The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1429 of the Chapter 1429 of the Prince of Tennis

After that, after getting a news that the Magic Bug was indeed thoroughly killed, everyone was cheering.

It is followed by, the night length makes Dadi call out the earth dragon with Qilong Pearl, and directly lets hundreds of millions of Earth who are swallowed by the monsters.

By the way, use the second wishes to fix the Earth and the environment and city of the Magic Baro.

The people on the earth are very awkward. I don't know what happened. I have a lot of guessing in the past. What is a matrix hacker control, an alien invaded, etc. A series of unreliable rumors.

In short, the earth quickly recovered to the peace of the past, ushered in a new short-lived peace time.

After destroying the monsters, the night-catching wind is a short break on the earth. After all, after three years of hardship in the spiritual time, night long needs a little time to relax their body and spirit.

After a while, the night-hearted wind started to fly the space for the Star Well, and looking for a planet suitable for cultivation.

Nowadays, the fighting power of the night is really too strong. It has been flying in the universe for a long time, no suitable cultivation of the planet, and the night cost is only to let the artificial intelligence of the Star Winner automatically let go, and yourself in the Star Lingling Warman. Double cultivation in a thousand times.

At this stage, the injection of the flesh of the night, there is no extra high energy injection. On the other hand, the night-length wind reaches the bottleneck in breaking through the super-Saians.

Without the spiritual time, the inexhaustible vitality in the house, the night is basically impossible to break through in a short time, even in the spiritual time house, it should also break over a short time.

Once the human combat power has reached a certain level, it is necessary to rely on cultivation to increase the breakthrough. At that time, it is not calculated in the year, and it is calculated in ten years, or even centuries.

On the other hand, the Baggi Tower saved once, with the humiliation, and opened the stage of the universe practice.

The practice in the gravity chamber of the earth can no longer meet the Baggiita, and if you want to chase the night's level in the shortest time, Bergi Tower must look for a chamber in the universe.

Don't defeat the dignity of the night, the dignity of the prince, the guy in Bergiita will not be good.

At this time, Begda is cultivating on an environmentally harsh unmanned in the eastern end of the Galaxy, which is called iron stars by the universe.

Its planet is almost all iron substances, and this planet is exaggerated and amazing is nearly a thousand times.

boom! boom! boom! Beggetta is constantly bombarding a seat steel mountain range on the iron stars, and then actually a person will fly to the air to fly to the air and put it down again, this clumsy approach.

Just after the Masham abuse, a large spherical spacecraft penetrated the atmosphere of the iron star, landed to the valley from the surroundings around Begitta.

Bang! Begitta saw the ball spacecraft, threw the two Tienshan on the shoulder, and shaken between the mountains.

At this moment, the cabin of the ball spacecraft opened, hundreds of universe wearing a universe, and the universe of the universe flooded from the cosmic boat, then flew around Beji Tower.

"Hey! What do you want to do? 597" Begitta looked at the universe of the four weeks.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing white cloak came to Behaga after the universe, and gave a knee knee, "Prince Begita", "Begita prince, we have been looking for you!"

Bergi Tower glanced at the muscles of the muscles, and the corner of his mouth, "Are you a Saiyan?"

"My name is Palagas, you have come true, I am one of the Saiyans who have left in the universe!" Palagas looked up at Bergata Road.

"Hey! I really didn't expect to live in this universe and Saaya people in this universe!" Bergata snorted, "said, what do you want to do?"

"We are special to welcome you to the new Bergita star!" Palagas low channel.

"Ni! Do you say new Begitta planet?" Bergi Tower is surprised, the memory of Bergita is very far away from him.

"Ah, this is a new planet that I have been looking for. I want to let the Saiyan of the strongest battle nation will return to the peak of the universe, so that the whole universe is afraid, then under your leadership Built a real universe empire! "Palagas said more excited, actually standing up.

"Oh! Cosmic Empire! The universe of the Empire!" The universe around the two people shouted.

1415 chapter, New Begitta star

"Hey!" Beji Tita snorted, it seems that there is no interest in conquering the universe.

"People who can knock down the legendary super-seizure, only you, the Bergiita adult!" Palagas handshake.

"Legendary Super Saiyan?" Begitta brow one pick, "There are other people in this universe to become a super-semi-Saiyan?"

"Yes! He is in the southern end of the Milky Way, in the southern end of the Galaxy, in accordance with the current trend, the new Baggita star we have been unbound will be destroyed by him!" Palagas is excited.

"Strong Super Saiyan?" Begitta brow wrinkled, although he did not have a little interest in conquest the universe, but the powerful super-seizure in Palagas evokes the memories of Bergiita.

Among the Impressions of Begitta, in addition to Christie is a night-long, there is a Saaya with his peers to be launched to other planets before the Baggiita star explosion.

"Is it he?" Bergi Tower's eyes flash, and then cold channel, "Palagas, you take me to see!"

"Yes!" The Palagas mouth came out a smile that was not easy to detect, turned and referred to the fingers of the ball spacecraft, "Begitta adults, please come with me!"

Bang! Very fast Bijita followed Palagas back to the ball spacecraft, and then the spacecraft was launched directly, flew out of the atmosphere of the iron star, and opened the insect hole and jumped directly, leap into the universe.

On the other hand, the long-awaited task tips in the gravity chamber of the Star Ling Battles.

Ding! Trigger the main line task: Kill the mysterious super-seizure

Task Level: Legendary Mission

Task reward: number of lottery plus three

Failure punishment: minus the lottery

Systematic evaluation: In the South Yinhe Department, there is a super Saiyan who is destroying the civilization there, please quickly go, destroy the super-semi-Saiyan who creates terror.

"Well ?" After listening to the new task released by the system, the night length stopped the action in his hand, then wiped a forehead sweat, and the golden light was flashing, "Super Saiyan? South Yinhe Department?"

"I kao! Now I will not only maintain the world's peace, I still have to maintain the universe peace?" The night is not complaining. In fact, he does not want to manage the death of the South Yinhe system, but Since the system has released a task, the night costs have to go.

However, this time the task makes the night growers, according to your urine in the super-god system, if the night grows close to the strongest power of the Dragon Ball, it will release the final task.

After completing the final task, the night grows can get the power to enter the next world.

At present, the night-length wind has not found the opponent in the universe. The migrenic fabric is far less than night long wind. At this time, the system is still publishing a legendary task, which proves that the universe of this dragon ball is still There is more powerful strength than night long winds.

This is a good news for the night long wind, because he has not encountered anything like a similar opponent.

And the night's live wind has always had a feeling. His last opponent is not necessarily a universe, but should be the strongest battle nation in the Dragon Ball world, because only the Saayan's battle potential is unlimited.

Once upon night, this opponent will be Bergi Tower, and now it seems to have another person.

"There is only one super-Saassai news in the task information. It is broken through what stage of the Super Saiyan, what is called again, there is no information." The night grew down and thought about it.

When he remembered the earliest Latis landing earth, he once revealed that the three Sairaes in the universe, and the three Sairaes who were guys in the universe, and the low level of another level and a rank of the night grow. Saiyan.

"Is this super-seizure in the South Yinhe system?" Night live wind analysis, I feel that it is the low-level scorpion in Latis, "Well, go directly to see it!"

"Artificial intelligence! Give me the space to the South Yinhe Department, find the planet with the Saiyan traces!" Night cost directly ordered.

"Okay, Captain!" After the artificial intelligence response, the Star Lingling Battle launched in the universe, and then the jumper entered the spatial wormhole.

New Begitta star.

Paradati came to the new Bergata star with Bergi Tower. After the space got off, Palagas made a suspended vehicle and was going to the so-called new palace in Bergi Tower.

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