The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1427

It is the magist of the body to revert to Dabo!

"Oh, can you divide a difference in your own body?" The night is cold and coldly looked at the big bruises, "Now, what do you do, the strength is so powerful!"

"Breast! I have made these guys who have absorbed me ... all get it!" Dabu shouted the night, shouting, it looked completely because of the loss of power.

1412 chapter, paradise god

"How? Do you want to say to kill me?" The night's figure instantly disappeared in the original place, and directly moved to the Out of Out.

boom! The night-long wind is on the back of Dabo, and the Big Buffalo's body is in direct cave.

"You!" Big Buur turned his head and looked at the night long wind, and his mouth kept leaned from blood.

"Waste!" The night grew forward, kicked directly on Dabu, poor cloth Europe, kicked directly to two times, heavy hit on the inner wall of the atrium.

"Still first saving them again!" The night grew down the Bike and others on the ground, then the right arm rose big, the right folk was slow, and the right folk was slow, and it was a boxing, and the Bouo Hexin Meat Bi.

The sound of the bang, the night-long farewell is like a tiger, the moment is amazing, and the various blood vessels in the atrium are directly connected to the inner wall.

A slap, the inner wall of the Bouo's heart began to crazy blood, but actually did not be bombarded.

"Well?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, although it was only a punch, but the night grew wind now is powerful, even if it does not need to be arbitrarily stunned, you can crush the Caminant. Stone, let alone the flesh and blood of Buru.

Reality is a punch that the night grows, just a very shallow pothole that the meat BI of the BOU's heart is.

"... haha, useless!" Only the blessing of the borders of the borders were challenged to the night, "Your body is reduced, your strength is also reduced, now you are My body is more than the flea! You can't hurt me! "

"Haha, wait until you die! Night long wind, you will be sleepy sooner or later!" Broccoli was laughing.

"Yes?" The night is cold, the cold is cold, and his feet are open, the momentum is completely different.

"What do you want to do?" Buffali is a brow, there is an unknown premonition.

"Hey! I don't want to use this trick, it seems that there is no way now!" The night grew funeral is placed in the chest.

bass! At this time, he worked with the golden light, the force of the dragon icon was running in the madness of the night, according to the imaginations of the prison, and the night long body muscles, the two arm rose more than doubled.

The body of blood vessels, crazy flowing with blood into a gold thin line.

boom! At this time, the night was on the ground, flew to the Bouo's heart room, and then a big drink.

"Paradise God!"

Night wind and right boxes naturally, destroy!

When the night grew, he booked the second strike of the paradise of the paradise.

It's a loud noise, and the night-long fist is waved, and a black crack is instantly unfolded and is a spatial crack.

The night-catching style is like a punch, but it directly has a spatial crack. The so-called destruction is to destroy everything.

The paradise god is the heavens, let you return to the west!

! After the night's wind, the spatial crack is actually spread among the Buro's atrium, and then torn the corruption and absorbing everything!

puff! Dabukou is a blood in the Dabukou in the pure land, he suddenly felt that his entire heart disappeared in an instant.

"Heavenly Punches - Nature!" Night-catching attacks kept, followed by left felings, the second style of the paradise god boxed.

The so-called cursor is natural, and natural tricks is to return all everything to nature, and it is the most original structure.

After the night's boxing waved, Dabu did not feel any pain, but he bowed his head, his body was constantly disintegrating.

The night's fist is like a spring breeze, and the biggest allocation of the big cloth is instantaneous into atoms, and finally the atom is not left, nature is an element.

And the other side, the night long wind surveyed the blue gantry cover to directly cover Truss and Bike et al., As well as the body that directly rushing out of Big Bu.

When the night long wind and other people returned to the net space space, the night cost directly sent several people back the iced of Ice.

"Ah, Alice, Telks!" Julin, looking for a night-length wind shadow, seeing a blue mask that enveloped a few people, and immediately screamed to everyone.

At this time, everyone's body size is completely recovered, and Kelin begins to cut the flesh and blood tissue of the residual parcel, saved everyone.

·· ▉ ▉ · ···

After the night long wind in the pure land of the gods, the body is also recovering, such as the beginning, the big cloth has been bombarded by the night, which is not a joke.

Even if the power is only one percent, the paradise gods are enough to bind the monsters, but not, don't say cells.

And the night's long wind has just made a two tricks, the paradise gods are a total of nine-style, and each power is shocked, and the night grows now.

This is the most important idiot of the flesh force before the night grows, and the most important idiots unlocked. If the nine-style all-pass, the night grows is equivalent to a feet into the heavens, qualified to go The high level is mixed.

After flying out of the Boulevard, the night long turned and turned to the monsters.

At this time, Dali had only one head, and he continued to make a sound, his vocal cord is gradually differentiated by nature, it is no way to say it.

Natural boxing is endless, and it will not completely differentiate the objects in the hit, but will not disappear.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

It seems to be quiet, actually more horrible.

"MD, I know that I will use this natural punch soon, let you have a heavy cell regeneration ability, and even the cells are differentiated. How do you rebirth?" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

This is also the first time, the first time used the paradise god box, a punch breaks the space, a punch will divide the scorpion, the euthanas, the slag, unstoppable, no one can enemies!

After several breathing, the Magic Baro was thoroughly divided by natural punches, and even energy was also differentiated into an element, and the losses could not absorb.

At night, when the night is very hard, the magic bunker is completely killed, the magistaron iconic pink smoke appears in front of the night.

"What! Natural boxing can not completely kill the magic people?" The night is full of eyes and unburses, showing very little exposed very shocking expressions.

At this time, the pink smoke that suddenly emerged in front of the night-faced wind began to gradually gathered together, and it was a human form to constantly condense.

1413 chapter, Thunder

After several breathing, the new broth appeared in the space of the native land.

At this time, the Pomerarhea has changed back to the initial shape, and the body shape is more than doubled, which has become a small cloth.

"Hai ... call ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Well? The feeling of gas is like weaker!" The night-long windpow, looked at the new small cloth Europe, compared to Dabo, Xiaobu, "It turned out, it seems that the world Wang Shen is really true! "

At the time of the king of the king of the king, the king of the king was finally aligned before the night's wind left, that is, the beginning of the magistrate, there is a total of five kings in the universe.

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