The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1399, Chapter 1399, Chapter 1399 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey!" Dapula saw the purple light column close at hand, holding Bababi directly and jumping.

Rumble ... The purple light column containing huge energy is directly hit the core of the meat. The gas waves spread, the purple energy swallows the whole giant meat.

"Haha, idiot! You are useless, you can only speed up the wake of the magic buno!" Bababi waved the deformed fist and laughed the unselfish strength of the king of the world.

! At this time, the meat egg actually jumped directly from the purple explosion group, and then fell on the ground and pulled a big pit on the ground.

... At this time, the meat is started to crack the corrugation, and the final egg shell cracks, cracks into two petals.

"Out, the magic man is PU!" Babi-dead stared at the meat.

"Ah, why is it empty!" Dapula lived, after the meat, there was no empty.

Bababi, Babiei is also stupid, and the hot sweat is like a rain. "No ... It's impossible! This is impossible! How can it be?"

"Out! You come out! Magic Baro!" Crazy shouting.

"Haha ... is it? Is it successful? The luck is very good!" The king of the king of the world, thinking that he attacked the weaker point of the meat, killing the magic buno directly.

"It's a pity, Bababi! Magic Buro is dead, your ambition failed, evil is impossible to defeat justice!" The king of the king pointed to Babi.

"Will n't ... Will n't!" Bababi hand is not a confidence.

"It doesn't matter, Bababi adults! Even if there is no magistar, there is me! The king of the king is not my opponent, and Bergi Tower is also handled by you, we are still an advantage!" Pulling slowly, he couldn't catch a cold for the monsters.

1377 chapter, Magic Man

"I am evil!" Bababi double boxing, he didn't believe that he would fail here.

"What is that?" Dapula suddenly felt what looked up, the air actually had a pink smoke in gathered, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Ah! That is ..." Babii looked up was attracted by pink smoke, and his eyes were round.

On the other side, Million is high.

Night wind is co-condensed, and when preparing to completely defeat Berga, the prompt of the superhen system in his brain sounded.

Ding! Main line task upgrade: Magic Bo European, blocking the migrablecloth from destroying the earth

Mission level: epic mission

Mission reward: number of lottery plus five

Failure punishment: Supernitious system is directly sleeping, will never wake up

Systematic evaluation: Magic Buro is coming, users will face unprecedented crises, please be careful.

The supper of the super god system has just fallen, and the night is immediately feeling a powerful evil atmosphere in conjunction, and very amazing.

"Sure enough, the magist brother, the feeling of this, is really strong!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

First, the task level of the superhen system is the epic mission. Generally speaking, the difficulty of epic mission is much better than the legendary task. The epic mission encountered before the night is basically the ultimate task, which is very difficult to complete.

Second system evaluation is an unprecedented crisis, which means that the mission is very dangerous. At this time, the task is to prevent the migrablecloth from destroying the earth, which is more difficult than defeating the monsters.

Because the earth is very fragile, if the magist brother, if you want to destroy the earth, it is too easy.

"Damn!" Begga on the side also succumbed to the powerful breath of the monster.

"Begitta, after our battle delay! I have more important things now!" Night, the right hand, the right hand, the double finger is placed in the eyebrow.

"Christie! Don't find an excuse, the air is not strong, we have far more than what monsters, no big deal!" Bergata cold channel.

"Isn't it strong? Your brain is burned?" The night's wind is very dissatisfied with Bergiita, and the Bergi Tower has lost rational.

"Don't worry! No matter what, the win is not divided, you have to escape!" Berga is mad.

"Lazy you!" This mission is too important for the night's wind. The consequences of failure are unimaginable, and the night is not very popular, and the movement directly with Yade is moving at the high altitude, transient to the induction Go to the location of the evil atmosphere.

"Christie!" Begitta disappeared with night length, no way, as long as the night is willing, use Yaderat instantly, and a sweatery in Berga is not touched.

"Betting!" Behagi Tita was crazy, and the permanent fire was boiling.

Rumbler ... Million high altitude gold light, the explosion of the air is constantly connected, and the Bergiita is angry.

bass! When the night length shore came to the king of the king, the loud life of the king of the king, the night long saw the continuous deformed smoke in the air, the evil to extreme breath was exuded out there.

"It's coming!" The night's eyes were smashed and smaller, and the pink smog that constantly gathered.

Finally, the pink smoke aggregated into a fat contour.

"Bu !" A long strange pink fat appeared in the top of everyone, and the mouth also issued a voice of Bu.

It is the magist of the king of the king to be afraid!

! After the Buy is condensed in the air, it is directly instantaneous.

Several people at the scene stayed, all stare at the Euro.

Night live wind is also the top and down, and the image of the Magic Buffo with the night's imagination is somewhat different.

The whole body is pink, special fat, a long head on the head, and a hole in the size of the thumb, nor does it know what to do.

In addition, the Dressress on the Buri is also very special. The hands with Huang colored boxing, there is a big M logo on the belt bundled on the belly of the body, and there is a purple cloak behind him.

It is not a typical anti-style, and a smile is like a doll pet.

laugh! laugh! what! After the Magic Baro landed on the ground, he looked around for a while, and it made a strange voice from time to time, like a very happy look.

"Babiedi adults, he ... he is the migrenic buno?" Dapula asked in Puo.

"No ... unclear!" Babiei and others have seen it too fascinated, and they did not find that night costs came here.

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"Only the king of the king, I saw the magic people!" Babie turned to look at the king of the king, and found the night lengthy wind next to the king of the king. "What is the boy!"

"Hey ... Hey!" At this time, the king of the king is sweat, and the body can't help it.

"The king of the king! He is the magistarbus?" Night, the right hand, pressed the head of the king.

"Yes ... Yes! Night long wind, you are late!" The king of the world is completely sinking, "The horror face, I will never forget!"

"Hey! The look of Wang Shen, he is really a magist ..." Babiyi is surprised.

"Is it? That ... The ghost look is really a horrible Buffalo?" Dapula looked at the Bu Europe.

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