The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1410 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Very good, I have returned to the gods, I know, I know, can you use your instantaneous movement? I have something to show you!" The king is slow.

"Oh?" Night-lasting style nodded, although the king of Wang Shenjie is too far away from the earth, the heart of the king is not strong enough, but the night cost is also trying to try it, and the night is now in Yade. Instant movement has been perfect, the success probability is not too small.

After chances with the bike, there is a matter of prison, and the night-long wind is placed in front of the right hand, and then it is the gas of the king of the king.

After about one minute, the night-long wind finally locked the heart of the king of the king, and the immediate disappeared in front of Clin et al.

Open your eyes again, and you will see your eyes, the king of the king of the king and his hands are in front of you.

Walk around, a wilderness, weeds, no buildings, it seems like a nothing.

"You have succeeded!" The king of the king saw the night floating face.

"The king of the world, is this the goddess you said?" Night long-lasting corner.

"Ah, this is the world I live, the king of the king!" Wang Wang nodded.

"Well ... it is really in line with your simple style!" The night is laughing. He didn't expect the king of the king of the kingdom that is so simple, and the boundaries of Wang Xing will be poor, let alone the sky of the earth.

Cough ... On the side of Jiebi dry cough, "Originally, the king of the king of the king is a holy place that is not able to enter the world, let alone people. Night long wind, you can come. Fortunately, ‖. "

"Yes ... Yes!" The night is unfortunately shaking his head. This bird does not have the so-called holy land, or the king of the king will invite, and the night is not coming.

"I am really unfortunately, I have seen it. The migrenous cloth has been eliminated by you. Hone other words, I am surprised, the night is long, you can't really be the strongest in the universe!" The king of the king of the world is light, "Just now, the tricks you use are amazing, what do you learn?"

"An ancient Wu Wusi in the earth, only the earth can learn!" The night is just a reason to find a reason for the past.

"The king of the world, what do you want to do? Now that the magist brother is still dead, I have to keep guarding on the earth." Night grew the wind.

"Yeah, I also want to ask the world why the world wants to come to Holy Land?" Jiebit on the side is also attached.

At this time, the king of the king of the world, the golden light, the right fist was scratched, and a face was positive. At the time, affirming the fighting power will also improve! "

"So I want you to use the king of the king sword, completely kill the magic people! If it is your words, you can!" The king of the king looked at the night long.

"King Wang Shen Jian?" The king of the king's mythology, the Jaybi Trip, the night, and a big mouth, a pair shocked.

"Are you serious, the king of the king of the king? Human creative can't use the king of Wang Shenjian, not just me, even the king of the king can't use the sword!" Jiebi high channel.

"Jiebit, you didn't see the strength of the long wind, his power is not under the monsters!" The king of the king explained.

"Even if he is too powerful, it is impossible to raise the king of the king of the king ..." Jiebit is still unable to believe that the night long wind can use the king of the king.

"What is the king of the king sword really kills the magic people, is it magical?" The night's curiosity is hooked.

"Come with me!" The king of the king flew straight, and the night grew is also behind him, flying toward the wilderness, Jiebit is also coming.

Not long, a tall tower [shrug] The high tower in the cloud appeared in the sight of the night, the whole tower is at least 10,000 meters, and the top has a golden light.

"It's time!" The king of the king saw the tower, he looked back and greet the night, then flying up quickly.

Snapped! Soon three came to the top of the tower, the whole tower is very narrow, that is, a few meters.

None of the top of the tower, the most conspicuous is that a long sword in the center is inserted on the top of the tower.

"This is the sword is the king of the king!" Wang Shen pointed to the long sword road in the ground.

"Oh ..." The night is carefully looked at a long sword, the whole sword, the sword is completely incomplete, only the sword shank is outside.

There is a golden gemstone on the sword handle, which is very complicated to fully understand the runes that don't understand.

"¨. ▉ ▉

"Put the sword! According to me, I have to say that no one can pull out this sword so far. Even if we have a few kings of the king, there is no success." The king of the king turned to the night long style.

"Is it? I am so amazing, I will not pull out this sword is recognized?" The night's wind always feels that this bridge is too old to teeth.

"Legend" As long as you can pull out the king of the king, you can get powerful power, with your current strength, the energy of the king of the king, completely killing the Bu can, should not be a difficult thing. "The king of the king saw the heavens and earth furnaces of the night , Full of confidence in the night.

The Jiebi headed on the side shook his head, "The king of the king of the world, why do you believe this little ghost, I don't think he can't pull it out!"

"Jiebi, you are less, you will know!" The king of the king referred to (a good) the king of the king of the world, indicating that night long winds can try.

"Well, since it is coming, you will try it!" Night live wind did not guarantee that he can pull out the king of the king of the king, after all, the various wonderful nights of the Dragon Ball will also have a sense of knowledge, there is a god that can't be unable The sword is not enough.

! When the night is growing, the right hand holds the sword handle of the king of the king of the king.

"What! Are you going to pull out with a single hand?" Jiebit shouted.

The night-long wind is not ignored Jiebi, the right arm rose a big moment, and the right hand is full of power.

The king of the king of the world is actually a stream. It is necessary to know that the night's strength is already half the strength of the flesh, that is, hundreds of dragon icons.

This kind of power is enough to raise a small planet, actually still unplugged the king of the king.

"Is this a world of king's swords really have a magical power?" In the eyes of the night, Jin Guang was surging, and the king of the king of the king had a strong interest.

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"Hey ... I still want to use one hand to pull out the king sword, too real!" Jiebit saw the night-hearted wind did not pull out the king of the king of Wang, showing a pair of expressions.

At this time, the whole wind the whole right arm rose again, the arms raised, with blood crazy flowing into a red thin line.

"The power of the dragon, all open!" The night drunk, his arm showed dragon icon, one thousand and five dragon elephants were filled with night wind, and his whole right arm became A golden light, even pressed the light of the gemstone of the king of the king.

"Useless, no one can pull out the king of the king!" Jiebiite is surprised, but he still does not think that night long wind can pull out the king of the king.

! At this time, the king of the king of the king was actually loose, and the stone inserted [into] began to reveal the ripple of cracks.

"Ni!" Jiebi special shocked, the whole is stupid.

"Start!" The flesh of the night, the flesh, the body of the body, , the king of the king is actually a little bit of the night.

boom! When the king of the king of the world reveals the general sword, the night-lived wind pulled all the kings of the kingdom, talked. -620-

One time, the king of the king of the king is very eye-catching, and the golden lightning in the sky falls, directly from the king of the king of the king.

"I pulled out, he pulled out!" The king of the king of the king excited.

"This is impossible! It's going to pull it out with one hand!" Jiebi specially lost down.

At this time, the high-rise wind of the king of the high-hearted king is a slightly frowned. After he pulls out the king of the king, he has exposed an eye in the world and did not have anything.

The energy of the night-catching wind is not enhanced. He didn't feel a special place for the king of Wang Shenjian, but the king of the king of the king is a little more important.

There is more than 20 tons, which is about 20 tons, such as such a big weight, the ordinary people can't affirmed, but it is easy to relax, there is no pressure.

"How is the wind, how?" The king of the king hurriedly asked.

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