The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1426 of the Chapter 1426 of the Prince of Tennis

hack! At this time, the night-long wind and right hand, a golden spear elongated in the night length, and then directly through the upper superb Europe's body.

Snapped! The poor magist brother Boho was lifted in the air, and the blood continued from the body, then dripped on the ground and was absorbed by the spatial spatial spatial.

In this space of the losses, the monsters are already rolling, and there is no way to escape!

This uncomfortable killing of the monsters, it is clear that the night's wind is absolutely will not collapse, and although it takes a lot of energy to maintain the pure land of the gods, it is still supported by the current strength of the night. For a long time.

"Why don't you talk, super cloth o'clock? Do you want to kill me? Do you have this thing!" Looking at the magist fabric in the night.

In fact, the combat power of Super Bu (the fighting power "is already very exaggerated, but in this gods, it is still hung in the cold soil, and the flesh of the night is too strong, and it has an unimaginable effect.

"Hey ..." At this time, the supercloo bite his teeth. His body begins to distort the deformation, like a plasticine, gradually from the golden spear running through his abdomen, and he is restarted in the air.

Super Buro's body is also in terms of ultra-fast speed, in terms of ultra-cell regeneration ability, the scientific man is terrible, and after being swallowed by Bike, it seems to become stronger.

"¨` ▉ You are killing murder, as long as I am alive, it will get more and more stronger! "Super Bu can look at the resentment of the night.

"Yes?" The night's wind turned back to the superclocula, and then grabbed the tentacles after the monster.

! The ultra-long tentacles after the BOP are taking advantage of the night long-lasting force!

"Ha!" The night-long wind will thrown the tentacles to the air, then spray the energy light column directly to dissipate it.

"Now you can't automatically get rid of resurrection, I have said this is the world I dominated. Your cells don't take off my eyes, don't think you can really resurrect under my eyelids. "" Night long-standing expression.

"Don't you know that I have been playing with you?"

"Mix ... Egg!" The magist bruises were shaking. He was not stupid, (Novo Good) He knows that now, the night is not like being boasted.

That is to say, the night-length wind has always just regards the monsters as a spacing object.

"Don't he deliberately stimulate me, let me constantly become stronger? How can this possible!" The magist brother has given a scary idea.

"Forget it, you are too weak! There is no use of the value!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and he has lost interest to the monster.

Even the blood of the Prince of the Bergataian prince, the space law of superb Europe is shaken by the space of the Past Pine, is not the opponent of the night.

"Don't think you won!" The superpocked super Bubo suddenly wanted to the night, and he decided to be alone.

"Do you have any tricks?" The night's long wind gradually released the clenched fist. "What is the ability to make it out, otherwise it doesn't have a chance ..."

Chapter 1411, Buy

bass! At this time, the superb Europe's full-body red gantry exploded, ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Playing self-explosion?" The night grew in the eyes.

Maybe on the earth or on the Ice Planet, at this time, the superbel's self-explosion is enough to destroy the whole planet in an instant, even the galaxy in the whole planet.

However, here is the space of the nature, as long as the strength of Super Buro is under the long wind, his self-explosion cannot break through the space of the gods, and can't tell the hurt to night.

"Hey ~ ▉ Super Buur Europe, suddenly slamming, the eyes are flashing.

After the loud noise, the superclubfather is like the unclear explosion of the mud, and the superb Europe's body is once again treated with the nano-scale massive individual, and it disappears in front of the night.

"Well?" The night is very shocked, and Super Bu has no choice of self-explosion, let him have some unexpected.

Let night long-winding unexpectedly unified superclothe in nano massive individuals, avoiding the perception of night long, quickly flying to the night length.

And between the electro-optical rock-137-, it is placed on a cylinder, and the night long wind is completely covered.

Super Buffo is actually swallowing the night's wind, it is an alone, once he is not successful, it is clearly only one.

Because the individual identified into nano-stage individuals in an instant is difficult, if the night is in advance, if you use the transient, these nano-level blessed, there is no host, it will be directly in just few seconds. death.

Even if the superclocula has a superscriptable reproduction, it will take a long time to recover.

Enjoying rich insurance, Super Bu This is a dead survival, and he succeeded.

"Success ... Success!" Super Bu , his forehead is full of sweat, and a super large circle in the abdomen is growing.

Call ~ ▉ ... it is also deep calling a few mouthfuls, and the tension of superb Europe is gradually soothing, and it will become unusually excited.

"Too good! Haha! Night long wind, you are a big mad, it is not absorbed by me! Are you not very angry? This time you completely finrate, mix with it! Wow hahaha ..." Super cloth Ou excited, the whole person is completely embarrassed.

"Wait!" After an excuse, Super Budo finally found it is not strong. First, the space of the gods of the gods of the night is still, more importantly, his shape is still exactly the same, completely.

"Strange ... I have not changed?" Budo looked at his recommended body, and he did not just swallow the Bergiita and the Bike, the power rose.

"For example, any arrogant guy has been absorbed by me, no need to manage him, probably take a period of time!" The magist of the Euro said, "The guy killed, I am the strongest magist of the universe, no Who can stop me! "

"Haha, I can swallow all the life of the whole universe!" Super Bu

On the other hand, after being swallowed by a superb Europe, the night-long wind actually became extremely small, and came to the body of Super Bu.

"The idiots really think he can absorb me?" The night long wind is covered with golden masks, just have blood vessels, want to cover the night, and directly have a knife with a knife.

In fact, I have just discovered the premiere of Super Buro, and he is deliberately being swallowed by the monsters, and the night long style feels that the body of the Magic Buru has a Bike and others. It is very likely that the Bike has not died.

Therefore, the night-long wind deliberately wandered before the thorough mortgage of the Magic, and then explored.

Although Tex and Alice can also be resurrected with Dragon Ball (Caba), Bergi Tita has been resurrected once, and the two people use Earth Dragon Ball Wishing to resurrect.

"It's nausea!" Night wind, at this time, it is in the Pomeram (Department], here is a bright red organizational organ.

bass! bass! bass! The night-length wind is in the superclothe heart, and quickly discovered the first person, it is Bike.

Bike is wrapped in bright red blood vessels, only ahead, his eyes closed, it seems to be completely lost.

"All are here!" The night's wind continued to look around. In this heart space, Telks and Alice and Begita were shackled around. They were the same as B., they were parked. Vascular tissue is closed.

In addition, the night long is here to see some human beings that have become bones, these are previously absorbed by Boo, and their physical strength is not high, almost instantly aphasia is bone.

"It seems that the migramoho is first used by magic and slowly absorb their energy with blood vessels to achieve long-term maintenance of stable effect!" When the night's wind glanced, he wore the mystery of Magic Burbo's Euclocking ability. "So I just changed directly!"

Among the pure land of the gods, Super Bu can fly a better for a big bury, and his face immediately went over.

"This ghost place, directly breaking him!" Super Buco scattered a purple light on his feet, launched his hands, but also put out the posture of the super flash.

At this time, the night lengthy wind in the superclon is is handling the knife, and the continuous waves four.

Snapped! Almost at the same time, the golden hand knife waved in the loud wind cuts directly cut off the vascular tissue on the head.

"Ah!" Super Bubo suddenly felt the heart [department] a bit of pain, and then brought the chest.

! At this time, the body of the superbuguo started to deform, actually from the shape of the superb Europe to the form of Dabo Europe.

"What's going on? Do you say ..." Dabu is completely stupid, and the powerful feeling of super Buuro has disappeared.

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