The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1425 of the Chapter 1425 of the Prince of Tennis

"What happened? Night long wind, are you finally afraid? Haha, why don't you be crazy!" Buffo continued to provoke the night.

"Waste, can you have a little nonsense?" Stating the gun, Boho does not have a night.

"Bastard! It is still so mad!" Buffo can't do it. At this time, his self-confidence is already extremely expanded. It is straightforward to the night.

boom! The bodyization of the Buy has a red light. If you have a flash of the night, then the hands are in front of the night long wind, he is constantly struggling to the arms, the red sphere of the two girroles Brusher's hands aggregate.

It is the famous technology of Begita - super flash.

"Still too slow, you!" In the eyes of the eyes, the golden light flashed, and his hands were instantly, but he was directly holding the hands of the Bou Europe. "Never leave me too close ... because it is too close If you really die! "

The night length is on the feet, and the tens of thousands of particles of the body light at the same time.

"The gods of the gods!" The night is light, and the sound is not large, but the whole ice sea is sound.

bass! At this time, at night, the brightness of the fall - the light of the paragraph started to expand, and then the moment is spread out, and the Buy is so fast.

This time, the speed of the night-long gods expanded in his powerful flesh, very fast.

Moreover, at this time, the energy is used in a pure flesh energy in the mobility of the imagination, rather than the super-suedian valerian that does not match the atmosphere of the imagination.

"What's going on?" The Magic Buru suddenly felt that he could not induce the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and a white sky in the top also became black.

The ice sea under the feet also became dark purple non-luminous ground, at least 10,000 meters, could not see the margin.

"Welcome to my world!" The night grew, he would hassle the hands of the monsters.

▉ The ground rising purple fluorescence quickly shrouded on the red gas group of the two-handed red gampers in the PU, the gas group instantly became small, and then it was quickly sucked directly.

"This ..." Buffo is shocked to look at his own hands, everything is like a dream.

At this time, the space of the night, the space of the gods, is already a big change. First, the absorption of the space is stronger, and the gas group of Huohui gather will be exhausted.

Second, the space is more vast, how big is more specific, and even the night is not perceived, and the night long is looking back after the mysterious statue in the air conditioners of the gods, he saw a whole leg for the whole gods, Just like the stone column of the heavens and the earth.

"Sure enough, what is a statue?" What is it? "The night's wind is more confused about the statue. The statue is too big. The calf is all black, and everything is invisible.

"It's impossible! This is definitely your observatorial method, I must break it!" The Magic Buro still believes that his combat power is already above the night, he hid high.

! This time, the magist of the Ooutan has a dark red energy light ball. This light ball is another kernel. It is a layer of translucent energy mask, and it is not an ordinary move.

"Hey! Let you taste my super death bomb!" The murderous murdered in the east, and the energy of the energy of his head is getting bigger and bigger.

"This feeling is very similar to the death ball, but it is different!" Night long winds can feel the energy of the energetic bomb in the top of the mighteon.

If the Flissa death ball attack can boke a planet, the Magic Buro's super death bomb can directly destroy a gauter 007, and it is not surplus.

"Go to death!" Bo will show the body back, and then throw it out of the super dead bomb, while the body starts to retract backward.

Even the Buick did not dare to be too close to the center point of this death bomb explosion.

"Hey!" The night grew is in the same place, and the face is cold. "Is this your strongest attack?"

"I am not telling you, here is my world, everything is dominated by me!" Night, the right hand, the right hand.

A super death bomb that flying speed flying to the night, actually stopped in the air, completely stationary.

"What!" Broccoli surprised the mouth, a unbelievable expression.

"Also give you!" The golden light in the eyes, the super death bomb in front of him, actually turned back to the back, then quickly rushed to its launcher, the magic, the speed is actually more faster than before. .

Bang! A red light instantly runs away from the distance between the night and the Buffo, and the magist brother is scared to indent the head instant into the neck, and the super death bomb wip the tentacles of the magist brothers.

"The strongest magistrate, I see, you are the strongest shortage of turtles!" The night long-faced horns appeared a disdainful smile.

1410 chapter, super cloth

The night long-term winds are just falling, and the superstead bombs are inhaled directly to the bottom of the earth.

bass! At a time, the purple ground of the purezing soil became more shining, and the energy of the super dead bomb was directly absorbed, and the space of the gods was beginning to expand.

Some movements are automatically completed by the pure land space of the gods. The speed is extremely fast, and the night-catching wind you want to control the super-death bomb.

"Can be evil! Night long wind, you don't care! I haven't used all the best!" The magic man is angry, and no matter what is covered in the night.

boom! Night live winds are not polite with the monsters, directly on the face of Buya.

Among the space of this gods, his flesh power has been added, and the speed of the monster is actually weakened. It seems that the night is in the eyes of the turtle.

! The entire nose bone of the monster is blocked, and the whole person has been fly out of the night.

"I am evil! I am evil! Why do I still do him! Why!" The anger in the europe of the eurus is getting more and more prosperous, and the blood of the Prince of the Bergita-prince is also activated.

A slave, the Buffo Zhou spurted strong, forced him to fly the body.

"This feeling is the super-seizure change?" Night is cold and coldly looked at the magist of the body at this time.

At this time, the bishopper turned dark green, and the face of the entire person became cold, and the appearance of Begita became a super-seedae, and the combat power was rising.

boom! Blue electric light is surging in the monsters, and his breath is getting stronger and stronger, and finally double it.

One hundred billion combat power!

At this moment, the magistrate buffet combat power has increased to 100 billion, which is simply super Buur!

"Go to death, night long!" Super Buur, full of green gluten, against the night's long-standing palm.

boom! boom! boom! The red gas group covering the sky is shot from the hands of the monsters, which is also one of the tricks of Begitta, and continuously uninterrupted gas group attacks.

"One hundred billion combat power?" Night's mouth, "" How is it one billion! "

bass! Night long wind full of golden light, his flesh power is full, 10,000 thousand dragon icons are madly motivated by night, and the rain is very colorful with colorful light, and the gods fight!

Among the pure land of the gods, the gods of the gods were nearly invincible, and most of the gas groups in Super Buco were all over the colorful armor of the night, but they were all rebounded one by one.

Bang! At a time, the space of the entire nitach is exploded everywhere, and the energy of the explosion is constantly spread in the space of this loses, and then directly absorbed.

The pure land of the gods is different from the globe. Its energy structure is related to the strength of the night-long wind, and the night long gland is equivalent to the reduced version of Jin Peng Demon, so the space of the gods is also the space. Very stable, it is almost impossible to break.

boom! boom! boom! The night length of the wind disappears instantly, then it is immediately after the superb Europe's body, it is the continuous ordinary punch.

A punch!

Super Bu 's body strength is also good, and under the heavy punch of the night, the body is not stronger, and it is very strong.

puff! puff! puff! However, Super Broccoli is still bombarded, and then the back is bombarded by the night.

The .

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