The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1403 of the Chapter 1403 of the Prince of Tennis

"What happened, what happened?" The cloak after the next body was blown by a gas wave, and everyone's hair was blown up.

"This seems to be played, the Bu" is completely irritated! "Night windy green eyes, Jinguang surged, the magist manufacturer can resist the very adventive spiritual electric drill attack to make the night grower independence .

bass! At this time, the night long wind bellikes is an elliptical golden mask to block the wavy waves and flying gravel sands.

"Well!" At this time, a pink gas group fluctuated, directly blowing the smoke of the wasteland, and the migraphy watched the night, the fist is also tight.

"Too good, restore! It is a migrargon, and it is no longer dead!" Babi Di is coming.

"It's really mad at me, I want to kill you! Kill you!" The migrarhe is dead, and the eyes are full of hateful anger.

"Ah ... The monster is not dead, but it is stronger! It's a horrible guy!" Kelin could not help but follow the back.

"Not a wonderful, magical attacks are also invalid to Brune (DBBC)!" The king of the king is nervous.

"You have a nonsense!" If the cold face is frost, the whole body muscles, "you have more, first put you out and say it again!"

! The golden mask whose night long-winding is instantly exploded. He has a blue electric light crazy, and the night cost is once again improved, and the super-suedian vitality of the super-seizure is extremely moving.

"Strong! The night's grewy, this guy is stronger than before!" Big knife has grown his eyes, staring at night long wind.

Snapped! At this time, the figure of the night-catching wind disappeared, not transient, but directly, the speed is more than ten times before, which is like lightning.

boom! The night's wind flew up a foot is on the side of the magistan, the Face of the monstered, and the face is immediately called, and the explosion is even more sound.

I haven't waited the energy of the explosion to spread to the Bou Europe, and the night length moved to the front of the magistar, and the left fantastics directly slammed on the nose of the Buy.

After the sound of the rumor [promotion], the monsters were bombed, which was not finished.

Night wind is a feet, directly kicking BOS to the sky.

boom! boom! boom! Then, the continuous punching kick, the night-catching wind also showed the perfect combination of his amazing explosive power and speed power, putting the cloth ​​

Everyone is unable to capture the nightmare. After seeing an air fluctuation, the magic man bucks the sandbags are heavy, and the next moment is in the air after volatility. position.

Within a few breaths, the night length is at least a thousand way of attack, and it is full of efforts. It is not only a super-semi-firing, the power of the dragon is also protected by night long winds to the ultimate.

"Why is this this! Why can't the Magic Baron still come back!" Bababi looked up at the air increasingly incorporated broth, and his face began to panic.

If the magist brothers have failed, Bababi knows that his end must be very miserable, in this moment Babii even has an escapeful thought.

"Haha, uncle's uncle is too powerful!" Alice looked at the air fluctuations in the air, two eyes were light, and this violent small lobi was specifically planted.

One force dropped ten meetings, with the effort, and became the pursuit of Alice's life.

"Great, Master!" Terry is also a right hand, an excitement.

"Come on, the long wind, the earth is all rely on you!" The next choice has not been so nervous.

"Is the Super Saiyan really do not have the limit?" Buguang looked at the fluctuations in the air, even if he could not see the movement of the night.

1382 chapter, Bouo self-explosion

After a madness, the migraphon was burned into a pink rotten mud, which has been completely incapacitated.

! Finally, the night length stopped the attack, which was already a mud, the built, the mud, fell from the air.

"Not dead!" Night wind looked at the mud to fall to the ground gradually re-emit into the outline of the monsters, directly turned into the mud, and then launched his hands.

boom! The vitality of the night long-standing body is moving again to his arms, and the night grows toward the mud palm on the top of the head.

"Super flash!" The night long-term style is just enough to bombard the huge two energy light column of the whole earth, then shot from the night's wind, and then you will bring together the mud to the top of the night long, is a rebirth. The Europe is directly engraved.

Rumble ... The entire earth began to shock, the rock wall where the Clin et al. Is also a crack collapsed.

"Open!" The night long-term wind is not stopped after the light column, but the madness to continue the pure golden vitality in the body, and the night-length wind wants to bomb the European to the slag, so that he has no way to reorganize again.

"Ah, ah ..." Bababi looked at the energy light column that bounced at night, and his hands were squatting on the ground, and a fear of death.

The entire energy light column has been continued for a few days. When the night long winds finally put down, his hands were slightly red. To know that the energy of the night-catching flesh is very exaggerated, even so, night Changfeng is still burns the energy taken by himself.

This is enough to prove how terrible energy, the energy of the super flash gun aggregated, after the energy swallowed the martial art, directly to the blue sky, so soon, run through the atmosphere of the earth.

At this time, if someone stands on the moon, you can see a pure golden energy rass on the earth, directly brushing through the entire solar system, speeding to universe space.

After the light is exhausted, a wolf is borrowed. Because the night cost is intentionally adjusted to heaven, the earth is not damaged, but the night's long wind is a deep pit. hole.

"Good!" Bike flying couldn't help it in the air.

"Success! Too good!" Tex and Alice also cheered.

"It's amazing! It is still very good!" Kelin is very good.

Babiedi looked up at the air that had just disappeared just, there is no one, nothing!

"How is this possible? Magic Buru ... My magist brothers!" Babii fell to the ground, and a look desperate.

! At this time, the night's wind fell from the air, and he looked up at the place where the Buo disappeared, it was already full of gas that did not reach the cloth.

"Success?" The night's appearance was picked up, but he did not receive any warning of the hyperincidence system, which means that the mission has not been completed, the magist brother is still dead!

Call ... Call ~ ▉ At this time, this unmanned desert began to blow the wind. In an instant, an evil gas once again appeared in the head of everyone.

"It is a cloth"! "The night long wind looked up, a pink cloud was slowly gathered in the air, and finally gathered into the magist.

"What!" Bike and the king of the king of the king were still in an instant, no one thought that the Magic Buro would rebirth again.

Just now, the long-lasting battle is a continuous melee attack to make the Buur into a meat, and then use the super flash of ultra-high compressed energy to directly slag the slag, but in the two After the madness, the monsters actually resurrected.

Or or he has never died!

Snapped! Restoring the original monster Bo Europe from the air, and stationed again to the night long-faced wind, at this time, the bark shook his head, looked at the night's mouth, "Help ... Hao pain ..."

"It's impossible! Is it true that the monsters are really unsatisfactory, can not consume any energy or physical strength, unlimited rebirth?" Big knife big eyes, can't believe it you can see.

Kelin is also a scared, and this migram is like the unsatisfied Shaul who has encountered before, it seems to be more terrible.

"Good yeah! Good yeah!" Looking at the magist brothers and still showed again, and there was no difference before and before, Bababi excited hand dance, the whole wretched face smiled and smiled with Ju. " Bu ! Kill the earth, he is not strong! "

" ... !!" The migraph buys hands in the chest, the two arms have risen, and the expression has become unusually dignified. It has no smile.

······ Flowers ······ ·

"Well!" While Puro sent a strange voice, the whispering gathered a pink voyage Yuan Zhao, and the ground under his feet was directly caught into a circular pothole.

"I finally want to zoom in?" The night is still a cold look, he is a little surprised, but it is not surprised.

The task published by the hyperincidence system is the history of epic, nature is to be difficult than the legendary task, and the Buhan is almost impossible to be defeated.

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