The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1400

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" At this time, Buur is in the event of the body, twisting on the waist, seems to be a warm-up activity, and the action is very funny.

"Hey! Magic Baro, my name is Bababi, I am your creator Bichi's son, you have been seal in the egg, I am all released your seal!" Babii went to Babi Say.

"Oh!" Buffo opened a slightly smuggling, and smashed the Bababi.

"From today, I am your master!" Bababi launched a hands.

"Hey!" Buffo snorted, turned to the head, did not buy Bababi's account.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing? I am your master, hurry to say hello! Brother!" Babii is a bit anxious.

" ..." Budo suddenly turned, stretched with Babi Di [out] SHE head, and made a close to Babii scared Bababi.

"Scared me ... call ... call!" Babii sat on the ground and constantly gasped.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The magist of the eucalyptus was succeeded, and the stomach began to laugh.

"What is the idiots?" Night costs looked at the monsters, this opponent's character and the big phase of his imagination.

"Bababi adults, this guy is a fool!" Dapula rated Bababi, "What is going on? Is this going to fail? Unfailed? Solve his seal, the result is a mentally Hey! "

1378 chapter, super power

"Ha!" Puo turned his head and looked at DPL, his hands were high, and jumped again and jumped directly to Dapula.

"What? Do you want to be more than the king of my devil?" Daph's mouth, he won't feel the gas, so I don't know the power of the Buo, "Hey! There is no self-knowledge failure, you of my idiot ! "

"How could it be a failure, he is really a magic man!" The king of the king of the world has to bite, and the night's night does not have any action. He wants to use Dapula to see the Bu. How is the actual force.

When you call it ... Just at this time, the small hole in the Blade on the arm sprayed the pink vapor, and a very angry, especially the small eyes opened, and she finally had evil. a feeling of.

"Strong gas, the fighting power of the monster is definitely more than one billion!" The night length face "eight seven three" colors, he is not worried about the battle between the And Bu.

Instead, I am worried that the combat power of Bu Europe is so strong, and it is too easy to destroy the earth.

Falling up, Buro suddenly stretched out [out] right hand double finger, directly inserted into Dapula's eyes, Dapula did not respond completely, and his eyes were inserted. Blood mad spray.

"Ah! My eyes! My eyes!" Dapula covered his eyes and screamed.

boom! At this time, Bud flying directly kicked the Dapula, and Bababi, the side was scared.

Bang! Dapla's body directly embarked into a mountain in a mountain, squatting ... The whole mountain is immediately cracking.

Boom Lung Long ... Just this moment, this high mountain collapsed, gravel all [pressure] in Dapula, swallow Davula directly.

The action is simply desirable, the speed is free, which is the melee capabilities that Brome easily showers.

"The strength and speed are also excellent, this Bu Europe is not good to deal with!" The night grew down the double punch.

! The Buy has fallen from the air, then ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ~ Begin the hands to applaud, the mouth ba has started laughing.

"Well ... I am so powerful! The magic man is simply invincible!" Babiyi looked at the mountains and excited.

"Harbin! Harbin!" Bu is a child to complete the task, began to be happy and jumped.

At this time, it was stopped at a speed of flying to the wilderness of the night, and the Alice with Tex was naturally attached to the air.

"What happened? Tex!" Alice asked some impatiently.

"Master's gas has turned the direction, and now there is a lot of martial arts to be strong next to him?" Terrus has some hair.

"How is this? My father said that the long uncle is the strongest person in the universe, how can someone more breathable than him. Terry, are you playing me!" Alice is somewhat angry.

"No! You will know with me!" Tutorway direction, starting speed flying towards the night long wind and cloth Europe.

The lens turned back, Babii smashed to the Buy.

"Hey! Magic Baro, I am your new owner, you have to believe me!" Babi Di.

" ..." Bu ( is rushing to Bababi.

"Do you want to fight me? Tell you, I have seen my father's notes, I know that you can seal your spell, you don't want to be sealed, listen to me!" Bababi threatened.

"Hey ..." Puo shook his head and nodded in Bababi.

"Haha, very good, you finally listen to me!" Bababi excited two eyes.

"This cloth is like a three-year-old child. Before Bababi orders, I ordered Bababi!" Night long-distance looks to Bababi.

"I can be evil! I as a king of the king, now there is no way, too unwilling!" The king of the king is unwilling, and then it is a face. "It's too late, we can't escape the Blasto , The night is long, we are all dead! "

"The king of the world, you want to die, you will die! I haven't lived enough!" The night's wind is slightly tight, "Even if it is going to die, it is a good result!"

"You!" The king of the king, the fire in the eyes, "Yes, maybe this guy can create a miracle!"

"Magic Bario, I will now give you the first order, kill them!" Babi Di pointed to the night long wind and the king of the king.

"Ah!" Budo turned his head and looked at the king of the night and the king of the world.

"The king of the world, you returned! Remember, left away, no matter what happens, don't come over!" Night long wind right hand in the king of the king ...

boom! The king of the king of the king will poured an invisible force and directly pushed the king of the king to the rear.

"Go! Brune! The king of the world is going to escape!" Babii shouted.

"Groce!" Bouo twisted the neck, then instantly set up, the speed was so amazing, and it was directly brushing it directly from the night.

Snapped! Buffo instantly came to the high altitude behind the night-hearted wind, and the king of the king of the king was a ghost face against the king of the king.

"Ah!" The king of the king is surprised.

"Go to death!" Boho smiled and issued a death declaration of the king of the world.

"Your ghost face is too ugly!" At this time, the night's wind moved to Yardrat. When you moved to Buro, then he was full of Thunder's face on the face of Bu.

Oh! A Thunder, the night-length wind is directly embedded in the face of the Pomerami, and then the Buro's head directly exploded!

When the night's wind, a punch, the head, the king of the king of the world, and Bababidi stayed.

"Fast!" The night long wind flashed to the king of the king, and he knew that the Buur would not die easily, and his breath did not weaken any weakened.

! Sure enough, the king of the world, the king of the world has just retired, the Boho is bombarded, and there is no scar, and the light is new.

"This family's rebirth is 5.8 Bik and Shaulu fast!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

"Haha, idiot easter people, you are killing the Buick! Magic Boho is an unstead of incarnation!" Babii Haha laughed.

Page ... Just at this time, the BOS was staring at the night long, and the holes on the body began to take pink vapor.

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