The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1430 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Beggetta star has been destroyed by Flissa for decades. I wanted to find Flissa first, but we heard that Flissa has been killed, is Flizza is Begu Do you kill the Tower? "Who of Palagas does not open .

"¨` ▉ ! Not me! "Beji Tita snorted, it was obviously unhappy.

"Hehe ... In short, Flissa is dead, then Revival Bergita star and Saiyan race is my biggest wish, I believe this is also the best way to repay your father in the sky." Palagas Loyal, "Now, the prince of Begita is back, my wish can finally be completed!"

"Hey! You are too nonsense, Pala Jas!" Bergi Tita held shoulders, loyal to Pala Jas, is very born, unless you can defeat Berga, otherwise he Disdain look at it.

This time, Begda is just interested in the legendary super Saiyan.

Soon, Berga ride airship returned to the newly built palace in Palagaskou.

This silver is completely very magnificent atmosphere, and there is a very vast square on the cliff wall.

"Begitta Wang (Li Li Zhao), long live!" At this time, it gathered a lot of universe people who greeted Berga. These people were not the Saiyan, as if they were the soldiers from Palagas. It is a servant.

"Prince Begita, you see, these are all because your prestige is returned to us, waiting to conquer the universe of the universe!" Palagas turned to the Berga.

"Yes?" The Bergata's eyes flashed a context, and there was not much to say what to jump off the airship and then stepped into the palace.

Just when Bejita just walked into the palace, he felt a familiar gas and a Saaya's breath.

"Well?" Berga turned around, his eyes, a high-profile brunette man standing on the left side of him, the age and Behagiita is quite.

This person is half-body, and below is a red bell pants, the expression is gloomy, and there are some golden ornaments.

1416 chapter, suspicious cloud

"This is my son, please guide him!" Palagas referred to a high man explained.

"Hello, my name is Brole!" Brole is gloomy, a pair there is no vitality.

"Look at your look, is the Saiyan?" Begitta browed one pick, he did not expect this universe to have more than one Saiyan.

Bridged nodded, "Yes, Prince Begita!"

At this time, a universe rushed into the palace, then single knee and kneeling: "Report! Super Saiyan appeared on Tataka planet!"

"Ni!" Bergi Tower was shocked, then turned, "I will go with the guy in the past, you follow me, Brole!"


Soon the two men boarded a small cosmic boat, the space of the universe was launched directly, and quickly flew out the Atmospheric layer of the new Bergitta star.

"Oh ..." Palagas looked up at the far-off spaceship, and there was a smile of unknown mouth.

The lens is turned to the Star Warcad, and the night-long wind is still cultivating in the gravity chamber.

At this time, the artificial smarter of the Star Lingling Warcad thought.

"What?" The night length stopped the action in his hand.

"Reporting the ship, has found a trace of Saiyan to live in the planet." Artificial intelligence-473-cold walkback.

"Very good! Directly landed to that planet!" Night lived did not expect to find a Saayan's raceful planet.

boom! With the Star Ling Battles, the starry atmosphere has fallen through a dark gray atmosphere, and the night grows to the new Bergita star.

Looking around, a wolf is borrowed, and there is a broken wall everywhere, like a universe garbage.

"It is indeed a Saaya's breath!" The night long wind energy felt that if there is no situation in the air, and the night's wind has a perception of Jin Peng Demon, it can feel this planet. The Saiyan is more than one.

"Is it Begita?" Night-length wind energy felt that there was an air very familiar, but the air was gradually staying away from this planet.

"There are a lot of weak breath, just in the absence of!" Night long-lasting heart and feel a lot of weak breath, and the combat power is almost negligible.

"Go and see!" The night's right hand didfully, and the moment was disappeared in the same place.

bass! When the night is once again appeared, it came to a canyon. There are many long-awaited universe dwarves around the canyon, which seems to be in progress (CAAI), and there are all bridges and pipes on the ground and rock walls.

! At this time, a old universe dwarf fell before the night length of the body, and he transported the steel pipeline and issued a sound of table tennipping.

"Ah! We are not lazy, just because Grandpa's body is uncomfortable!" The small universe of the old universe dwarf looked nervously at night long wind, and he was busy explained.

"Don't be nervous, I am not monitored! What are you doing here, what is the planet of this planet?" Asked the night.

"Shoot ..." The small universe dwarf rushed to dry, and then looked up to the night growth. "Here is Begita Planet."

"Begita planet?" The night is very windy. In his impression, the planet was destroyed by Flissa many years ago, and since this planet is also called the Bergita star, it should be with the shell Gitta has a relationship.

"We are not the aborigines of this planet, because Super Saiya talents will be caught here." The little universe dwarf wants to pull the steel pipe back to the original position, but how can it be pulled, because it is It is too heavy.

"I can evil! What Sai people, it is simply the universe devil. It is not to force us to do these things! Grandpa is sick!" Xiaoxiao people's eyes are slightly red.

At this time, a universe person wearing a Saayan battle suit leaped from the air, holding a leather whip in his hand, looking like a monitors.

"Little ghost, are you lazy?" The monitors raised their whip directly to the back of the dwarf.

Snapped! The night's long wind flashes, and I grasp the monitors raised the right hand of the penipple. "When I am in question," When I am in question, you should give me the opportunity! "

"Who are you? Intrudes?" The monitors wanted to pull out the right hand, but he also pulled it, the right hand of the night is like an iron pliers, they all got him.

"Say! Where is the Super Saiyan!" Night wind micro-power, the right hand of the monitors immediately deformed twisted.

"Ah!" The monitors immediately screamed, and his screams also attracted a lot of monitors who were wearing the Saaya fighting, and they looked guys.

A total of ten people, win the night longema group in the middle.

"Intrudes, let us let us!" The monitors rushed on the night.

"The public!" The night's wind right, the hand condensed a blue CD, it was a gas circle.

bass! When the night is windy, the right hand is free, and the light of the gas is flashing.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! The gas is turned around a big circle around the night, and ten monitors' heads are moving in an instant, and then the body is heavy.

"Ah!" The dwarf and the old dwarf were shocked by the movement of the night.

"Okay, the problem is solved, these guys are dead. Their spacecraft still have there, you can use their spaceship back!" Night wind refers to the spaceship behind it.

"Thank you ... Thank you!" The dwarf had an excitement to hold the old dwarf, and they went to notify other dwarves preparing to escape.

! At this time, the night length is just flying, and a suspended airship flew over, one of the middle-aged men jumped from the suspensory boat, landing in front of the night, is Palagas.

"You just have the boss of the group of Wuzhong?" The night is cold and coldly glanced.

"You are Christie, oh, is it a night grew well?" Palagus suddenly opened, it seems to know the night.

"You know me, and even my name knows. Who are you?" Night long-term brows picks up. "I can feel the Saaya's breath, you are also the Saiyan."

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