The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1423 of the Chapter 1423 of the Prince of Tennis

What is surprised by the night, is the epic mission on the top of the task list or the night, which is not to kill the magistrate, the mission is not completed!

"Tex and Alice?" The night of the night suddenly found that Terrus and Alice were gone.

"Ah, just here again and jump, what about people?" Kelin also swayed.

In the Ice Sea of ​​Big and Clin, Tex and Alice were constantly struggling, they were covered by a deep red mud-shaped epidermis.

This mud-shaped object is the monsters, and the Buick has just swallowed before being swallowed by the five-claw gold dragon. He is automatically detached from the tentacles behind him. This is the automatic reaction of the monster.

The attention of the night long is attracted by the five-claw gold dragon, so I didn't pay attention to this cut angle that the monster fell.

After this cut angle off, hide yourself in the ice sea, then swim to the body of the Bike, etc., when Tex and Alice are amazed in the airfall, this tentacle drill from the ice sea. Then, a skin of the epidermic and Alice in it.

Originally he would want to cover Bick, but Bike and the two have a distance, he did not succeed.

... Tex and Alice have not been struggling too long, and it is integrated into the tentacles. The entire rising tentacles gradually re-condensed the mighten cloth in the ice sea.

The Magic Buro has a thrilling resurrection, but also fused to Turks and Alice, and also learned the tricks of the night-long professor and the exercise.

And this time, the monsters did not drilled directly from the water. He wanted to slip away, escaping the nightly wind.

So far, the magist brothers finally recovered calm. He knew that he was still not a nightly opponent, even if it fused to Terros and Alice did not work, he also needs to be swallowed more more powerful people. .

So the monsters built their own breath, try to sink the ice sea.

At this time, the night long wind and the Bick three flew to the air, and the three were eager, especially Klin, is anxious.

"The Magic Buffo is still dead!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

Although he didn't know how the magistar is survived, it is clear that the Buy is still not dead, and Alice and Telks are certainly in his hand.

1407 chapter, unexpected bureau

Just when the night's hard wind, the blush of the Golden Peng Demon, and the top of the crowd broke the atmosphere of the ice planet, and then fly directly into the ice sea.

"What is it?" Bike and Clin are great.

"It is the Saiyan spacecraft!" The night-to-pee-offs airamid is familiar.

A sound, very fast, a movie drilled from the ice sea, flew to the front of the night.

It turned out to be Bergi Tower!

"Bergi Tower!" Klin and Bick were surprised.

"Christie, I finally found you!" Bergi Tower stared at the night-hearted wind in front of him. "I want to continue Duel, this time, don't want to escape!"

"Hey! I can find it here!" The night is cold, he knows that Begitta is looking for him everywhere, but he didn't expect to reach the Vetero's far end of the Galaxy at the speed of the Saaya spacecraft.

In fact, the technology of the Saiyan spacecraft in Bergiita has already been improved. Previous Begitta found a high-tech civilization in the universe, and the speed of the Sairai spacecraft was greatly transformed. It also has the ability to jump in space.

"Less nonsense! Let's make a fight! Christie!" Bergi Tower was in front of the night, and then turned his eye and Kedlin. "If you don't want to die, you don't want to die, you will get some!"

"I am evil! What do you say?" Bike's attitude toward Begitta is very uncomfortable. Now Bike's combat power has been blinded by the old king of the gods to the ,, Not afraid of Berga now.

"I told you some, have you not heard it?" Bergi Tower turned his head to look at the Bike, and the eyes were surging.

"If I don't say it?" The Bike blocks, "Bergata, you are now not the opponent of the long wind. You all don't play, the people who are rolling, you!"

! Berga was entered in an instant, whispering with blue electric light, he directly enhanced gas to the Super Saiyan two level, "You will try again, I am the prince of Saiyan, I am the strongest Saiyan!"

"You have two individuals, Terx and Alice are gone, let's find them first!" Kling is full of sweat and hurriedly.

"Roll!" Bergi Tower found a long time, it was very impatient, now he can't hear it, he is like a vast War War.

boom! Bergi Tower holds the right box, directly in the head of the Bike, wants to force the Bike.

Snapped! Bike's body is green, he left the left arm, opened his left hand, and slammed the fist of Bejita.

"You!" The Eyes of Begita flashed in the eyes. He didn't expect that Bike suddenly became so strong, it was able to resist himself in the Super Saiyan two state.

"I even beat it. This is impossible!" Bergata's forehead green tendon, the pure golden villain came out again, "Yeah!"

The momentum of Bergi Tower continues to rise, he wants to press the force to suppress the bike.

The bit of the Bike is also a blue gluten, and he is also in your own momentum, he doesn't want to lose to Berga.

The two wently condensed two electro-glutinated spherical masks, mutual oppression, sounded sound, Mars splash.

"Long wind, they are lost ingredients!" Kelin is more anxious.

"Don't worry!" Night wind is too lazy to pay attention to Baggi Tower, "Klin, you don't have to worry, everything is given to me, even if Tex and Alice are unfortunately swallowed by the monsters, we still have ▉ Pearl can resurrect them. "

"Well! I believe in you!" Ke Lin focused on nod.

call! The night-long wind spurted at this time, the whole heart was calm, and adjusted the breathing.

Night long wind full body, while the heart is unlimited, he began using Jin Peng Demon's energy, spread his mental force to the whole ice.

The current spiritual power of the night has reached the best level of the nature of the high-end monk, of course, this is the bonus of Jin Peng demon gene.

Soon, the spirit of the night's wind spreads the whole ice planet, and did not induce any bihyight, but also said that the Magic Burgo is not on the ice.

"Continue!" When the night length of the wind, he dried a sweat, he began to explore the spirit to the ice sea.

It is necessary to know that spiritual power is different from the kind of flesh, the spiritual power is quite fragile, and the night long must be careful.

······ Flowers ······

Exploring organisms with spiritual efforts is completely different, the sensing gas is very rough, if the other party is interested in internal charging, you can't find anything.

At this time, the night long wind is in the use of spiritual scanning planet, any creature is impossible to escape the exploration of the spirit, unless his spiritual is far from the night, or there is a powerful hidden magic weapon or equipment.

boom! boom! boom! When the night grows, the Bergata and Bike are not allowed to use the spiritual exploration of the whole ice sea.

At this time, two people were close, and they were familiar with the roots of the opponent, and the tricks were familiar with it. It was also difficult to divide.

On the other hand, the Magic Buno, which is constantly diving to the ice sea, suddenly feels that there is any intangible thing brushing from his body.

...... [...

Bu (I didn't care, he didn't care, and he didn't care, regardless of the invisible thing as a water wave in the deep sea.

At this time, the night-hearted wind that is on the ice sea suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light was surging, "found! The magist silk is not dead, and the body shape has changed."

The spiritual and meticulous exploration of the night long wind has explored a monsters. At this time, the monsters have different giants before, it has become a small child, and the face also changed. Time to get to people, accurately said the Saiyan.

The nose is firm, the corner is hard.

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