The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1421 of the Chapter 1421 of Tennis Prince

Moreover, the spatial crack of the night long-winding has grown into too many super-seesians. At this time, the night length of the full power is, the vitality of the body is already consumed, he also from the Super Saiyan three Retreat.

"Change back to ordinary state, the long wind has not yet?" Clin was surprised.

"The monster has not come yet. Is it true that the long wind has been successfully killed under the ice?" The golden light in the eye flashed.

And the night-long wind is the ice sea in the air. It is indeed a bit of the night's life to see Dabo. It is still a supernitious system. prompt.

"Don't say that the BOOS survived in the opposite space of the spatial crack, so didn't die?" Night Changfeng guess the road, "kao! If this is the case, you will trouble, who knows that the Bu can run to the ghost place ! "

... ... ... Just at this time, the ice sea under the night-long body is actually a red blister, and there are more and more.

"It's the gas of the magic, he is still dead!" Bike is shocked.

"Sure enough, it is not dead!" Although the big cloth is a gap, it is a gap with the current night length, but it can't completely kill the Bu Europe to make the night costs are still a bit irritating.

puff! At this time, the size of the Big Buhan rushed out from the water and flew back to the sky.

Call ~ ▉! At this time, Dabo looked at the endless gasping of the night, the whole face outside, a pair of expressions of the night long wind.

Moreover, the gas of Dabu seems to have a lot of growth, and the combat power has increased by 50%. That is to say, the more afflause of the death threats, the more combat power grows.

At this time, the pure combat power of Big Bu (the superb battle force "exceeded the Super Saiyan three.

"Not good! The morale is getting stronger and stronger!" The Bike fist must be pinched, but he is now nothing to watch.

Although the Bike has risen, this is still not the battle he can participate.

"Can be evil ... How can I kill a burst of Boho? Is there any way in this time?" Kelin looked at the back of the Night Changxiao, and the heart is getting anxious.

In fact, the migrenous cloth has been killed by night, and his whole body is almost swallowed by the spatial crack, and the other side of the spatial crack is just the universe.

After the body of Big Bu, it was instantly stirred after the universe flow of the universe, and the cells were all killed.

At this time, the fluctuation of the universe flow is extremely accidentally in the spatial crack, and a very small hair of the Big Blastoo head backs into the sea of ​​ice.

It is this, which is the unspeakable hair, which is invisible, and re-reproduced under the regenerative ability of the Magic Buro super cell regeneration. Dabu has resurrected this, and the combat power is rapid.

"I am angry, you have a good pain!" Dabu Full eyes blood, the angry in the eyes overflowed, so far, he did not hurt one of the long winds in the night, which made Big Buco more and more angry It is simply like it is going crazy.

"Hey! You really think that I can't kill you?" The cold light in the eyes flashed, "I am just a weak you are too weak!"

The night-long wind and right hand, a pink Dan medicine slowly rises in the night long, it is the pink Dan medicine left by the heavens and the earth with the heavens and the earth, which contains a lot of magic people. The original essence of Bu.

" ... ..." After seeing the pink Dan medicine on the right hand in the right hand in the right hand, then the first is extremely excited, and the desired eyes of the eyes are suppressed. Go down.

"Do you want this to become a complete body?" Night's mouth, he knew that this pink medicinal medicine is a poison for himself, but it is a dislike medicine for Dabu.

"Give me! Give me!" Big Buur Irigled pores spurt a lot of pink vapor, he rushed toward the night long wind, and the right hand exaggerated elongated several meters was to catch pink medicinal herbs.

bass! Big Buso's right hand grabbed the pink medicinal medicine, and the pink Dan medicine lost to the night, and it was a residual 083.

The night long wind body holds the Dan medicine has been instantly moved to Big Bu.

"What is the long wind do?" Kelin is very confused, watching the movement of the night, the big Buru, the night is like a monkey.

"The magist brothers are as if it is a treasure in robbing the long wind!" The Hearing excellent Bike explains.

"Not good! Now the long wind has changed back to the ordinary state, if it is rushed to the treasure by the monsters, it is not more dangerous!" Khan was soaring, and it was more anxious.

At this time, the night-catching wind did a thing that made everyone stunned.

The night's long-lasting looks disdainful looks at the big cloth, and then suddenly opens. "Do you want this, is it?"

"Give me, give it to me!" The big cloth is low, like it.

"Even if you get this, I will give it to you!" The night's finger is right.

Calling, pink medicinal herbs is actually automatically flying to big cloth!

Snapped! A big cloth is a big mouth, directly swallowing the pink medicinal herbs into the belly.

"Niki!" Bike and Clin were shocked directly. "What is the long wind? How to give the treasure to the magist brother, is he crazy?"

"Yeah!" At this time, Dabu, who swallowed pink medicinal herbs, began to call up ...

1405 chapter, giant Bu

After swallowing the pink Dan medicine, the big cloth is full of bright red, and the sound of

Night wind does not have any movements of cold and cold, watching Dabo, the body is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole body is bumps, and the epidermis gradually converts from pink into dark red.

At the same time, the breath of Big Buco is getting stronger and stronger, and the ice sea under his body is also crazy fluctuations, and it has quickly formed a whirlpool.

"Ah!" After several breathing, Dabo finally stopped up, and the red light in his body gradually dissipated.

At this time, the monsters are exaggerated, and the height is at least five meters, the arms and feet are rising, especially the tentacles on his head is even more stretched. It seems like a The tail fell behind it.

"It's good!" Kelin looked at the new Bruff, couldn't help but stunned.

"It's just a giant cloth." Turkks on the side is also amazed.

"Finally changed to complete? It's really a waste of time, I hope you don't let me be too disappointed!" Night grew well looked at the new giant Buffeto.

"Hey! Night long wind!" The giant Buur turned and looked at the night's wind. At this time, the giant built is more like a muscle monster. "You will regret it!"

The giant cloth is open, and it has made a bodybuilder to raise muscles. "Look at you make me more! Now the whole universe will not have more people than me, the strongest magistan Boho is born ! "

"Less waste! What is the matter! The strongest? First, I will say it first!" The night's feat is in the sky, the whole person's momentum is completely different.

", does not open the super-Saiyan model, the breath is much smaller, but why I feel that the long wind is stronger!" Kelin looked at the night of the night.

"Yes, this feeling!" Bikebiklin is more surprised, this momentum of the night's long-lasting, he is very familiar, that is, the night long has just come out from the spiritual time, let Bark Scared, the momentum of the scalp is numb.

"It turns out that is not an illusion ~~!" Big knife big eyes, staring at the night of the night, the sky, the giant, the sky.

bass! At this time, the giant built, his body shape increased several times, but the speed is ten times faster than before, and it will come to the night in front of the night.

boom! The giant Bu can has a large deep red fist with the night length of the wind, and a pair of loving winds will be made of drhythmia.

boom! After a dull voice, the night long-lasting wind left arm raised a giant Buffet.

"The strength and speed have a substantial improvement!" The left arm left arm is also muscle bulge, "But you want to be more powerful than I?"

"I can evil!" The giant is surprised by the color. He has not thought that the night's wind is already ordinary.

"Let's die!" The giant Buur is open, he directly opened his mouth directly to the night long.

Bang! A huge red light column in the giant Buro is shot, and the lighter is overwhelmed.

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