The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1398 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Haha, let's play, the more fierce!" Babii read the spell against crystal balls, and flicked in the eyes.

In addition to the field of view of the night, the field of view, a circular passage is transmitted from Bababi to the wasteland where the night growers and the Bergiita battle are slow, and the circular channel slowly opened.

The energy of the remaining waves of the night long wind and the Bergiita is all aggregated by this channel, and there is no waste.

"The bad Bababi Di!" The king of the king found this passage in a moment, then flew to the channel, and finally looked at the night and Bergi Tower, then directly jumped.

There are two people in the night, and the king of the Baggi Tower. The king of the world knows that it is not possible before the winning and loss, in order not to let the magic people buoy, the king of the king is only to stop the bar. Chadi.

bass! After the king of the king, with the energy, with the energy, he came to an arched room, and his eyes were a huge meat. It is a room that seals the demons.

"Oh, welcome the king of the king to visit!" Babiy turned to look at the king of the king, and it seems that I will come here to come here.

"Bababi!" The king of the king looked at Bababi's evil smile, frown wrinkled into a Sichuan word.

"The monsters are coming out, and it is a full powerful magiston, you are dead!" Babii smiled.

"Let's go up, wait for the migrenus to wake up, you will definitely destroy the cosmic boat, then it is not good!" Babii turned to Dapula.

"Yes!" Daph is nodded.

"Hey, you have to succeed, if you are, even if you only have me, I have to stop you!" The king of the king stared at Bababi.

"Bababara ... ..." Babi Did did not pay attention to the king of the world, and started to read the spell.

Then, everyone lit up red light, and even the meat eggs of the PROU also lit up red light.

Snapped! Next moment, the three people included meat eggs were passed by Bababi to a wasteland above the surface.

"Dapla, kill the king of the king!" Bababi turned to Dapula ordered, "this time only success, no failure, or you know the consequences!"

"Yes! Bababi, rest assured! Dealing with a small king, too easy!" Dapra smiled, just in the night length, Dapula decided to vent the king of the king Body.

"Can! Dapula is the king of the devil, I am not his opponent!" The king of the king of the world thinks about the countermeasures, but in the case of the power difference, the king of the king did not think of a good way.

... Just at this time, the disc in the meat after Bababi, arrived at the full value and started to make alert sound.

"Ah?" Babii hurried back, "Don't you say ... this is impossible! This is not too fast!"

"What happened?" Wang Shen looked at Bababi's move, Dapula was also attracted by the shiny meat after you.

"Can ... energy ... energy is full! The magist brothers have been full of strength! Wow haha!" Babii suddenly laughed.

"What!" The king of the world is shocked. He also thought that at least one time, but did not think that the vitamin energy of the night-catching and Bergi Tower is too much, in just a few minutes The meat has absorbed enough energy.

"The monster is finally wakeful! The whole universe will be stepped on by me!" Babi Di is a more and more meat egg, very excited, and Dapla is also smirking. Get up.

"How can it become this, it is a worst ending ... and my plan is completely opposite!" The king of the king god whole body fibril [shake] with his hands, very annoyed.

The lens turns back to the wasteland where the night grows and the Bergiita, the two people fight, and hit the gardens from the ground.

The energy fluctuations in the surrounding energy are very exaggerated. The high-altitude of the high-altitude is full of golden electric light in the air, and the two are in the center of the golden electricity, still rushing.

In a blink of an eye, the two were playing up hundreds of boxes, all did not have any defense, complete offense, and the fist bombarded by the (Li Wang Zhao) hand in his own chest abdomen.

Bergi Tita has been beaten in a human shape, and the whole face has become a pig head, flesh and blood blur, night long because the relationship between the flesh is not so bad, but it is not much, it is blood.

Both people are playing, and each trick is unable to send, especially Bergiita. If he does not force his punch, he will not keep the rhythm of the night.

The louds of the mountain collapse, the two continuously after the punch, the last punches were relatively, and the space was actually torn.

The spatial crack swallowed the energy after the punch, and to inhale the two people in the crack, the night long wind and Begitta were also able to fight at this time, and the two were sprayed out, and their instantly spread.

After a few breathing, huge spatial cracks like cleaving the sky finally slowly closed, disappearing without trace.

1376 chapter, awakening failed?

"Hey, I feel very angry, it seems to be Master!" Tex flew in the air in the air and the violent atmosphere of the Night wind and Bergi Tower, "as if there is still a very similar angio! "

"Truss, what are you doing? Just told me to fly, have you found a long uncle's gas?" Flew in the dissatisfied mouth of the Alice around Telx.

"This is no way, Master's gas is always changed, I will have no way to catch up! I really don't understand what is going on ..." Turkish is innocently. "I hope this time will not be wrong!"

boom! Turkis has skyrocketed, and the super-Saiyan model accelerates the wasteland to fly to night long wind and Berga fight. Alice is not slow, and there is still a good force. .

The lens returns to the mid-meter high altitude.

The night long wind and the Bergiita are standing in the air, caught in a short confrontation state.

Call ... call ... At this time, Begita continued to gasp, after a high-intensity, the consumption of the vital gas in Bergiita was huge.

After all, in the Super Saiyan, the consumption of the super-seizian gas is a massive level, and the other side, the night grows is much better, his gas control and -300-understand It is much higher than that in Bergi Tower, just some of the foreheads to exude sweat.

"Bergi Tower! I have to admit that I am surprised, it seems that you are quite hard, it is actually going to the stage of the Super Saiyan two, and it seems to have a period of time, the state is very stable!" The night is looking at the Bergi Tower slowly.

"Hey! Christie, you are less nonsense! You haven't made your efforts now. When you fight with the World of Warcraft, I felt, your current strength is above me. At the time, I was very shocked. So I just ... "Bergi Tower bite his teeth, constantly pressed the potential of his body cells.

"It turns out! You are deliberately controlled by Bababi, then ..."

"Yes! I remember the two bald men in the world's first martialo, they were strong after being controlled by Bababi. If I was also controlled by Bababi, he would definitely stimulate me, maybe I After the strength rises, you can make up for the gap between you and me ... "Berga Shen Sheng.

"Now, even if I am strongly increased, it is not your opponent! But I haven't lost, I have a chance!" Bei (DBEH) Gitta holds his fist, pinching.

"Hey, use this kind of means to get strength, just a paper tiger, Bergi Tower! This simple truth, you don't understand!" The night is finally understood why Bergiita is somewhat unstable.

It turned out that Bergiita just broke through the second phase of the Super Saayens, and Bababi's mental stimuli made him more powerful forces in advance, and at the same time, the strength of Begitta was not stable. In fact, this is very dangerous.

"I don't care!" Berga opened his hands, whispered golden vitality again, , a golden energy spherical mask slowly launched in Bergi Tita, and the electric light on the spherical is crazy. .

"I just want to recover the previous one, once again become a cruelty, the prince, I don't want to manage, I just want to overcome you! I hate me now, I have to become stronger, becoming more than anyone!" In the heart of Beji Tower, the night-long wind has become a heart.

Blocking the Magic Magic Progress in Begita, only the wind of the night, Bergilta can really return to the original indifferenceful Saiyan prince.

Although Begita is reluctant, he is really aware of the Earth people, it is not so cruel, and even combined with the Earth, these are not affecting this proud Saiyan prince.

"Continue! Christie, now I am very happy, even if you die in your hand!" Berga is full of battlefoots, "It is not the strongest, or death, this is our Saiya The ultimate home of the person! "

"Oh ..." Night is laughing at this time, "Berga! I really didn't think you can say that I have a sense of identity. In this case, I will become all hello!"

boom! boom! boom! On the other hand, the red light eggs before Bababi is bright, and the powerful breath makes Dapula and the king of the king are fearful.

"It's too strong, no one can defeat the monsters, we will die!" The king of the king is desperate.

"Finally, come out, let me see how strong the magistrates created by Dad's research created!" Babii is a hands-on-life.

"No matter, try it!" The king of the king is in this critical moment, it is already a must-have heart, and his hands are exhibited by the meat, the whole body is raised to the limit.

boom! The king of the king shot the purple light column in his hands. This is the strongest move that the king of the king gathers all the strength of the whole body. He wants to kill the meat hang-in-law, which is the last gambling of the king of the king.

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