The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Supernition System Chapter 1420

This time, the big cloth is actually directly using the head to hit the night, the whole body is completely a place where you want to be attributable.

Night wind does not dodge, let Dabu's head hit the armor on his chest.

After a dull collision, the head of the big cloth hitting the night, but the head is pressed by the rebuff.

"Ah!" Dabu is screaming, starting a crazy continuous punch bombardment night long wind.

Night wind completely ignored the big cloth, under the guardian of the gods, Big Buro's attack almost all rebound one by one.

After hitting hundreds of boxes, the attacking party night is still unbearable, and the attacker's big bag has been unable to stop, he is brought to the bouquet of bouquet of rebound by himself.

"Waste! Are you ticking me?" The night long wind is cold, and the right hand lights out [out].

! Big Buffo's neck is directly hit by the night length. It is more unable to breathe at all times. This is the pink face becomes more and more red, and it is still nothing to say.

"You are too weak, it is not my opponent at all!" Night wind single hand raised Dabo, got a big circle in the air, and threw it directly to the deep crack of the ice origin.

1403 chapter,

boom! At this point, even if you don't have the power of the dragon, it is very exaggerated, and the big cloth is in a red light into the dark ice cream.

Bang Rynard! The American planet of the ice is in this dramatic vibration, the Big Boho's body runs through the 10,000 meters of ice, and then falls into the ice sea under the meter.

It turned out that the world of the world of ice is also a ice sea. The ice is covered with the entire planet, which is all in this ice, which is cold in the sea.

Originally this planet is a Mercury, just because the planet is getting more and more spaced from the Milky Way, resulting in a distance from the star, so it has gradually become a bee-world planet.

... ... ... At this time, Dabo seems to be dizzy by night, and the continuous sinking of the ice sea in the dark "one six zero" department.

Bang! Night long winds, of course, know that the monsters will not be so easy to die, he is full of gentle, and the pure golden vitality is out.

A slamming, ice crystal is splashing, and the night-catching wind is also a golden long line. It is also instantly running into the ice layer of the million meters into the deep sea.

"Well!" At this time, Dabu felt dramatic danger, he opened his eyes in an instant, and the evil to extreme breath was restored in an instant, and it seems more.

Big Bu (the combat power of Big Bu "is still being improved, but his increase is too small, it is already the rhythm of the long weather.

! The night's hands are exhibited, and the gods of the lottery seem to have completely offset the water resistance, or accurately said that it is part of the ice sea.

In general, people are in the water, the faster the speed he is, the greater the resistance, but at this time, the night is completely without any resistance, but it is pushed by water, and it is time to go to the Out.

The green eyes are in the cold, and the wind is in the morning.

"What do you want to do!" The big cloth is not from the autonomous trembling Dou. His voice sounded directly in the night-long's mind and is a voice.

"Of course, you can't kill you!" The night's wind and right hand, it is a hand knife. On a time, the bright light of the big cloth Outhead is bright, and there are many huge black shadows.

Under the world of this world, there is still a huge deep sea creature, which is a bit surprised.

Hunch! Dabovard is full of chills, but also cold than this ice sea, he turned directly in the water, and the feet merged into the shape of the fish tail, and then crazy fan.

That's right! The invincible monsters are actually trying to escape!

It is very clear that the battle underwater is also very disadvantageous to Dabu, he wants to escape to the ice.

"Spatial crack!" The night-long wind and golden handfast hand fell directly, this is the first time the night is the first time in underwater.

It is reasonable to use space underwater, it is not as good as the effect of using the ground, but the fighting power of the night long wind is no longer in the same day.

The high-cost power state of the super-semi-final, the energy consumption is also extremely small, and this space is split, the night is in full swing, and the high-cost high-compressed super-Saiyan is.

! At a time, the deep ice sea began to be crazy, and the knife of the night's wind is actually divided into two ice sea.

Bang! The ice sea is more crazy, and the vast seawater is inhaled into huge spatial cracks.

!!! The world of Ice above the Milomi Ice is also greatly influenced, and a lot of ice layers collapsed directly, and the whole planet is shaking dramatic.

"What happened, is the planet going to explode?" Klin is full of sweat, he died stared at the night long wind and Dabu drilled the blue ice valley, but everything could not see, only one blue.

"Don't worry! Night Great Feng guy guy said that even if this planet exploded, this golden armor can also protect us. We will take it when you wait!" The Bike is slow.

"Well!" The rest of the three are nodded, they are unlimited to trust the night growing, and the nervous emotions are gradually soothing.

! At this time, the iceberg under the foot of the four is directly broken, and the shaking of the whole planet is more exaggerated ..

Under the ice layer, the sea in the deep sea, the seawater that flour into the spatial cracks directly forms a super-vortex, night-long wind and Dabu, who are escaping, are deep in the vortex.

Night wind is in the whirlpool in the whirlpool, and the crazy water flows directly from the night long-term wind, just like the night is completely transparent.

And Dabo didn't have such a good, the raging sea water, a wave, a wave of rolls, a roll of big cloth, and cracked.

Big Buco desperately struggled, the fish tail under the body was crazy, but he was still stepped up with a swirl in spatial cracks.

The shock of the ice sea is usually usually usually, but the suction of the spatial crack is not very common, even if the night grows, it does not dare to get too close. If it is not the relationship between the gods, the night It is likely to be inhaled in the spatial crack. After all, it is too close.

And the space after the spatial crack is nothing to know, if the universe is chaotic or the space distorted world, even the god can not live.

"Can be evil!" "Big Buco continues to struggle, spatial cracks are slowly closed, with the spatial cracks are getting smaller and smaller, the suction of cracks is getting stronger, and even the night, the wind has to use a lot of super The gas of the Saiyan is resistant to crack suction.

! Finally, Dabo was inhaled in the center of the sea, the spatial crack was completely closed at this time, and the space was restored.

The night long wind also 1.6 frozen the body in the ground, and he stared looked at the space of the space crack. The trace of Big Bu ounce was completely engaged.

Running Runlong ... Just at this time, after the ice sear resumed calm, the original sea level fell by 50 meters, and a large number of seawater was swallowed by spatial cracks, which caused the above mid-mean ice structure to be stable, large The ice layer begins to collapse.

The land of the whole planet happened with a dramatic change, and the Clin and others flew in the air were even more stunned. This huge scene made them a lot of life.

It can only happen in this super high level of derivation in an instant, of course, so far, this battle is more like a lively unilateral hit.

1404 chapter, surprised a stay

Booming ~ ▉ ▉ .. ,,

At this time, the world's landform has changed completely, and the ice cream has turned into the ice sea, floating on a variety of huge iceberg ice.

The world of ice became the world of ice water, and the land of the Earth is very similar. Of course, there are still some solid milli ice layers still stand still. In this sea, it turns into a towering icicles, small A few meters diameter, there is a large diameter of a thousand meters.

"My God, is this what people can do?" Kelin rose big mouth.

"It's so powerful!" Terry and Alice are very excited.

"Breeze?" The Bick is a deep valley that has been tight at night, and Dabu drilled into the valley. At this time, the deep valley has become a ice sea.

puff! At this time, a water column rushed to the sky, and a figure stands above the water column, which is the night grow.

At this time, the gods of the night long-standing lottery have been accounted for by him. After all, the energy consumed by the gods in the gods robes is a massive level, and there is no way to turn on the night.

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