The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1406 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Hey!" Bababi turned back, surprised, "It's you! Breast, you dare to threaten me! Wait, the earth is dead, I will let the magist manufacture use the most painful method to kill the most painful method you!"

"Hey! Thank you for your kindness, but I am very sorry that you can't call your Buffo!" Bike cooled.

"Betting, what do you want to do?" Babi Di's later retreat.

"I can't kill, but I can kill you."! "Bike's eyes flashed, then the right hand is handled as a knife and swayed directly.

"Protective cover!" The crisis moment, Bababi picked up a transparent mask in his own weeks.

boom! The Bike front knife attacked, and the transparent mask was bounced back, Babii was unharmonic.

"How? You can't get me at all, don't look at our magic tacity!" Babi-Di is open to the Bike, and the spell is written in his mouth.

Bang! Two rays shot from Bababi, the lightning shot to the Babi, is Bababi's magic attack.

Bababi's magical bomb attack although the power is not strong, once it is hit, it will be subject to the curse of Bababi, the combat power is reduced, and there will be a symptom of various body discomfort.

bass! At this time, the moving figure actually became a magical block in front of the body.

boom! Night long wind and right arm rose big, directly squeezed, and then his right hand is full.

bass! A golden light wall appeared in front of the night, Bababi's magic booked on the light wall, which turned out to be bombed, but hit Bababi.

! Babiedi wrote around the green electric light, hey, Babii screamed on the ground, squatted, a side of the evil.

"Be evil ... he ... actually is still not dead!" Babi Di is muttered, the breath is getting thinner.

"Night long wind!" Bike was also surprised to watch the back of the night.

"Bike, you also returned some, I didn't say it? This battle, you don't don't intervene!" The night is cold.

"You ..." Bike's appeal, eventually swallowed into his stomach, and turned back to the wasteland.

"The long wind is nothing!" Kelin looked at the night long stood, and the gas did not weakened, and a big stone in his heart.

! After the long-term wind and right hand, his full body is rising, the power of the dragon is surging in the night, and finally wraps [around] night long-term winds are actually dutied directly. burst!

It turns out that night long winds don't have a way to break the binding of European strip attacks, but he deliberately lets cloth Europe, and then make you as much as possible, truly stimulate the blood of the Saaya in his body.

"Hey!" At this time, the Bu "that was hit into the dirt heap once again, and launched his hands in the air, screaming.

"Who is it hit?" Buffali swept a wasteland, only saw the cold and looked at his night, did not see the Turks just attacked him.

"Bu ... Magic Baro, save me!" Bababi fell to the ground kept talking, he is already quite weak.

"Well?" The Puo's attention was attracted by Bababi to Bababi, "What happened?"

"I have to restore my original state, I have to die ... I have to be fast!" Babii saw the magist brothers, and the desire of survival was ignited.

"¨` ▉ ▉! "The migrarhe is low-headed to Bababi. SHE.

"You ... what are you grinding, hurry! Otherwise, I have to seal you before dying!" Babii screamed.

I heard the two words of the seal, the monsters were glorious, and then smiled, the tentacles on the head rushed to the ground to Bababi.

A pink light wave is emitted from the tentacles of the Bu (directly to Bababi).

In this moment, Bababi's weakly cursed state of the curse disappeared, and the body recovered the original, and the feeling of feelings was unprecedented, and the previous mental exhaustion disappeared.

"Help ... so good! It's almost dead. Dry well, PUOY!" Babii jumped.

The night-catching wind is cold and cold looks at the movement of the Buy, and there is no prevention. Babii is a jumping clown in the night, and it can be ignored.

And (Wang Hao) Brother also shows a new energy, which is to treat other people, which should be a kind of magic, and the ability of Dandi, the effect is much better than Dandi.

"The bulls, actually put me so bad, I will never let you go!" The magist buno is around, Babii is bigger, and turning is pointing at night.

"The magist of the Magic, kill him! And there is a guy who has just had his accomplices and the green skin!" Babii is crazy, "I want the earth people to completely disappear in the universe." ! "

"If you have a book, you will try it!" The night grew in the corner of the mouth, the eyes were alive, "the real battle is now just now!"

"Haha, arrogant earth people, this time I will let you know what is the real horror! Magic Burbo does not want to play, completely kill him!" Babii stared at night long wind, right Bu .

Chapter 1386, Super Saiyan

"I know, I know!" Buffo started to shake his head, and his hands were still swinging up and down, making a sound.

"Bouo, are you Bababi's dog? This is obedient!" Night looked at the PUU did not.

"Well!" Buffen seems to understand the meaning of the night, and the face of smile is immediately free of his face.

"Earth people! You give me a mouth, there is a chaotic! The migrarho is my servant, of course, I should be able to listen to me!" Babi Di's consciousness.

"Hey!" The magist of the Magi turned to Bababi, and he was very dissatisfied with the praise of Babi Di.

"Boho, you, why do you look at me? Are you not afraid that I put you in the spell?" Babii used a seal to threaten the Buur.

"Hey ..." Budo smiled against Babi Di, "If you seal me, they will kill you, so you don't dare to seal me!"

"Can be evil ... How to suddenly become smart!" Babi Di is on the forehead, and there is no refuting to the stimulating cloth.

"However, I still will still kill you! You hurt me, Puo is very annoying you!" Boho turned his head stared at the night.

"Say good, Puo! Dry this earth!" Bababi-493-ignited in Bubo.

"Hey! You are so ugly, how much! There is a matter of this!" The night's feet turned, and the pure golden vitality came out, and the blue electric light was run around the night.

Just now, the night's hot blood is automatically activated, his state has returned to the full value of the peak of [].

"What is the meaning of ugly eight?" Bouo biased his head.

"That is to say, you are not good at all, he is jealous you!" Babi Di is shining.

call! call! Buffo listened to the end and the tight hole in the body began to take a pink vapor. "You dare to say that I am not good, I want to kill you! ... ... ... What can I kill you?"

"Kill me? Joke!" The night grew in the corner of the wind, the essence of the green eyes, "I will let you see the power of the real Super Saiyan!"

"The real super Saiya power?" Bike is in the distance, he is super strong, he can hear the dialogue between the night growers and the Bu.

"What is the real power, you are in the mystery! This kind of little trick is useless!" Babi-cold (Caeb) laughed.

Night wind did not pay attention to Bababi's provocation, but a double boxing, and the pure golden vitality in his body began to boil.

Just now, the night's wind makes the cloth Europe for so long, it is to accumulate energy stimuli that has been activated. The blood of the Saiyan in the night, began to explode amazing potential.

Bang! The golden light is shot from the night, and the sky is straight, and a strong energy fluctuations will be opened. The nearest Buo and Bababi are directly smashed.

"Ah, ah!" The night grew blowing, he was so long, and his pure golden golden gas is also crazy boiling, it is like a burning of your potential P

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