The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1407 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Booming ... The entire crack explosion of the wasteland in the wreath of the square, and then it is constant.

The night-catching wind is always in the air. He is a constant safer, ten meters, 50 meters, one hundred meters!

The entire earth began to shake an unprecedented, and the live volcano from all over the world was also stimulated, and the magma was started.

"I can't believe it! This air is too strong!" Bike took the green protective cover before the person, he left the green protective cover, and the protective cover actually started to crack, "No, no night The gas is getting stronger and stronger! "

"I will help you!" Klin and Tex began to fill the voyage to the protective cover, and the green protective cover gradually recovered, and the madness of the gantry worse was blocked.

"This is ..." Clin rose big mouth.

"Awesome, is this the true power of Master's super-semi-Saiyan?" Tex looked at the two eyes of the night long boiling burn.

"Yeah!" The night grew is still long, and his whole person has become a golden person. Babii is scared to hide after the cloth, but also use a spiritual urging protection cover. .

"This feeling is the gas of the boy, how can it be so strong?" The turtle fairy is full of sweat in the world's first martial arts. "Is the stinky kid want to ruin the earth?"

... The night's gas is still constantly skyrocketing, and his whispered blue electricity is not only in his weeks, but it began to spread in the air, eventually spread throughout the wasteland.

bass! At this time, the buildings of major human cities on the earth are shaken vigorously. Some even begin to collapse, and various electronic devices are completely out of the explosion, and the human world has fallen into panic.

"Ah! What happened? Is there a last day?"

"Yeah!" At this time, the blonde inverted in the night is actually starting backwards, and it is getting longer.

Heaven and earth, the sun and the moon are light!

The golden light of the night long-standing is unparalleled, and the magist brothers also have to go to the eyes.

After a few minutes, the light of the night long-standing is finally gradually dissipated, and everyone immediately looked at the position of the night long, and they were stunned.

"Ah!", Especially the extreme contraction of the pupil in Bababi, he felt deadly dangerous breath.

At this time, the night length wind shape is changed, and the reverse golden hair is extended to the waist. The face has changed, and the eyes are more cold, and the corners of the brow are also more different. It looks full.

In addition, the night long-winding body line-type muscles have also risen, it seems more like a muscular man, and each muscles are quite exaggerated as a power of explosive.

"This is the real power of the Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan three!" The night is cold and coldly said with Bababi and Bu.

Originally, the long wind did not want to open the super-Saiyan three, because he just broke through this stage, it was very unstable, the time to transform it is too long, this leads to turning into the moment, very amazing, wasteful Unnecessary gas, this is very unhappy for the perfection of the night-hearted wind.

However, in order to defeat the magistrate, the night is not to risk to open the Super Saiyan.

Because the Super Saiyan two [] peak strength plus the flesh power can not completely kill the magic people!

"Is that the long wind?" Clin and Teks were also surprised by Bababi, and the wind at this time was extremely cold, and even the extreme illusion of evil power.

"What is this air, is evil, is Christty?" The distance from the Begita in the distance was rampant. He never imagined that the Super Saiyan would have so anti-sky energy.

1387 chapter, true, god

"Hey ... Your expression is really terrible, but I am not afraid of you!" Unlike other people, it is a cloth, still a face, hip, and finger the night.

"Just ... What super-seesians are three! But just change the shape! Cry out of him, Puo!" Babii shouted on the side of the flag, so he was calm, and he was afraid to die.

"Yes?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Brother and Bababi. He whisper shines in the body into the body.

The Super Saiyan three stage will consume a lot of gas in the night cost, the light is turned into a lot, even if the temperature of the night is very strong, but there is still a lot of yuan Waste, spread to the air.

In order to maintain this state as much as possible, the night long wind must be constructed, while trying to completely kill the magistar.

sand! At a moment of night-long wind, he came to the top of the magiston, the speed is the super-seizian two [] peaks, and it is simply faster than the transient.

Yade is moving instant mobile launching, and the distance between the Super Saiyan three-stage night-growing roster is like it does not require any time, it is fast to the extreme.

! When the night's wind right, the right hand, and directly grabbed the tentacles of the magist brother.

puff! The Magic Burbo wants to struggle, but it is on the face of the night, and the whole face is in a moment.

The tentacles of his head suddenly have no breaks, and the toughness of the Eubei head is full.

boom!! Snapped! Snapped! Night wind is not polite, the left hand is toothched, and the magic man is coming back, and then continue the right boxing to play the magic people, between the first moment, once seems to have a few hundred punches at the same time. Magic cloth.

boom! boom! boom! The body of the Magic Buro has been exploded, and the body is bombarded everywhere, but there is no energy of the resistance. His speed and strength seem to keep up with the three-stage night in the super-seda.

call! Finally, the long wind left Hand pulled the Boo to flies to the sky, then a big circle in the air, throwing it to the blue sky.

! ! ! At this time, the cave of the magistrand can be automatically healed or recovered. In the process of confronting the night, the fighting power of the monster also increased rapidly.

bass! The magist brother to reverse the obesity of the body in the air, then turned down, the face was embarrassed into the pig's head, and it seems to be highly interested.

boom! boom! boom! A pink ray shot from the hands of the monsters, and a breath is a few hundred, covering the sky.

The night-long wind is the right hand, and a golden big hand is ejected from the cold palm of the night.

!!! Red rays are all covered by golden big hand.

At this point, the night's right hand is grasp, the golden big hand is also a moment, the bombing is a big sound, and the red rays are directly compressed in the golden big hand, and the two ▉ ▉ Care in the air.

"Strong ..." Bababi, who has nearest from the two, has been in the range of battles, which has exceeded him to understand.

The Bike and others watching in the distance and they witnessed the overnight winds and various BOSS battles, but the current night-long and cloth Europe's battle is completely different from the previous grades.

Even the battle of different yuan!

"Hey!" The migraph built from high altitude, and he stopped in the opposite night of the night.

"It's so fast, and the recovery ability is amazing! And he used to use the cave wave I used, that is, he just read my moves, I learned!" Night long The cold light is flashing.

This is a bad news for the night long. If the magist of learning is so strong, the air used before the night is hard, or the sword is very likely that it has been European Society.

The power of these moves is very powerful, making it out with the fighting power of the monsters. It is too easy to destroy the earth.

boom! At this time, the magist of the monstered the right box on the night of the night.

! In this moment, the right arm of the Magic Buro suddenly elongated and the tricks used to use, the fist almost instantly came to the night.

"It seems to avoid tricks of the Dragon Ball world!" The night-long wind and right arm instantly erected, and she raised the Bruney.

······ Flowers ······

boom! Night long winds will be madly motivated in the madness of the gods in the body, and his entire body has made a golden person.

Snapped! The night long-lasting left hand, grabbed, directly grabbed the right arm of the monsters, and then vigorously throw it, the monsters were once again sealed.

"The spear of the god!" The night grew and shielded, and the right hand bent behind the bow.

bass! A simple giant gold talents appeared in front of him, and the spear of this god and the great difference were great.

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