The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1424 of the Chapter 1424 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"MD! Buffalo is really embarking in Tex and Alice!" He didn't tell Clin, he did not tell Clin.

This night's live wind is really angry, although Tex and Alice have not died can be resurrected by the Dragon Ball, but the night grows no longer wants to play with the monsters.

"You gave me it!" The night grew is cold and very cold, and his right hand paided the ice sea under the body.

Bang! Night wind right suddenly shot a golden palm, the golden big palm of this dragon icon, and the palm of the palm of the night, very condensed, and it feels like ancient times. Palm.

boom! Ice water splash, the golden palm of the night-long wind and right hand did not enter the ice sea.

1408 chapter, the strongest broth

The slave, the golden palm that is being dive is taken directly.

"What?" Buru was shocked, and he was trying to break free, but the golden palm was struggling and tighter.

"Ah!" The child has a big mouth, he feels that he has been packed in a general, and the cold sea is constantly incorporating his mouth.

! After a few breathing, the monsters were directly brought by the golden palms and showed in front of everyone.

"It is a cloth"! "Kelin looked at the new monsters.

"Death!" The cold light in the eyes of the night, he waved his left hand.

! At this time, the left arm of the night, and the dragon icon has been awkward in his left arm.

bass! bass! bass! In the first moment, on the ice sea, the space of the Bubo appeared in all rooms showed that the golden spear of "28".

"A lot!" Clin was shocked by the scene in front of him, and the left hand of the night was looked at, and there was a spear of Ten Wan.

"Changfeng, he is really angry!" Clin is constantly sweating. He knows that once the night is really angry, the opponent will die very bad, like the previous Flizza.

"Yeah!" At this time, the small monstered built in the golden palm, his combat power is constantly improving, gradually golden palm's light is getting more and more light, just at him wants to break away golden palms. moment.

! ! In the nearby spear of the Magic Close, the nearest spear is directly inserted [into] all his body.

"Ah!" Between a time, the Buick is fell, and it is screaming.

At this time, his whole body pain, the whole body is from the spear of the god, and the blood caves are all everywhere. Blood is more like a fountain that does not want money.

"Betting, I must kill you!" Bruffy eyes looked at night long wind.

The cold light in the eyes is more prosperous, stretch out [out] left felings.

puff! puff! puff! At a time, the spear of the god of the god of Tenhopo blocked the sky was flocked to the magist brothers, and the spear of dense Ma Ma completely formed a ball-shaped golden mask, speed shrinkage.

In the first moment, the monster Buri is wearing a hundred holes, just like a thousand ants, severe pain, stimulating the cerebral cortex of the magistan

The monstered the Face of the Magic Buri is completely distorted. After he was penetrated by the spear of Wan Dao, it was completely engulfed.

The radiance is too glaring, and the energy fluctuations in the ice sea are also let Bake and Beji stopped fighting. The two people look at night long shock.

In particular, Begitta, the prince of the Saiyan is extremely proud of him, with unlimited chills inner, if you are in the stab of Wan Dao, Bergita can almost certainly definitely, maybe It's just that the spear of Wande's god is over.

The power of the true gods can make the magist manufacture of European, and the soul of the Bu Europe is thoroughly crushed, but the night-long wind deliberately divides the power of the Wanxi Dragon Elephant. It is In order to let the Magic Baro bear the feelings of the traffic.

"An angered long wind, this guy is absolutely not good ..." Bike hands are in the chest to block the dazzling golden light, the Bergiita, which is also unable to look directly, only deviating.

At this time, in this dazzling golden light, the body of the Magic Buro was stirred, the energy is too intensive, and the body of the BOS has no survival.

However, the ultra-cell regeneration ability of the monster Blast has once again saved him, and the blood in the blood of the migrarhe's first spurting was also a cell.

Rely on this point of cells, the monsters are alive, and they are quietly uncomfortable to condense a deep red smoke.

This group of smoke came to the body of Bike and Begitta, at this time, the attention of the two people is all on the night, and there is no dangerous approach.

"Be careful!" Kelin first discovered dark red smoke, he yelled Bike and Berga.

"What!" Bik and Begita are too surprised to the night's fighting power, some happening, and then being covered with dark red smoke.

"Wow ..." Bike and Begita wanted to struggle, but the combat power of their two people and the monsters were very far away, and they could not resist the swallowing of the monsters.

"It seems that in this ice world is killing the magic people Buffo!" Night long wind turned his head and looked at the surging dark red fog.

At this time, the smoke has gradually condensed the new head of the magistrate, and his shape has changed again. The physical characteristics of the Mekn and the Saiyan can see it on the new head of the magist. .

"Food!" Kelin widened his eyes. He could not imagine how the Magic Buro survived under the spear of Wan Dao, and continued to swallow Bike and Begitta.

"Hey ..." The deep red smoke constantly gathered in the cold eyes, the new monsters sent the sound of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

! Golden, black, green electric light flows in a constantly condensed dark red smoke, and finally the monsters also make it again, and there is a big red light.

The white space above the ice sea became bright, and the mismarian is crazy, it is more and more amazing, and even the ice planet begins to spend, it seems to be afraid of the new magist.

"Ok, this is really dead!" Klin feels the gas of the monsters, or the relationship between the gods of the gods, he has already been directly posed to the meattake.

"Strong!" Even the long winds in the eyes were slightly surprised. Begitta and Bike's fighting power were not strong, but after the Buo absorbed the Bag and Begitta, the combat power was exaggerated at the exaggeration. .

Every breath, the fighting power of the monster rose by 100 billion, 2.8 He seems to have inspired the blood of the super-prince of Berga.

This is what Bergi Tower desperately wants to do it, talent, in a sense, the monsters are indeed a martial arts super genius.

As long as you can learn, this kind of understanding and talents are simply BUG, ​​and there seems to be the bonus of the power of the world in the Dragon Ball World.

Since the night growth combat power is too fast, the superhen system intends to improve the power of the monsters, so that the system's tasks are still in the level of epic.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,,

At this time, the monsters are the true strongest magic!

1409 chapter, death bomb

"Ah, hahaha, I feel good! I have never feel so strong, my strength has increased at least several times!" The strongest Buur is happy.

The night is still cold, watching the magist brothers, and the Buffo body is more closer to the Saayan battle. It is not too exaggerated, and the arms are similar to the Bike. The outer skin is still dark red.

The top of the head is longer, and the original fine hole in the body is not reduced. The whole person seems to be more smooth, and even the long winds have to admit that the shape of the monster is better than before.

Especially he still wearing the Saiyan battle suit wearing Bergi Tower, but must not be said to be handsome, but it is also uniform.

"Hahaha, night long wind, you played something so painful! My current gas is already stronger than you, I see what you can do! You can't kill me, I have said, I will get more and more stronger. ! "Budo looked at the red light in the cold eyes.

"Waiting for you, I will put you 20 and your loved ones, and your earth is tight! I want you to withstand the suffering of my own!" Close the fist, staring at the night Changfeng, his gas is still raising.

"The combat power is at least more than 5 billion! And it is still growing." The night's rough estimates a righteousness of the monsters, this air is already super super-superhair three.

The current gas of the night is also the three-full power state of the super-semers, which is about 400 billion, that is, the strongest Broccoli is already above the night.

However, the night is still not putting the strongest cloth in the eyes, because his current flesh power has long surpassed the air of the super three state, as for his flesh power, there is so much in the end, and even the night is unable to determine.

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