of the Saiyan, with the best Saiyan blood, but he can suppress me, even again After me! "Bergata's full body muscles, the golden vitality of the whisper has skyrocket.

"I can't stand it, it is absolutely can't stand!" Beguati wanted, it can be seen that he is too eager to fight with night.

"You are so eager to fight with me?" Looking at Baggi Tower in the night, then the body was suddenly won 31 lost.

When I appeared again, the night length has come to the body of Bergata, and the right hand is placed in the shoulder of Begitta.

"Wait, night long wind, can't be impulsive!" The king of the king suffered from danger, and it was also to the two people.

"The king of the king, you won't understand!" The night long-lasting left hand finger in the eyebrow, at this moment, he and Berga disappeared in the original place, is the instant movement of Yaderat!

"What about people?" The king of the king.

"Where?" Babiei urged the spiritual power, the crystal ball was shining, revealed the ghost and Bergi Tita.

At this time, the two were in a desert, and the night-long movement was moving with Beji Tower with Aderat. It came to a desert.

"Hahaha, found, they have to fight!" Bababi's hands danced, and then thought of spells. "I want to let the king of the king also look at the battle of these two people, despair, boundary Wang God! "

The king of the king also disappeared in the ring, and was sent by Bababi to the desert in the night length and Bejita.

"The king of the world?" The night's wind swept the king of the world, "Is it transferred by Bababi?"

"You two duel, anyway, I can't stop you with my strength!" The king of the king has given up, and it directly retains to a rock wall in the abroad of the desert.

"Okay! Christie, no one will hinder us, start!" Bergi Tower has a high-long wind.

"Hey, Bergi Tower! I have no effort to play too long, I want to solve you right away!" The night grew, he was ready to quickly solve this match.

Bang! At this time, the earth began to tremble, the night long-standing body is full of golden vitality, a golden light column straight, and the entire blue sky will take a piece of gold.

... At this time, the light column whose night long wind is covered is full of blue lightning in crazy surge, and the night long wind combat power is also climbing in the step type.

After a few breathing, the night long war has improved, he opened the stage of the Super Saiyan, and now the night-catching super-semi-Saiyan two has been very fast, and there is almost no yuan waste.

"This is the Super Saiyan two, I already know, Christie! I haven't been idle in this half year!" Berga suddenly horing, "Ha!"

Bang! At this time, the Bergi Tita is also a pure golden vitality, and a golden light is straight to the sky, and the night is very windy. He is also a blue electro-optical light, which is the sign of the Super Saiyan. .

"Oh?" Night wind looked at Bergiita slightly surprised, "It is a Saayan prince's blood, so a short time broke through the super Saaya!"

To know that the night's wind is in time, it has been cultivated in the second phase of the Super Saiyan.

Although the night cost do not know how Bergi Tower cultivates and breakthrough, the night is not easy to know that this process is absolutely not easy. It is likely to use self-harm to stimulate yourself.

This kind of thing, night, also visited the Behagitta to see Baggitta on Namek.

"It seems that it is not so easy to pay quickly!" In the eyes of the night, Bergi Tower is also improved.

"Come on! Christie, I want to kill you! I am the strongest Saiyan!" Bergi Tower suddenly launched.

boom! Berga started, the ground under his body burst, and the gravel was crushed into powder into powder by Super Saaya.

Bergi Tita is instantly coming to the night length of the wind, and the Thunder's feet kicks the head of the night.

! When Bergi Tita kicked out this feet, the air was directly burst, and it could also see the lightning shining.

boom! Such an immersive foot, the flesh is not afraid, and he is instantly rising the right arm in an instant, and she holds the Thunder of Berga.

! In an instant of the two, a blue lightning is directly exploded, and the sky is straight.

! Blue giant lightning spreads in the sky, dense Ma Ma is like a spider web, the momentum is hiding, and the king of the king of the rock wall is standing.

"Is this the true power of the Super Saiyan?" The king of the king is shocked. He still doesn't know that this is just the warmth of the two battles.

boom! Bergi 563 tower attack is not stopped, the heavy feet are blocked, the body directly turned over to the night length, and then a boxing of the vest of the night, is also a punch.

Snapped! When the night's wind, the left hand shot [out], gotting the fist of Bergiita.

! It is also a waves to hit, and the ground under the two people exploded directly, and then fell to count rice.

Bang! The rock wall where the lord Wang God is also affected directly, and the king of the king has to fly to the air to avoid the babies of the two.

"Good power, Bergi Tower!" The night's heart is more surprised, Bergata is not light, and his current combat has exceeded the evolution of Evolution Before the night.

Super Saiyan's strongest opponent may only be a super-seizure!

"I haven't played yet!" Bergi Tower immediately, raised his left arm, and waved his fist on the chest of the night.

Bergi Tower is completely hard-touched, he wants to defeat the night-catching wind and get absolute victory with the near-night strength of the night.

"I have long known, you will come to this trick!" When the wind is right, the right hand is light, and the arm has risen, and the gluten is exposed.

After the loud loud sound, the night-length wind and right cleverned the left punch of Begitta, and two people entered the stage!

1375 chapter, full energy

"Ox!" Bergiita's full body muscles, the blood vessel projection of the forehead is like a rupture, but it is still unable to break the pair of fists from the night.

"And I am more powerful?" Night wind looked at the Fuji Tower, the corner of his mouth, and then two hands rose again.

bass! At this time, the two arms of the night were started to shine, soon became a pair of pure gold arm, including golden light, shining, night lengthy, the power of thousands of dragons, to the arms, Then it is full.

The power of Begita is simply unable to resist the end of the night. This is endless, more and more powerful, and Bergiita actually lifted it directly.

boom! The night is forcibly thrown up, and then kicks up on the back of Berga instantly.

Bang! Bergi Tower is like a shell, and it has been in the bottom of the ground, and the stone shredded, and it is a wolf.

boom! At this time, Bergi Tita was full of energy, flying again, returned to the night length.

"Oh ... this is this!" Bergi Tower wiped the blood of the mouth, and turned out a smile.

"Begita guy!" Night lived is also laughing, the night grows too long without such a close battle, and the strength of the blood is worth a victory.

This makes the night-long thinking that Bergi Tower has just been in the battle. At that time, Bergiita was also constantly breaking itself, and two people played in gentleness.

The Saiyan is a nation of the natural battle. Only when the Berga is playing, the night's long wind will have the kind of boxing to meat.

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