The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1411 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

call! call! The night's wind will waving two down the king sword, and the dance is a tiger and tiger, but there is no one.

"The king of the world, I still want to ask you, you blow it so powerful. This king of Wang Shenjun is a little bit of a general treasure sword!" The night is dissatisfied, "it is better than my sword. This sword wants to completely kill the monsters, I am afraid that I am not very realistic. "

"How is it possible, the king of the king of the king is the legend of the gods!" Jiebit is angry at night's attitude.

"Cut ... Then you will try it." The night's wind is a little joyful, and there is too much nonsense, and I will throw the king of the king of the king to the .

A slam, Jiebi wants to hold his hands to hold the king of the king of the king, and the result is pressed directly to the bottom of the king, pressed out a humanoid pothole.

"Ah, so heavy, I can't breathe!" Jiebu called for help, he felt that his body was overturned.

"Haha, I have long said that this king of Wang Shenjian has no characteristic!" The night's left hand copied, and the king of Wang Shenjun was taken again.

Call ... call! Jebit is full of sweats, alternative:}} ≯ ≯, finally, can't say it.

On the other hand, I almost kill the migrarin of the night-catching wind to make a pink cloud, floating into an unmanned wilderness.

After the crazy absorbed a wilderness in the wilderness, the pink clouds gradually condensed out a human form.

... After half an hour, the smoke, the more accumulated the pink smoke, and finally gathered a person.

At this time, the magist brothers and previous shapes are similar, but it is only the extent to which only one leather bag remains compared to the previous fat.

The essence of the monsters is still refined by the heaven and earth furnace, and the thinbecio that is condensed at this time is a strong angry and evil escape when the Magic Buro is burned. Out, after absorbing the energy of various animal and plants of the Earth, it is uniformly evil magic.

If there is a little child's personality, this is a collection of evil ideas, a cold, red eyes, red, red, red, red light.

"I want to revenge!" Thin cloth European mouth, then turned around, flying to the big city of human beings.

Soon, Xiaobio came to a bustling human metropolis.

The people in this city are busy, and when they have repaired the night, when the night, the Wheel is coming to the city, it is caused to come to the city.

"Food! I need food!" Skinny Europe stopped in the high altitude and looked at the planet of the feet, and it was full of anger.

bass! At this time, the tentacles on the top of the thin cloth Outhead erected, starting to show light.

"You see, what is it?" Some people noted the air in the air under the air.

"Ah, really, is it better than the sun? Is it a solar sun?" Many people began to panic, they thought it was a terrorist attack.

This kind of thing has happened before, and the horror of horror of the army has been used directly to attack the human city to launch a terrorist attack.

Unfortunately, this time it is more terrible than terrorists.

bass! bass! bass! At this time, the tentacles of the thinbew pair began to shoot the golden wave.

At a time, the city's sky, the light wave of the sky, and the light waves of the sky were drummed directly to the top of the city.

!!! People who are illuminated by golden waves have instantly become a variety of food, chocolate, candy, rod [stick] sugar, etc.

In the first moment, the bustling metropolis turned into a dead city, leaving only the next place.

"Hahaha ..." Flying in the high-altitude thin cloth, crazy laugh, while the red light is surging, "Wait, the night is long, I must revenge, I want to tear you into pieces!"

Hey, thin cloth is low to rise, and in this moment, the thinbeca's mouth ba rises exaggerated, at least a few meters wide.

Hunch! At this time, the powerful suction is released in the thin cloth, and the various foods on the city streets are crazy to fly in his mouth.

... ,, after the entrance to the food, thinbec is not chewed, swallowing directly into the belly.

As more and more food entered the stomach of the thin cloth, the thin cloth is beginning to make a slight red light, and the dry body is gradually recovering, and the breath is also getting stronger.

"Not good!" At this time, the Baccia Square was suddenly widened, and he induced the sinous and evil spirits.

1392 chapter, old king

"Must be notified immediately, I am now not the opponent of the monster!" Bike started to call the night.

"Changfeng, do you listen?" Bike continuous call, did not respond at all, and he took out the remote communication, open the communicator, and the frequency is also a white, completely unable to get in touch with the night.

At this time, the night is in the king of the king, and there is a feature of the king of the king of the king. It is to understand the outside world in the king of the king, and it is difficult to infer the world from the world.

It's not easy to get a long-lasting thing in front of the world, it is only moving at the king of the world.

"I am evil ... There is no way to contact the long wind ..." The Bike is full of sweat, I think of a good way for a while.

The king of the kingdom.

The night's wind and the king of the king are also studied a border of Wang Shenjian. In addition to heavy, there is no special place.

"Is this the character of this world, the characteristics of this world are rugged?" Night long-lived hands arbitrarily waved the king of Wang Shen, then turned to look at the king of the king, "the king of the king, let's try the toughness and strength of the god sword." ! "

"No problem!" Wang Wang nodded, right hand, "Hey!"

bass! A square metal suddenly floated on the right hand of the king of the king, the whole piece of metal is silver, and the cold is free.


"This is the metal of the whole universe." Hard] metal - , we use it to try the sword, and the anti-ride king's sword should be never damaged. "The king of the king slowly.

"Well, throw it, the king of the king!" Night the wind nodded.

"It's coming!" The king of the king, waved, and the squats on his head quickly flew in the night.

"Drink!" The night is light, jumping up in the air, then holding the king of the king of the king, the king of the king sword directly to the speed flying.

The , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,

The baking sword fell on the ground, ... ... live.

"Ah!" The king of the king of the king and the big mouth of Jiebi, and the eyes have to stand up. It is so easy to fracture in the two hearts of the two hearts.

"I am going ... The king of the world, I said that your king of the king of this world is not a cottage, so it is easy to break!" Night wind directly put the sword handle of the hand in the ground.

"How ... Will this ... How can the world's strongest king sword in the universe ... Intermittent ..." The king of the king and Jiebit are still in a sluggish.

"Forget it, I still want to do it, I will go back!" The night's wind shook his head helplessly, and the right hand double fingers placed on the eyebrow. It is going to move back to the earth.

At this time, a movie appeared behind the king of the king of Wang and Jiebi, "Oh, you are all wrong!"

"What person!" The king of the king and Jiebit were shocked. Night live wind was also slightly surprised to put down the right hand. Some people can close to the night, so they have not been seen in the night, and they will explain this people. Come back.

"Who is this old man?" Night-long style settled in a look, a native old man stood behind the king of the king, and his body wearing the king of the king and Jaybid were exactly the same.

"I ... I don't know?" The king of the king is also the old man who has never seen it.

"You are asking me?" The old man refers to himself, not not slow, "I am the 19th generation of kings ..."

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