The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1422 of the Chapter 1422 of Wangzhen System of Tennis

boom! After the light column drowned, the speed is not reduced, and after the dozens of floating icebergs through the ice, we penetrate the atmosphere of this ice.

"Is this your full attack?" At this time, the giant bursts before the boss, it is a loyal man.

"You!" The giant brotherned eyes, he couldn't believe everything you saw.

"A boxing soul!" Night long wind and right arm rose a big late exhibition, his huge dragon icon is coming.

Five thousand!

At this moment, the night-length wind fills the force of the five thousand dragon icons to the right arm.

boom! Contrast the giant Buro's fist, the fist speaking the fist is small.

This is the general bombing of this ordinary, and it is directly explosion, and the sound explosion is rid of the world.

A loud noise, the giant Buru's right shoulder burst, his entire half body is torn in this moment.

boom! boom! boom! Giants fly out of the road, his body's constant explosion, because the speed is too fast and the temperature is super high in the air Mo, which leads to a continuous explosion.

The Giant Buro flew, and the ice sea under his body is like being divided into half, and it is broken by the horizontal waist, and the boxing is endless.

"Strong!" Bike is already stupid, he has thought that everything is finished, and the giant, the giant, the giant, is actually unable to bear the best in the night.

"If this punch is on the earth, I am afraid that the whole earth is gone!" Kling on the side is completely stunned.

"Master, play well!"

"Long Wan Uncle Come on!" Two little guys in Tex and Alice are more exciting.

"Hey! What is the strongest magist! Even the ordinary boxing of my strength can't bear it!" Night winds disappointed with the fighting power of giants.

"I haven't finished it yet!" I flew out to become a black spot to disappear the giant Bouo in front of everyone, and once again spurt the deep red vitality, rush back.

At this time, the giant Burbo's entire right half is already a black piece, but he is uncomfortable, and the left hand is launched against the night.

!!! The giant brother's left hand shot a circle of dark red circles, speeding to night.

"New tricks?" The night is still not flashing, letting a dark red aperture set on his head.

" With the giant Buru Zuo Wei, a few deep red apertures on the night costumes instantly tightened, starting crazy squeezing the body of the night.

"Yeah!" The giant buys, the left hand is getting more and more tight, just like packed his fist.

"Well!" The night long wind brow is slightly wrinkled, and the aperture of the giant cloth is indeed compressed, and there is a bit red in the right arm (Nono Zhao).

To know that the flesh strength of the live night long wind is equivalent to the flesh strength of Jin Peng Demon, the dark red aperture can make the night long style skin, and its power is quite ahead.

If it is Bergi Tower, it is possible to directly press this tightening aperture to be embarrassing.

"What is you still arrogant this time!" The giant is roaring, and his head is instantly stretched at night, "death rays!"

Bang! A dark red light wave is directly emitted from the giant cloth, and the night long-term wind that is shocked by the aperture.

~ ▉ is extremely fast, and black electric light is flashing, it is a new move of giant Bu.

The light is actually countless small to nano-stage magic people, once they are shot by this death, these natural nano-scale monsters will be like ants. [] General, will opponent .

1406 chapter, Wanlong Qiming

"Hey!" At this time, the night was cold and cooled, and the two arm muscles were launched.

! The five apertures that are bound in the night-catching body are instantly out of the night long, and they are deep red fragments dissipated in the air.

In the face of the black electro-abrupt radiation waves that have come to him, the lifetime is moving the power of the dragon.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,

"This is too much?" Kelin is completely stayed. For the dragon elephant vain, Kerlin is already unwilling, he also made this dragon icon vain, but the night long style said only one I can learn an ancient martial arts.

But this time the number of dragon elephants is too amazing, just a few thousand heads.

That's right! At this moment, the long-term wind will enter the power of the long dragon icon into his own. Under the dragon bits, the deep red aperture of the giant Buy is as direct as the paper paste.

"Wan Longqiming!" Drinking in the night, it took directly to the dragon boxing directly with the power of Wanji Dragon.

! After the night length, the Wan Dynasty, the pentium is all drilled into the night long wind, and the right box of the night is -600 - an instant shot a pentium of the golden long dragon.

These golden dragons are majestic, and the golden ripples are very meticulous, they look vivid, live and flexible.

A Jinlong big mouth, the death light of the giant cloth Outhead is directly swallowed, and the multi-nano-scale monsters have been burned into a can't smoke.

boom! boom! boom! At this time, at this time, the golden light on the right hand is far from dull, but keeps the shiny.

For a time, the night and right shot the countless golden long dragon, and the power of each dragon is a gold dragon.

The whole tens of thousands of Jinlong will open the top of the giant Bow, the giant Buho has looked up, and it is already completely surprised by the scene in front of him.

boom! At this time, the golden dragon of the 10,000 Jinlong fleet gradually gathered together, and then gathered a super large and kilometer five-claw gold dragon.

"Go!" Night wind and right hand.

The five-claw Jinlong is directly roaring in the eyes of the Bike and others, and the Giant Buro swallowed the moment. The five-claw golden dragon directly in the ice sea.

Boom, the ice sea of ​​the whole ice, the ice sea begins to boil, and the water column is rushed, and a water column will be filled with the whole world.

The Bike et al. The god guard once again launched a golden mask to block everyone and the cold sea water.

!!! The world of Ice is once again in the last scene, and the five-claw Jinlong directly runs through the deep sea of ​​100,000 meters, but its energy does not seem to consume any consumption.

Ice planet began to vibrate, Jinlong actually runs through the entire planet, and then flying toward unknown universe.

"Is it a bit too much?" Night live wind did not expect him that the temporary punching power is so huge. In fact, he is just a punch for a punch with a long dragon icon.

This simple violence is a punch, if you are on the earth, the whole earth has nothing to do.

It is good here to be ice planet, the energy structure is quite stable, and the night-catching wind is not a heart of the iced planet, so the whole planet has gradually saved after a dramatic swaying.

A deep pit running throughout the whole planet has appeared in front of everyone, and the cold seawater is fled from here, just like a ring of oversized waterfall.

On the other end of the planet, there is a ice sea, which is also the same ring waterfall.

The night's unintentional manufacturing has a large magical landscape, and the water opposite the opposite of a planet flows at the center of the Planet, which is very spectacular, which is simply in violation of the physics theorem.

"This time, the monster should die, it can't die again!" Night windwood stared at the ring waterfall under the body, the giant Buffo did not appear again, it seems like all cells are all five claws. Jinlong was swallowed.

"Changfeng!" Bike and Clin and others confirmed that the giant Boho did not reborn, it also flew to the night's wind, "Are you okay?"

"Nothing!" The night was swaying, he took advantage of this opportunity to call out the list of tasks.

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