The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1419 of the Chapter 1419 of the Prince of Tennis

"Cut ~ ▉▉ !" The night grew away and looked up and looked up to the sky of the ice.

Between a white world, a red smoke is conspicuous, and this smoke is constantly agglomerating.

"This seems to be the default of the default Buro's life, and the last time he also leaned from this trick to escape from the heaven and earth furnace!" The night long wind is cold.

"Ah! It is a cloth"! "The Bike is induced by Dabo, directly looking up.

"How is this possible!" Clin is also looking up, the pink smoke is really condensed together.

Fortunat, the no-harder Dabu has appeared in front of everyone, and the evilness seems to be stronger.

"Bet!" I hurt me so much! "Dabo flew over before the night, and looked at the night, and saw that Big Buco was more angry.

"Ah, the migrarho is like being more angry!" Klin shouted.

"This energy is not dead, it is too terrible!" Bike sweats like a rain.

"It's trouble! I want to kill the magist brothers and I seem to keep the strength!" The night is still a cold looks cold.

... ,, just at this time, the Big Europa has started to exaggerate, and it also issued a strange voice.

Call ... call ~ ▉▉

puff! puff! Hey ~ ▉ ▉ , his mouth is actually a continuous spit out of seven eight pink smoke balls.

"Ni!" Bike and Clin are more surprised.

At this time, the seventeen huge smoke balls in front of the night-catching wind gradually condensed into a ghost-shaped magiston, and it was the kind of fat before.

"Is this super ghost ghost?" Clin was shocked to jump.

"My Kao! I am a trick!" Night, "MD, I have forgotten his energy to copy the world's tricks!"

"Hahaha, go to death! Night long wind!" Big Buco mad smiled and pointed to night.

!! Eight fat cloth Ou Ghost shook his head and flew down at night, and his mouth did not stop in his mouth.

"To explode, retreat!" Bik's consciousness turned to Klin and Tex and Alice, Tenx, who took the side, was directly turned to the distance.

1402 chapter, the gods of the gods

At this time, the night long wind is still moving in the same place, and the brow is slightly wrinkled. He has to admit that the best learning skills of the Buur Euro, only to see that the night grows, I have used a super ghost, you can learn and use it. To so much.

... ,, eight fat cloth Europes are uncomfortable, but their body is unique, so no effect will have any effects even if they attack them.

This is the place where the super ghost ghost!

Looking at the fat brocker from all sides, the night long did not choose to dodge. He must directly bear most of the energy of the fat cloth, the ghost explosion, otherwise, Clin et al. Even if you wear the god guard It may be dangerous.

After all, the distance is too close, and it can be seen from the body shape of the fat cloth Europe, which is contained in the mass of mass.

"The gods of the gods!" Light drinking in the night, the pure golden super-Saiyan people in the body began to automatically operate in accordance with the skills of the imaginary imitation.

bass! In the first moment, the light of the night, the long-lasting, the color of the color begins, and a seven-color crystal shuffle is shrouded in the night long.

This is the legendary gods, and it is a high-end world that is wearing a shirt in the gods of the gods.

After the strength of the night, the strength of the wind is also activated, and the skills of many new idols are hobs, and the gods of the gods is the upgrade of the.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,,,,,,,,

"You look, the long wind is like a colorful light!" Clin and others have returned thousands of meters away, and they still can see the bright colorful light.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Eight fat cloth Ou Ghost directly close to the night lengthy air under the command of Dabu, began to rotate around the night.

"Let's die!" Big Buco double eyes flashed.

Boom, the fat cloth on the right side of the night, suddenly rising, then the moment is red, followed by explosion.

boom! The explosive red light column is directly on the sky, the ice of the night-catching wind burst directly, the iceberg is rolled up with the red light.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉▉ ....

The whole world of ice becomes a red, white sky, also mapped.

The eight-way photoresist is around the night length, and then constantly aggregates, and the night-to-earth winds are erased in an instant.

Above the vast ice cream, the eight red light column gathers a huge light column for hundreds of meters.

The whole planet is crazy, and this light column directly runs through the atmosphere of the planet, which is shot into the universe of the universe.

"Wow ... ah!" Bike others outside thousands of meters can't cover your eyes, red rays are too glaring, and the scum is spreading, just like a bullet sea is generally overwood. Gram and others.

It is good to take the gods of the Bike, the god guard automatically started, and the ice slag, which is swumble, the ice, the bullet is blocked.

"Wow hahaha ... How beautiful [wonderful] is ah ... and my BOU is doing this!" At this time, Dabu was laughed, he was involved in a red spherical shroud.

This time the explosion continued to five minutes, and the aflatives of the explosion gradually gradually slowed down.

▉ Directly melt through the ice of the ice original and evaporated in a few meters, and it is rising in the water vapor.

"Changfeng!" After the surplus of the explosion, Ke Lin worried that the safety of the night's wind was not dangerous, and he was directly rushed to the center of the ice.

"Kelin! It's too dangerous, come back!" How can Bick can't call Klin, just to follow the center of the ice origin.

Two curious children in Tex and Alice are of course not willing, flying towards the embedded Iceland center.

"It's really [addiction]! Haha, the arrogant guy should be killed!" The big cloth Ou Double arms relaxed, and the expression of gradually slowly, "I simply play the game of the universe, oh, look I am particularly excited to the expression of the biological frightening! "

"Are you too happy, ugly!" The sound of the night's wind suddenly sounded above the ice, but the sound was not very penetrating.

·· ▉ ▉

"The wind is still alive!" Clin et al. Also heard the sound of the night.

"What!" Dabo immediately biting looks back, looking toward the position of just explosion center.

"It's no injury!" Bik also widened his eyes, a colorful champion of the colorful war robe in the air, still the position, the completion is still cold, and the body is not scarred. The robes on him are not damage.

~ The gods of the gods is still in the cold wind, the only change in the eyes of the night, and the light green eyes seem to be more cold.

"Soai, long-awkward uncle ..." Alice looked at night, and couldn't help but rose the stars.

[... [.. [..

"Prenatal!" Dabu looked at the nightly wind that looked at him, and his heart was angry, completely lost ingredients.

"I must kill you!" Big Bu can turned over in the air, once again dominated the night.

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