The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1404 of the Chapter 1404 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

Hey ... The magist of the Euro should start a circle of energy fluctuations and spread, the atmosphere and combat line rise, the whole sky is bleak.

"This is finished!" Kelin looked at a circle of pink energy in the top of the top, and the breath of the Buy was becoming more and more horrible. The whole earth seems to be covered by the energy fluctuations of the magistar.

.... [[... "

"Your guy ..." The Magic Buro finally opened his eyes, he looked at the night, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Hey! Magic Baro, what do you want? Don't destroy the earth, I am still on the earth!" Babii shouted.

"I hate it hate!" The magist manufacture of Euro has enhanced to the top of the peak, and he horses his hands and a long hack.

"Protect the mask!" Babi Di saw the magic people, the European completely ignored himself and quickly opened the protective cover.

"It's trouble, this migrari IQ is still in a child, and it is really chaotic!" Night Changshi early guesses that the monsters will be angry.

Once the monsters are chaos, the earth is difficult to spread in this energy fluctuation.

"There is no way, only try it!" At this time, the night is full of golden light, his expression has become solemn.

"This feeling is ..." Alice flying in the air is very familiar with the shape of the night long-standing hands.

"Buddha statue is gold!" The night long-lasting mouth began to smash Sansknan. He suddenly condensed a huge Buddha via.

This Buddha's vain is at least mid, and the body is big, and everyone is not able to see the head of the Buddha, because it is already a high [shrug].

At this time, the golden light of the Buddha is actually suppressed the red light of the Magic Broad, and the Buddha is limited to the scope of this wasteland.

Chapter 1383, falling into a deadlock

"Go away!" Bike rushed to the Klin and Tex and the Alice.

The night long style is to use the transient to come to the top of the Pomera, a big drink, "10,000-handed Buddha!"

boom! Night wind is a palm of the cloth, and the thousands of Buddhas after the night length of the wind are also Jin Guang masterpiece. They are actually stretched out [out] 10,000 Buddha!

Countless Buddhist hands gather in the night long and cloth, and instantly merges a golden sphere, and the night growers and cloth is all in it.

boom! When the golden big hand waved in the night, the mask penetrated in the white weeks was to printed with the Buffali forehead.

~ ▉ ▉ ,, Five five seven three ".

The sound of the explosion continues from the golden sphere, but the energy of the final Buddha's hand agglomerates the energy of the Buro self-burst, the entire golden sphere has risen to a diameter of more than a thousand meters, almost filled the entire wasteland, very exaggeration.

! The final golden sphere is still up, and the energy of the burst burst is almost left.

After Jin Guang gradually bleak, the earth returned to the calm of the past.

"There is a risk, I almost being died!" At this time, Babikika was in a crushed stone heap, or he didn't a protective cover he whispered. He had already dropped the boulder embraced to the meat. .

"Everyone is fine!" Bike flew out from a rock wall, he looked for a while.

boom! Kling raised a boulder and threw it on the side, "Almost hang it!"

boom! At this time, Tex and Alice were drilled directly from the bottom. They didn't rely too close to the depths of the ground by golden spheres.

However, Tex has a moisture guard, Alice's flesh intensity is no harm.

Mainly golden spheres with almost all of the energy of Bouo self-burst, if the energy of the Budo self-burst is not absorbed, the hemisphere where the whole earth is at least will be sure.

"How is the long wind?" Everyone hurriedly turned its attention to the wasteland, looking for the night of the night and the brother.

! At this time, a person who was born in the back of the world was in front of everyone, and it was a night.

A large part of the impact of the Budo self-explosion was directly used by the night. This level of self-explosion is not more than the night cost to bear the starry explosion, but the night is in order to protect the earth. The energy explosion is limited to the region of the golden sphere.

It caused the impact of energy explosion too intensive, so that the body of the flesh, such as the night, the body is also unwazing, and there is a wound, constantly bleeding.

"Changfeng! You are fine!" Klin said.

"The king of the king of the world!" Bick is also surprised to watch the king of the world behind the night.

The king of the king didn't be too close to the distance of the golden sphere, and it was directly stunned.

"He is nothing!" The night was swaying, and the right hand was exhibited, and a golden huge fruit floated on the right hand.

"Good!" Kelin looked at the golden fruit of the night-length windmaked.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ , ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

boom! At the same time, the night long-standing body is full of golden vitality, and the vitality is also filled with the pure energy of golden fruit.

This kind of watermelon size is much higher than the apple size of the apple that is eaten before the night. The recovery efficiency is also excellent. The amount of yuan consumed by the night is actually very amazing, but after swallowing gold, it is I was filled in an instant.

In fact, there is no life in the night long wind. If you don't eat golden fruit, you can still restore yourself, but the night is clearly not waiting for it, and the earth is inadequate, the night is very difficult to absorb the fullness. vitality.

"What is going on? How is it? Buick?" Bike hurriedly asked when he was restored.

"Just now, the Bu" burst! "The night grew back, but his eyes were looking to the blue sky.

"It's actually self-explosive!" Kelin rose big mouth, in the heart, turning into the river, "If you just want to stop the long wind, the whole earth is definitely gone!"

"If you are exploding, are the Buo is dead?" Box asked.

"There is still no! He is more difficult than Saru!" The night grew blowing against everyone, "You retired, I can't take you every time!"

"What! You are not dead, how is this possible?" Kelin rose big mouth, why not do it ...

"We will go back!" Bike flew into the air with Tex and Alice, Klin also flew it with the king of the king, and everyone took out the scope of this wasteland.

... ,, when everyone returned, a familiar voice sounded, this time the brother's figure was reversed directly on the top of the night length, and then dropped directly.

boom! The night cost is flashing, and the Brown Angi once again sat down a big hole, and the gravel splashed.

"Too good! Buffo is not dead, my Boho is not dead! He must be unsatisfied, it is the strongest existence of death!" Babi Die saw that the Buo Xinxi is mad.

The night-long wind is a frowning, very headache, because there is no weakness, strength and speed, even in the two-stage night, and the combat power seems to be stronger. .

The most important thing is that the night length is bound by the earth, and there is no way to open.

Originally, the long-lasting wind, pulling the Buffo directly into the pure land, but I thought about it, the combat power of the Buo was not necessarily weak than the night.

If the night is not able to kill the BOOS in the clean soil of the gods in the gods, the Bo Europe is in a very large land, and it may even be able to break the space of the gods. If the situation will be worse.

"No 2.1 law, is there only that the state is open?" The night is cold and cold, "But I have no way to stabilize in that state now!"

"How is the long wind? Doesn't he have no way to deal with the monsters?" Clin is full of sweating looks at the night-long and magist of the wilderness.

After the Magic Buro crawled out from the deep pit, it was twisted on the waist and didn't know what he wanted.

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