The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1431 of the Chapter 1431 of the Prince of Tennis

"My name is Palagas, is the king of the Prince Begita! Here is the new Bergita star, you also received the information from the Prince of Begita to come here?" Palagas rushed to the night Extrusion a grunge smile.

"Sure enough, Bergi Tower came. Where is he?" Asked coldly in the night.

"Prince Begita went to chase the Super Saiyan, you come with me, I will take you to our new palace to rest. Beggetta should come back!" Palagas slowly replied.

"Chasing Super Saiyan? It seems to be more and more interesting?" The night grew in the mouth and took the airship directly. "I see what kind of pattern you can play ..."

1417 chapter, Brole

That night.

Palagas ran away after the night length of the new palace, didn't know where to go.

The night-hearted wind is a big drink in the palace. This so-called new Beiji Tower planet, there is nothing in the air, almost unmractive.

Night-catching wind does not think that someone will regard such a desolate planet as a place of residence, and he always feels that Pala Jas is hidden in hidden.

boom! On the other side, Bergiita and Brole's cosmic spacecraft returned at this time.

Beggetta is unhappy, "can be evil! What super-seizure, even a ghost shadow!"

"You can rest assured, I will definitely track the trail of Super Saiyans!" I don't know where Palagas suddenly appeared behind the Bergi Tower.

"Begita, your planet is really not good!" The night length moved to the front of Berga.

"Christty, you are also coming!" Bergata brow wrinkled, he knew that now he is still far from the opponent of the night, which makes Bergi Tita have been a calm mind.

"I am not coming to you, I am not interested in you, I am also looking for the legendary super-seizure!" The night is cold.

"You!" Bergata almost died in the cold, "I tell you, Christie! Here is my site, I will solve the super-semi-Saiyan, don't use you! Hey!"

Berga is angry with night long wind, and no longer says that you want to fell and night.

Bergiita is a lonelies, but he is also a fool. He already knows that the night grows up to the stage of the super-Saiyan three power, it is impossible to be the opponent of the night.

"The guy of Bergiita knows the ratio!" The night's wind shook his head, and then felt a murderous.

At night, the long wind turned around, the high muscle man in front of him looked at himself, and the expression seems to be a bit weird. It is Brole.

"Who are you? Saiyan, what do you want?" Asked at night.

"..." Brole did not answer, just a double punch, his mouth was constantly pumping [moving].

"Brole, you are calm!" Palagas shouted in Brole, at the same time, the golden ornaments brought by Brole began to shine.

"Your name is Broley, how, do you want to fight?" The night is looking at Brole, and the eyes are in the eyes.

At this point, the night-length wind can feel the fluctuation of the gas in Brole, and he is like a pool of vitality.

"Come over!" Palagas made a golden bracelet on the wrist.

Brole's obneptory expression gradually changed back, murderous and instantly disappeared.

"No, I don't want to fight!" Brolen wrapped around the long wind and then left Palagas left.

"Strange guy!" Night lived on the background of the two, the corner of his mouth, "What is these guys hidden?"

In the dark room, Palajas is a fine ▉ Various glowing instruments, and the golden bracelet on his wrist is connected to a lot of wires seem to be transmitted.

"Yes, Palagas adults carefully open the device!" Suddenly there was a long-awaited dwarf holding a record. This is in the dark room. Dan 5

Snapped! Palagus listened to the line with a golden bracelet and fell on the ground with a golden bracelet.

! At a time, the golden bracelet on the red bracelet, there is a silk red electro-optical surge.

"Ah! Palagas adults, you must be careful!" The dwarf was shocked, and he quickly picked up the golden bracelet. "From the computer data, the controller is not damaged, Bo The power of the benefit is completely mastered by you! "

"Really?" Palagas put the bracelet in his hand and turned and left the dark room.

"Brole? What happened just now, how can you release that obvious murder?" Palagas relieves self-speaking, the forehead has sweat.

"Is it because it is the relationship between the night, Bololi will not help but want to tear his Yu, so do you always break away from me?" Pa La Gaz brows, "If this is the case, then my plan ..."

"Can be evil! Night-length, the guy is here, how do he know how Super Saiyan's news?" Paradati is anger.

Prior to this, he has been investigating overnight and Bergi Tower. He knew that night long winds and Bergiita stayed on the Earth for a long time.

· ▉ ▉ ·· ·

But he didn't know that night long winds and Bergiita's current combat power level, Palagas didn't care about the war of Night, Bergi Tower, because he had a trump card in his hand.

That is Brole.

It turns out that Brole is super strong from small force, and there is over 10,000 combat power during the baby. It is necessary to know that this is the battle force of the Saiyan Prince Begitta.

Comparing the general Saiyan born to dozens of combat power, Brole's talent is not able to use the enchanting.

What is the concept of over 10,000, and the fighting power when Bergi Tower has just come to the Earth, but it will get the global chicken flying dog.

And the night-long wind that has just been coming to the Dragon Ball. If you encounter Brole in the baby period, it is the rhythm of the spike.

........ [... ▉]

Barole is so powerful, and his character is also increasingly violent with age, Brole's adult, completely separated from Palagas's control, and many times, it is full of six pro, I haven't recognized it. I hurt my father, Palagas.

Palagas is more and more fearful, so I invited the scientists in the universe in high-tech civilizations just the elf, and the research creates controllers that can control Brole.

And Palagas wore the controller in Brole, and finally controlled Brole's power.

Get Brolagas, the inner heart becomes extremely expanded, and it is a wish to give birth to the whole universe.

So he will have an extremely angry and fear of losing control after Bolori to see the night.

Once Brilli lost control, I am afraid that he is herself, Palagas daresly, and he also believes that if Brole is out of control, the entire universe will be destroyed by him.

! At this time, Brole sat in his own room, full of sweat, as soon as the rain, his body is constantly shaking, the golden decoration whose body is constantly shining.

"Christie! Christie!" Brole's non-stopped named night's name, suddenly sprouting the violent golden vitality, the whole face became cold.

1418 chapter, War Bridge

Finally, Brole is still in the violent violent in the chest. He has become bleak in the light of the golden decoration. Brole is directly hitting the door from the room, and then rushing to induction of the direction of the night length.

At this time, the night-lived wind is on the square of the palace, and the Brole speed is extremely fast. I came to the front of the night in front of the blink of an eye, and one sentence didn't say, come to the head of the night long wind. .

Call ~ ▉! Brolear is like a tiger, and the training suit on the night's body is blown.

"You want to fight, say it early!" Night wind shadow flashed, Brole's fists waved.

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