The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1409 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Good hot! Good hot!" The migrenic cloth Europe's face is twisted together, and the blue flame in the sky is simply poison, it is not close to the whole body smoke.

1389 chapter, unfortunately

"Ah ... ah!" At this time, the Buick also jumped again. He looked at the night long wind, and the eyes were full of angry flames, and the Boho knew that all the ghosts of the night.

"The fire of heavens and earth!" The night is completely ignorant, like a hot pot, but a big drink, the blue vitality explosion is boiling.

At this point, the furnace between the night long winds becomes unzurzed, and the blue flame between the heavens and the world is full of crazy flocking to the monsters.

The monsters were swallowed by the flames of the sky, because the flames were too much, the fire of the world, avoided.

"Ah!" Buffo was burn wow, the body has a melted trend, he tried to jump out the atmosphere of the earth and fly to the universe.

However, it is not worth mentioning in the blue sky flame block of layers, and the earth is worth mentioning for the guys of the monsters.

However, the potential of the night long wind is completely different. The flame of the heavens and the earth is uncomfortable, and the center point of the aggregated center point is even comparable to the temperature in the neutral core.

"Good exaggerated power!" Bike and Clin are stupid.

Just awakened kings, I didn't understand what happened. He only felt that the temperature around him was too high, and 20 were only escaped back to the space of the king of the world.

"Hot death!" I am dead! "Boho is still calling, at this time his fat limbs have been fired, and the body is constantly melting.

"Drink!" Night wind, no matter what you don't care, the whole body is urged to move the heaven and earth.

Night live wind is also the first time to use the heavens and furnaces. It is not skilled, and he doesn't dare to have slightly.

Heavenly furnace anti-night long wind does not say, the earth will be burned into a can't smoke in the moment, the super-god system mission failed, and the night cost is almost no life.

This is the situation that night is the most reluctant to see, he needs 100% to thoroughly understand the magistarburi, so that what is the east-weeks, or if it can make it into a drug, this is not around the night. .

! At this time, the Magic Buro is already burning into a pink liquid [body] Mining flow in the heavens flame of the group, wants to break through the rear.

But everything is in vain, the night long-in-night wind is getting more and more softens to the heavens and earth furnaces, and the fire in the heavens and the earth is increasing, and the layer of layers wrapped in pink liquids [body].

After a few minutes, the night length is already full of sweat. The shape of the super-seizian three cannot be stable. He has already bleedged the vital energy energy in his body. It is necessary to quit from the Super Saiyan three. .

"Cheng!" The night's hands were all in one, and the Dan furnace in his hands was also turned into a flame group that Tai Chi drilled into the top of the head.

Fortunately, at this time, the heavens and earth furnaces finally refined, and pink liquid [body] burned into a pink medicinal medicine.

Hunch! The fire of the heavens and the earth disappeared at this moment, and the earth recovered again.

The Bike is waiting for four, so far, they have not figured out what happened.

Everyone looked up at it, and the migraph also didn't see the trace.

The night-catching wind is also returned to the ordinary state from the state of the Super Saiyans, and the body is sweating, the body is extremely tired.

Snapped! Night wind is at this time, the right hand is height. ≮}} ≯ .

"Finally, it's all done!" The cold is angry, watching pink medicinal herbs in his hand.

The whole tannin has no smell, there is Huang colored streak.

"This is the Tan medicine that the heavens furnace refining cloth is a medicinal medicine?" Night long style carefully looked at the pink Dan medicine, completely did not swallow the thought, "I am not a good thing in this place!

When the night cost is known to refine the medicinal medicine, it is not every time I can refine the Holy Pharmacy. I have many times, I will practice super toxic medicine.

"Well, forget it!" Night wind did not care, put Dan medicine immediately into the waistband in the waist.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the night is very windy, until now, he has not received a suggestion of super god system, which means that the mission has not been completed, and the migrenome is still dead.

"How is this possible? Buy is clearly made into a medicinal medicine!" Night wind frowned.

bass! bass! At this time, Clin et al. Flew to the front of the night.

"Changfeng, you are fine?" Klin asked anxiously.

"Master, what happened just now?" Tex is also asked.

The night flies shook their heads, "I am fine, just need to take a break."

The physical strength and moisture of the night long can be recovered with golden fruit, but the mental consumption of high strength and use of the heavens and the earth is unable to recover for ordinary external objects.

Of course, there are also a treasure of life in the special store of the superhen system, but the exchange lotses required for those treasures have not accepted the night.

"Is the magist manufacture of European?" Bik asked the key.

Night wind did not answer, because he didn't know himself.

"Uncle's uncle, I just saw a pink cloud floating!" Alice suddenly opened.

"What!" The night is very shocked, he can almost determine that the clouds escaping from the heavens and earth furnace are the migrable.

"I am evil! I actually let him escape!" Night winds are somewhat depressed. Just now, all of his attention is all on the heaven and earth furnace. It is completely not noticed that it is still a cloud. come out.

"What happened, the long wind? Boho should be killed by you, I can't feel his gas!" Kllin said something excited.

"No! He is still dead!" The night's face explained to everyone.

"No! How can I have this kind of thing, the clouds seen by Alice are the magic buno?" Kelin rose big mouth, and the Bike also said.

If this night is not able to kill the magistrate, no one can completely destroy the magistan.

"What should I do now?" The Bike asked to the night.

"Now I have to wait! Even I still can't induce the magist of the magic!" The night is swept away, "Yes, the king of the king?"

"I don't know, I just seem to have disappeared!" Klin is old and the real role.

"KAO! Just in the king of the king, he won't be burned by the fire of the heavens and the earth?"

"Night long wind! Are you listening to?" At this time, the voice of the king of the king sounded in the night.

PS: On the last day of May, this month is not easy, or it is still top. So far, there is still three more, and my state is also restored. Thank you for your support.

1390 chapter, the king of the world

"The king of the world?" The night was very shocked, "You are still alive!"

"Harmony ... is ok, just almost burned, can you induce my gas?" Asked the king of the king.

"I try!" The night is long, and the heart is coming, after a few seconds, I have induced a very weak life of the world.

Because the distance is too far away, the night cost cannot determine its accurate orientation.

"I'm induced!"

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