The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1401 of the Chapter 1401 of the Prince of Tennis

bass! Buffo suddenly disappeared in front of the night, and the night-long wind could not capture the sports trajectory of the Buy, and we must know that the night-length wind is still in the stage of the Super Saiyan, and the insight is very striking.

When I once appeared again, the Buy came to the side of the night, with the hands of the boxing set, directly in the inside, he wanted to take the night's head to the head, and the speed was free.

Night wind or the first time I encountered such a strong opponent, it turned out to be an absolute disadvantage at the speed.

1379 chapter, fierce battle

boom! The crisis moment, the body conditions of the night-catching body reflect, erect the arms, and the arm of the Boho, the arm of the inner, the arm is rejected!

! At this time, the PUOS did not give the night-catching opportunity, which was directly hit by the head of the night.

The loud nozzle, the night cost is directly in the foundation, and it was hit into a ring deep pit.

"MD!" The night long wind turned over from the deep pit, and there was a slight red on the forehead. On the power, the monsters seem to do not lose the night.

"It's so powerful! Haha ... It's too powerful! Magic Babi!" Bababi, Bababi, excited, and the king of Wang is as dead as a dead gray, if the night grows can't resist the Blast Everything is really complete.

"Ha!" The migraph also smiled from the air, and a slap in front of the night length.

" ..." Bu ( .

"Bouo! Dry, hurry to kill the earth people 31!" Babii called the Babo.

" ..." Babi Di voice just fell, the Boho jumped up, almost turned to the top of the night long, and wanted to directly pressure [in].

"Wan Guo is shocked!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and the movement directly moved to the BOO in instantaneous movement, and then pushed out.

Bang! The pure golden vitality of the night long is crazy, and the two arms are in the moment of the golden light. A thick gold lightning is shot from the night long palm and directly bombards the back of the Bu.

It's a big loud, the light of lightning illuminates the entire wasteland, and the magist brothers are directly dominated to the high altitude, and it is turned into a lightning straight.

! Under the stimulation of the billioni current, the body of the Magic Buru is almost instantly being electrically coke, while the body is black, the body has shrunk several times.

After the rays are exhausted, the Boho has become a coke's body to slow down, just in front of Bababi.

"This ..." Babii looked at the Babo, widened his eyes. The attack on the night is too sudden. Bababi is unable to capture the night-catching action. .

"Is it successful?" The king of the king of the king of the sky is dead and staring at the body of the coke, but not dare to close.

"Don't be killed!" The night long wind turned over and looked coldly.

After the positive of the positive, the Evil's breath has not weakened, but it is more powerful.

"...!" At this time, the Bouo was smashed into the body of the coke to spray pink vapor.

With a rocker, the BOOS black body rose to the balloon, and finally recovering, the outer skin is even more red than before.

"There is no injury at all, is the migrenic Burgo really a god of death?" The king of the king is getting up.

"Too good, the migrenic Boho is definitely invincible!" Babi Di turned and hurriedly escaped, he didn't want to sandwich in the middle of the night length and BOU battle.

"Buo is angry! Go to death!" After the Magic Buru Re-Fuyuan, he launched his hands on the night, and his face had been smiling, and the eyes of the squat were evil to extreme, and the red light flashed.

"Ugly, there is anything to come out, less waste!" The night length image is a warrior to throw the skills to the monsters, attracting hatred to themselves.

The bombard, the BOA's body is in the moment, and the hands are shouted at night.

! At this moment, a pink supermaster is almost instantly in front of the night.

"Good energy reaction!" Night long wind brow wrinkled, Buffet instant energy ball attacked gas, night long-winding, even, this ordinary gas group attack, its energy reaction is at least ten times died The above is enough to destroy hundreds of earth.

Moreover, energy is high compressed, and the night-catching wind can't be broken directly or bounce. Because the earth will be affected, the task will fail.

bass! At this time, the night length air avoided, his feet were jumped backwards, instantly kelked off and pink the distance.

Immediately, the super-seizuasia of the whole body, the Super Saiyan two stages were madly done to the top peak.

Bang! The golden vitality of the night, the whole body is sprayed, and the whole earth is dramatically vibrating.

"What happened again, the long winds will not have something?" Burta, the first martialo, the world, is directly almost shocked to the ground, and she has a very bad premonition.

boom! At this time, the pink huge gas group flew to the night length, this time, the night-long wind and right arm, and then immediately slammed.

"Space crack!" With the night's wind, his right hand is a knife, and a golden long line is drawn directly in the air.

This longline is full of blue electric light, flip, and the electricity impact is more and more, and it is more intense. Finally, the space in front of the night is in the end, and the mouth of the night is in the dark. It is a spatial crack.

boom! The pink gas group of the long wind is just directly absorbed by this spatial crack. After entering the spatial crack, it quickly exploded, and there is a lot of red light. The spatial crack has been closed, and the earth is not affected.

I just burst 830 fried instant, even if the distance between the space, the night length felt the energy of the horror of the gas group. If this energy exploded in the earth, the Earth was not allowed.

"Good risk!" The king of the king was very angry, watching the eyes of the night, the eyes of the night, the night grew is much better than he imagined.

The number of tricks is endless, and the battle reaction is also very fast, even in extreme unfavorable situations, the night grows can still make the most correct choice.

"Hurry ..." The mismuth buzzard looked at his own attack. After the loving resolution, it was not a clear, but did not be angry, but it jumped up again, it seems to have discovered any fun toys.

"Well?" Babii, Babii, is very unexpected.

"He is very interesting ... I am hungry, eat it!" Budo looked at the night's wind, and took his own belly.

call! At this time, suddenly, a long [gun] wore the back of the Buro, and the whole of the chest of the Bu.

"Ah!" Bababi was shocked, hurriedly turned to see, "What are you doing?"

At this time, I stood in the monsters in the Ou Bo. I just swallowed by the boulder, Dapula constantly gasped after the cloth, he just used the opportunity to pay attention to the night-catching, and gathered A long [gun], run through the body of the Bu.

1380 chapter, the magic of the Buy

"Dapula, you are still not dead yet! Why do you want to do this?" Babi Di was dead by Dapa.

On the other hand, Tex and Alice finally arrived at the wasteland of night long and cloth.

"Hey, we are there!" Tex referred to the night-hearted air of the golden light, "Master is there!"

"It's uncle's uncle! Terx, you withdraw from Super Saiyan mode, Super Saiyan's gas is very glory to be discovered!" Alice reminded.

"Good!" Terx will consract the golden voyage of the whisper, and the two landed behind a cliff wall in the wasteland, stretched out [out], Qi Qi to the center of the wasteland.

"Hey, in addition to Master, those people don't know!" Tex was surprised.

"Is that flying in the air, isn't the geeks who participated in the military meeting?" Alice referred to the king of the air in the air.

"Head! Another person is coming!" Tex whispered after Alice, took his head down.

The center of the wasteland.

"Bababi adult, the magistar ... He will never listen to your order, one day later, he will betray you, then kill you! If you don't remove him now ..." Dapula It seems that Bababi is once again sealed in the Europe.

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