The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1418 of the Chapter 1418 of the Prince of Tennis

Bang! The Big Buro's body flew into an iceberg, the whole iceberg was run through the Big Bu (the whole iceberg mountain cracked, rumbler "... Iceberry instant disintegration, big and small ice cubes Directly bury Dabuo.

"Strong!" The Bik's eyes are very fast. He can't say a word, and the night is really a terrible.

The big cloth Europe's combat power is already strong enough, and it is actually a long wind, if Babii is still in the world, it is likely to be scared directly.

"Not very fun, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!" Big Buro's anger sound from the ice butter collapse.

"Yeah!" Big Bu ounces, press [in] The icebergs on him actually start melt.

Falling, the ice of Big Bu can blows directly, he rushed out from the iceberg and flying again to the night.

"Ah!" The big bag is faster, and the combat power seems to have improved. He is almost instantaneous to come to the front of the night, and then the arms are one, I want to hold the night.

"Take your dirty hands!" The night long face is indifferent, and the night long-term face of the super three state is originally cold.

bass! bass! At this time, there was a lot of golden swords in front of the night wind, and these light swords danced before the night length.

! Night long wind and ice began to break the ice, and the sword was broken into a piece of ice.

And Dabo is the front of the night, there is no action at all.

"How did he do it?" The Bike didn't see the long winds at all, in fact, the night's long wind was at the same time at the same time, and continuously waved a hundred swords.

For the previous night lengthy wind, it is not difficult to continue the hundreds of fierce swords, and the night's long wind is in a row of swords in a moment, this is very difficult, not three years of hardship, Night wind does not reach this anti-day realm.

The trick is dead, people are alive, different tricks are completely different from different people.

Even if the ordinary boxing attack, if it is a master, it can bomb the star.

"What happened to the monster, why can't you move!" Clin looked at Big Buco.

! At this time, Big Buur began, and one moved was all moving. His body was cut into instantly in the hundred light swords, and then at this moment, it was a gradual scaffold.

call! As the night length blows a breath, the Big Buro's body is completely chemically burst into the air burst.

Blood mania, reddish snowy ice.

"¨` Master Master ... It's so powerful, is this the true power of the sword? "Tex's eyes looked at the night long wind, not afraid to put the light.

"He is still not dead!" The Bike feels that the breath of Big Bu is still weakened.

Nature also knows that this attack is impossible to kill Dabo, and the strongest ability of Bu (the best ability of ultrachltrando regeneration, before the long-term long-term overtime status is also completely pressing the monsters, and finally It is still unable to kill the Buur.

This is because of the ability to regenerate the cell, as long as the migraphus is also a cell survival, it can restore it into a complete body, and the physical strength of the monsters is almost unlimited.

Therefore, theoretical monsters can be unlimited, before the night, the heavens and earth furnaces can not completely kill the magic people, let him escape.

Only two cases can completely kill Dabu, one is to completely destroy his cells (Zhao Zhao), which is very difficult because the cells are too small, even with night long winds For the surrounding environment sensitive [sense] can see the creature of the atom size, but does not mean that the night long wind can capture every cell of Dabo Europe.

The other is that he has not stopped Dabu, so that his cell regeneration speed can't keep his number of times he killed, and the night-length wind is preparing for the second method, and the new trick is tested.

Bang! At this time, the night long-term wind is full of golden, and he is in a hurry, enhances the energetic energy of his super Saaya.

On the ice at night, Dabu, which has been cut into meat, began to slowly aggregate, and is in a speed of resurrection.

"Strong!" Bike's eyes were attracted by the lifting of the people who were boiling.

"It's time, the long wind must have a thorough killing of the magic!" Kling is also a nervous look at everything.

1401 chapter, super ghost ghost

boom! The night long-lasting feet stepped open in the air, both hands in the chest, the pure golden voyele of the whisper arrived at this moment.

"Super ghost ghost!" Night costs drink this kind of moment, his abdomen, a rummer BA.

puff! Then, the night length is opened, and a golden smoke spits out from the night long-lasting mouth, screaming ~ This smog flew to gradually condense in front of the night wind.

"This ..." Bike and Clin were stunned, "What is the strange tricks of Changfeng again?"

Night lives looked at the golden smoke that he constantly condensed before, this tricks he had practiced in the spiritual time, but this is the first time in actual combat.

"Hey ..." The golden smoke finally condensed a ghost style. The whole ghost is transparent. It has a touch of light light. The head is a narrowed version of the night long wind, and it seems to be a little cute.

"What is that? Ghost?" Clin shocked its mouth.

At this time, Dabo on the ice has been repaired, slowly standing, he is still shaking his head, it seems that God has not returned.

puff! puff! puff! During this time, the night-long winds spit out four ghosts, plus the previous one, a total of five golden transparent-350- the ghost flying before the night.

"Go!" Night live wind is not abolished, refers to the big cloth under his finger.

"Good!" Five ghosts actually spit people, and then fell at the same time, flew to the big cloth.

"Well?" Big Buffo came back to God, looked at the five ghosts surrounded by four weeks, the big cloth Europe is sinking, then the boxing will strengthen the five ghosts.

"Hey!" Looking at the movements of Big Bu, the night-long windpoint angle came to a bruises.

sand! sand! sand! The big brother's fist is very fast, and the five ghosts are completely invisible. However, Big Boxing has penetrated five ghosts, but there is no harm to the ghost.

"Ni!" Big Buco was shocked, and the five ghosts were already dead, and they were all in his body.

"Explosive!" The idea of ​​the night and the mind moved.

Bang Rynard! The ghost of the big cloth can start unlimited, then exploded directly, the explosion of five consecutive times, the golden energy fluctuates everything on the ice.

The explosive energy is super high, and the world of the ice begins to shake it. It is a golden color, and the Kllin and others are dyed in a bluff.

The whole world of pure white ice becomes golden world, rumble ~ ▉ ▉ has continued for more than a minute, the ice falls under the cold body, a deep place The ice cave seems to run through the entire planet.

It is good enough to be strong enough in the world space structure, or if it is exploding on the earth, the entire earth may be swallowed by the spatial crack produced by the explosion.

"Strong explosion!" Bike and Clin et al. Were automatically generated a golden mask to block around the wing and icicles around them.

The scene is confusing. These ice slag sharp ice columns are scattered, enough to destroy everything, the icebergs in the world of Ice are directly smashed, and the chain reaction is collapsed again or smashed.

"Wow! This super ghost god is interested, I want to learn!" Excited Wow, the excited wow, the super ghost God is in Terry, it seems a handsome move.

"Yeah!" Dabo, who is the most central point of the explosion, is even miserable, his body has been melted in an instant by the energy of the first explosion, and it turns into a mud. {{≮ alternative:?

Next, the explosion is constantly killing the cells of Buru, so that he doesn't have a way to develop, and the gas of Big Blast began to weaken, and the explosion of the ghost is weaker.

Finally, when the last explosion was completed, the evil spirits of Big Bu (the evil spirits of Big Bu "disappeared.

"The gas of the monsted Blast disappeared, it was successful, so good!" Klin first cheered.

(Caeg) "Oh, good! Super ghost gods look very joke, actually very powerful, and just suppressing the regeneration of the monsters!" Bike is also facing.

"Win! Win!" Tex and Alice on the side jumped again.

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