The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1416 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Next, the last half of the year, the night length did not worry, after all, the time to exchange this spirit is to consume the number of lottery, the night is quite cherished for half a year, and all of them are used to firmly increase the increase. strength.

Night winds have a high strength, must completely control their strength, otherwise returning to the earth with the current flesh power of the night, one accidentally likes to take the earth directly to a big hole.

Finally, as the time of the night length is getting less, it is necessary to return to zero, and the night is not hesitant to flash out the door of the spiritual house.

Three years of hardships have been completed.

1398 chapter, combat cloth

Three years in the spiritual time, only three days outside.

Waiting for the night's wind to fly out the spiritual time, return to the Earth Tiandou Square, and you will shoulder your shoulders in the center of the square.

"Bike! You fight for a lot!" The night length moved to the front of B.

"You ..." Bike feels the momentum of the night, the whole body is sweating, the head is numb, the sweat is full of sweat, almost stands.

"Oh, I am sorry!" The night's wind is in the body, and the atmosphere is completely convergence, and it feels a general earth man.

Call ... call! Bike deeply speaking a few mouthfuls, the heart is a stormy situation, "What happened? Night Changfeng This guy stayed in the spiritual time for three years, there is such a terrible force? My strength is clear and enhanced, why I can't move in an instant! "

Bike "8 zero zero" is shocked by the night-length wind. It is clear that it is only the state of ordinary. It does not open the super-semi-model mode, but it is more than the previous super competition. Asian three must have a lot.

"Oh, Bike, you still go to the king of the king, the combat power has increased a lot!" Night wind is now very keen on the peripheral environment, including the combat power of others.

Even if Bike has no speed, the night's long wind also feels that his current combat power has reached the super-semester two [] peaks.

"Ah! I let my border Wang God helped me to inspire the potential!" Bike is hard to slow, "It seems that you have harvested in these three days, long wind!"

"Haha, Malays Tiger!" Night wind touched the nose, the potential of Bike received the old king of the old border, the potential of the heart of the old border was stimulated.

The combustion power of Bike has reached the limit, continuing to practice, and the increase will be very slow. He has no chance to go to the spiritual time house, so let the old king's king to activate the potential, and the increase of overdraft potential has no way.

"Changfeng, you finally came out, I am eager to die!" Julin et al. Also saw the night growth in this time, all around.

"Very good, everyone is nothing!" The night's wind swept a common person, and everyone did not have any more important than face anxiety.

"We are nothing, but people around the world have been attacked by the monsters. Now people living in the earth are very few!" Turtle fairy explored the head.

"Well!" The night's wind is slightly sensible. The whole earth is weak, and the population of hundreds of billions is less than one billion. Only three days, Xiaolang is swallowing 9 billion people.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​is Dragon Ball collected?" "Asked the night and long-lasting wind.

"I have already collected it!" Kelin took out a bag of debilted on the ground, and the seven golden shots appeared in front of the night.

"This is good! Waiting for me to solve the Magic Buro, and then use the Dragon Ball to recover the innocent man who is killed!" The night is growing.

"Do you have confidence to completely solve the magistrate Brother?" Klin is very fearful to the monsters, especially in the last three days, the evil spirits of the monsters are increasingly strong. I pray that every day, I will come out to save the world.

"Reassured! You will know!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, sweeping a gang, smiling, "Who do you want to watch?"

"I!" Bike played, throw it directly to the ground, "I may help you!"

"There is me ..." Clin forehead exudes fine sweat. Although he is afraid of the monsters, he is more believed in night.

"I have to go ..." Turks and Alice also went to the side.

"It's too dangerous, you can't go!" Burma shook his head.

"You can go!" The night is rushing with Tex and I Li Si laugh.

"Changfeng, how can you like this, the monster is very dangerous!" Burt is very dissatisfied with a powder box hammer with the chest of the night.

"Reassured! This time there is no danger, I just want to add some combat experiences and Alice." The night's eyes are full of confidence.

"Well ... If they have been hurt, I will not let you, hehe!" Burma's mouth said, but she is the most trusted people with Christine.

If you don't have a night, the earth doesn't know how many times have been destroyed.

If the night is unable to kill the monsters, this world is only a problem or later.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​do you want to watch?" The night long turned head smiled and said to the Turtle Cactus ..

"No! No ..." The head of the turtle fairy is like the rickets. "Well, it is already your young people, I will not join the fun!"

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ .

"Kelin, what is your rabbit scorpion?" Turtle fairy is angry.

"No! I said that you have a high year, or it is better after sitting in the town!" Ke Lin quickly changed.

"This is still almost!" The turtle fairy gave a white beard, a face is a face, "" Changfeng, Earth and our security are all rely on you! "

"Ah!" Night of the night, "I only have a worry now ..."

"What?" Everyone asked.

"I am worried that the monster is too weak, not enough, I am playing!" The night's wind is faint, but the tone is arrogant, and there is no way to put the magist Bu.

"This ..." everyone is even more dumb, nothing to say, this is comparable, there is no way to refute.

"Okay, the time is almost!" Night, the right hand, the right hand, the double finger, before the eyebrow, "You have to go around!"

"Good!" Bike and Kulin and Terx and Alice ran into a circle around the night.

The night-long wind instantly determines the direction of the magist ... The golden light in his eyes flashed.

It is Yaderat instantly moved 0.3!

Night long winds have developed all of their tricks in the last six months in the spiritual time of the house, including Yaderat instantly, and the current night long wind has been able to take a lot of objects simultaneously.

If you are willing, he doesn't even have a difficult thing for earth transients.

bass! A aperture suddenly emerged in a city, it is five people waiting for the night.

And in the air far away, a pink figure is rising, crazy, takes the food under his body.

The entire city under the people is already empty, all of which have been thinned into food into the body.

At this time, the Magic Brother is called the thinbow, because his body is already bigger, it seems to be fully evolved into a battle-type cloth Europe.

Chapter 1399, World of Ice

"Good power!" Kelin looked at the battle of the battle of the battle, and the forehead was fine.

"I am evil! I have grown so much, how is it still not his opponent!" Bick is also a sink.

Alice and Telks are directly hiding behind the night length, and the caution of the wings is observing the new big cloth.

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