The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1417 of the Chapter 1417 of the Hosting System of Tennis Prince

Giggling ... At this time, Big Buke just blessed the food in the mouth, all of them swallowed into the belly, and his head and the tight hole began to take out pink smoke, and the previous model.

"You have a very happy, Puo!" Night wind and right lifted a free fan.

boom! A golden palm descended from the sky, and took directly on the head of Big Bu. Hey, Dabu's head was directly smashed by this golden big palm to three hundred and sixty degrees.

20 "It is you! Night long wind!" After Dabo saw the night-hearted wind, his face was immediately twisted, and it became a wealth, and the momentum of his whisper was also starting crazy.

"Oh, how do you become more ugly than it?" The night is deliberately stimulated by Dabu.

"Betting, dare to say that I am ugly! I want to revenge, I want to revenge!" Big Bu can double boxes, Yang Tianzhu, "Ah, ah!"

Bang! Big Bugo weighted pink voyage, crazy, bright red electric light is surging in his weeks, and the momentum further increases.

A great loud sound, the waves released by Big Buco beltrate all the buildings of the unmanned city under his feet instantly, and the whole earth is not trembled because of the gas of Big Bu.

"Be evil! The angle of the monster is strong than before. How many people have been absorbed by the end!" Klelin hands are in front of you, or if you don't have a golden light wall covering him, Klin has long Pulled by the air waves.

"Not good! Go again, the earth will be shocked!" The Bike on the side shouted.

Even the long weather did not think that Dabu absorbed the 9 billion human essence, not only recovered the Yuanqi and was more powerful, and the gas in the state of the night-long super-semi-Saiyan three is much different. At this time, the big cloth The combat power is at least $ 2.5 billion.

"The earth is too vulnerable, we change a place!" The golden light in the eyes of the eyes, and he waved.

bass! bass! bass! bass! At this time, the night long survival shot out of the four golden lights directly to four people, such as Bick and Clin.

"Ah!" Kelin low-looking, he worked with a golden armor, it is the armor of the God.

For the It is a child, curious, excited, and a big excitement look.

"Changfeng, where are we going?" Kelin looked at the light emitted from the golden armor.

"The world of ice!" Night long-faced horns! Holds the big cloth.

Bang! There are two giants to fall from the sky, the two blue palms at least 50 meters, and the two palms will directly be a large contained European cover.

bass! At this moment, the night-lived wind contained in the original place with Big Euro and Clin.

The unstoppable earth is finally restored. Boolema and others on Tianjie Square are also long, just that the earth shaking is like the end of the world.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ , when Clin et al., It is a snow-white world, and the sky goose is falling. The ground is boundless ice, the two are connected, the entire picture is A pair of ice and snow.

"Master, where is this?" Asked Tex's milk, he has never seen this full of ice and snow.

"Here is an unmanned planet in the southern end of the Milky Way, no name, I call it ice world!" The night grew is slow.

This unmanned planet is inadvertently discovered in the universe of the star.

The whole planet is located in the periphery of the Milky Way. This galaxy star is far from this ice, so the world of this ice is snowing, and the whole planet is covered by thick ice.

"The body is so heavy!" In the five people, Clin, the weaker combat power, obviously feels a lot of body than the earth.

"It is normal, the gravity here is fifty times the earth!" The night's wind and right hand show, shot a golden light in Kelling in his hand.

bass! The ,,,,,,,,,,,

"Your body is called the god guards, they will protect you from harm, this time you can rest assured to watch the battle, even this planet explosion, the god guards can protect your body." Night long style The golden sparkling armor said on the people.

"Before the war, it is wasting energy on us. It doesn't matter?" Bike is still worried, because Big Bu omei is too strong.

At this time, Dabo was also transiently transiently transiently transiently reached the world of Ice, and he was around the two golden big palms to bind it.

~ ▉ ...................................

"Give it to me!" Night wind pointed to the tall iceberg behind him. "You returned some, the defense of the defense of the gods, but not invincible!"

"Well! I believe in you!" Kllin took the left and right to fly to the top of the iceberg, and the Bike also followed.

! At this time, the golden palm of the Big Buro is completely crackdown, then directly exploded, it is dotted into the world of ice.

~ ▉ ▉ is a red electric light, it seems that it is already a speed, and the evilness is unprecedented.

"I want to kill you, eat you!" Dabu dead stare at the night long, the red light flashes, he doesn't seem to pay attention to the change of the scene, only one thought in his heart is a revenge. The wind tears and then swallowed directly.

In this case, at this time, the night long wind was sprayed. He spared a golden light straight rushing horizon, and the snowflakes surrounded were actually stopped at this moment.

The snowflakes where the whole ice world falling in this moment, , the night long wind weighs is also blue electro-optical surgery.

It is the super-semi-three!

1400 chapter, hanging big cloth

"One is a super-semi-three!" Biki, he can feel the sundery of the night's life now and feel different, and wherever he can't say it.

"Well, it seems that this battle of big cloth Europe is really too strong, even the long wind has to deal with it!" The Clin on the side is very nervous.

Tex and Alice are also greatly enlightened, they don't want to miss any nights and big Barburches.

boom! At this time, the Boiling of the red electric light was booted, and he directly turned over to the night long wind.

Booming ~ The ice under the body is directly broken, the ice slag is flying, and there is a grateful glacier.

boom! Big Buso swept the woven, and the waist of the night's wind is a punch.

! The big cloth is full of boxing, under his powerful breath, the space around the surroundment begins to fluctuate, so in the world of ice, the space is much more stable than the earth, this is also the night, which is also the same as the night. One of the reasons why Dabu's decisive battle.

"Is this your attack?" The night floating is disdainful, and the pure golden vitality is involved in the body, and it does not avoid it.

A loud noise, Big Buffel's fists bombarded the night long belly, and the sound was shocked, and the night cost is not half a defense.

!!! Dabo's attack is not stopped, and the continuous waves left and right, it has always attacked the same location in the night long belly.

"Ah, why doesn't the wind don't return!" Kelin widened his eyes.

The night-length wind is in his own body, and there is no dodge or expensive.

Surrounded by the space is slightly distorted, and the night is still a relaxed, and the silk does not move.

"You are fighting enough?" Night long belly muscles were no injury, even the skin tone did not change, Jin Peng demon is too strong, and after the fusion of Jin Peng Demon, the night length is not active. vitality.

His body is still more sturdy than cosmic spices, and Big Buco actually played.

"Can be evil!" Big Buco is a bit panting, the more you don't move the night, the anger in his chest is getting more and more prosperous, he is getting more and more wanting to bounce the night.

"Your strength is too small!" The night is finally moving, and his right arm is free.

! Dabu has no response at all, it is directly flying in the right arm.

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